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Title:Struktura populacije in značilnosti rastišča severne linejevke (Linnaea Borealis L.) v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Povhe, Sabina (Author)
ID Pipenbaher, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Škornik, Sonja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Povhe_Sabina_2020.pdf (4,20 MB)
MD5: 6C4670C700BAAD2E427F1DD20536F338
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a0ba131f-3d42-45cd-8bab-a6699d824953
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Severna linejevka (Linnaea borealis L.) je avto-inkompatibilna klonalna vrsta s cirkumborealno razširjenostjo. V Sloveniji ima samo eno znano rastišče na mrazišču v Soteski pri Bohinju. Zaradi redkosti je bila uvrščena na rdeči seznam Slovenije kot prizadeta vrsta. Kljub visoki stopnji zavarovanosti vrste, raziskav o njenem stanju primanjkuje. V letu 2014 smo celotno rastišče pregledali in določili lokacije posameznih zaplat genetov in rametov. Postavili smo 10 trajnih popisnih ploskev (1 m x 1 m), znotraj katerih smo dve sezoni zapored spremljali cvetenje, plodenje ter rast poganjkov. Na rastišču smo izmerili kemijsko reakcijo (pH) tal ter postavili štiri merilne postaje, ki so 15 mesecev zbirale podatke o temperaturi v tleh, na površini tal ter 12 cm nad tlemi. Peta postaja je bila postavljena v gozd v neposredni bližini rastišča. Popisali smo spremljevalne rastlinske vrste v drevesni, grmovni, zeliščni in mahovni plasti ter za popisane vrste poiskali vrednosti Ellenbergovih indeksov. Linejevka se na rastišču razrašča heterogeno, zaradi česar smo sklepali, da na njem obstajajo mikroklimatske razlike. S popisom rastlinskih vrst na rastišču in na osnovi Ellenbergovih indeksov smo dobili vpogled v abiotske ter biotske razmere rastišča, ki so podobne razmeram na drugih rastiščih te vrste. Glavna razlika je, da linejevka raste pri nas na nižji nadmorski višini v pasu bukovega gozda. Iz podatkov o številu cvetov ter plodov smo izračunali uspeh spolnega razmnoževanja. Linejevka še ni popolnoma izgubila možnosti spolnega razmnoževanja, vendar je uspeh izredno nizek (< 10 %). Slednje v kombinaciji s podatki o razrasti kaže na to, da se vrsta pri nas razmnožuje predvsem klonalno. Z meritvami temperature smo dobili vpogled v mikroklimatske razmere na rastišču ter na potencialni vpliv strukture rastišča na razrast linejevke po njem. Kaže se, da obstoj vrste pri nas pogojuje ravno tamkajšnje mrazišče, ki ji ustvarja ugodno mikroklimo. Zaradi okrnjenega spolnega razmnoževanja je prihodnost populacije severne linejevke v Sloveniji vprašljiva. Z našo raziskavo smo naredili podlago za nadaljnje študije ter sprejemanje naravovarstvenih ukrepov, ki bodo potencialno potrebni za ohranitev vrste pri nas.
Keywords:klonalnost, avto-inkompatibilnost, uspeh spolnega razmnoževanja, mikroklima, mrazišče, Soteska pri Bohinju
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Povhe)
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75985 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:34598659 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.10.2020
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:28.03.2020

Secondary language

Title:Population structure and habitat characteristics of twinflower (Linnaea Borealis L.) in Slovenia
Abstract:The northern twinflower (Linnaea borealis L.) is a clonal and self-incompatible plant species with a circumboreal distribution. Its only known habitat in Slovenia is on a frost hollow in a gorge Soteska near Bohinj. The species was classified as endangered in the Red List of Slovenia because of its rarity. Despite the high conservation status, there was almost no field research done so far, that would tell us more about the state of the species in situ. In 2014 we searched the habitat for the exact locations of the species patches of genets and ramets. We set up 10 permanent sample plots (1 m x 1 m), within which we’ve measured the number of flowers, fruits and shoot growth for two consecutive seasons. We measured the chemical reaction of the soil (pH) and set up four dataloggers, which measured the temperature under, on the surface and above the ground of the habitat for 15 months. The fifth datalogger was set up in the forest nearby. We surveyed the vegetation in the canopy, shrub, herb and moss layer and identified the Ellenberg indicator values for the listed species. The twinflower’s growth was very patchy and heterogenic which indicated that there may be microclimatic differences in the habitat. We gained the information about the abiotic and biotic factors in the habitat, on the basis of the Ellenberg indicator values of the plant species we’ve listed. The factors showed very similar condititions to those under which the species grows in other habitats. The main difference was that the twinflower in Slovenia is found at lower altitudes in a beech forest. We calculated the success of sexual reproduction from the flowering and fruiting data and found out that the species has not yet completely lost its ability to reproduce sexually, but the success was very low (< 10 %) both years. We presumed that the species is depended mainly on clonal spread. The temperature measurements showed the microclimatic conditions in the habitat and a potential influence of the structure of the habitat on the species growth. It seems that the species survival in Soteska depends mainly on the frost hollow, which is creating the favorable microclimatic conditions. Because of the low success in sexual reproduction the future of the species in Slovenia is uncertain. We gained preliminary data, which will make an important ground for future research and can direct the decisions for the conservational measurements, should they be needed to ensure the survival of the species in Slovenia.
Keywords:clonal growth, self-incompatible, sexual reproduction success, microclimate, frost hollow, gorge Soteska near Bohinj


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