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Title:Osnove mikroelektronike : Zbirka vaj z rešitvami
Authors:ID Dogša, Tomaž (Author)
ID Solar, Mitja (Reviewer)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/444
.pdf Osnove_mikroelektronike.pdf (4,47 MB)
MD5: 62F876C332E12B7A55F7BAEE313DC7BF
Work type:Higher education textbook
Typology:2.05 - Other Educational Material
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Ta zbirka rešenih nalog iz mikroelektronike je namenjena študentom, ki se prvič srečujejo z načrtovanjem integriranih vezij. Razumevanje nalog zahteva predhodno poznavanje teorije s področja mikroelektronike in ustrezno znanje elektronike ter simulacije vezij. Skoraj vse naloge imajo enako strukturo: na začetku je besedilo, nato sledi analiza oziroma načrtovanje in na koncu preverjanje s simulatorjem SPICE. Vaje so razdeljene v štiri skupine: MOS tranzistor, prepoznavanje in načrtovanje geometrijske strukture, logična in analogna vezja. Za študente najtežji del bo verjetno načrtovanje analognih integriranih vezij. V dodatku se nahaja zgled preprostega projekta, ki vsebuje načrtovanje vezja in geometrijske strukture.
Keywords:mikroelektronika, elektronska vezja, načrtovanje vezij, elektronska simulacija vezja, geometrijske strukture, SPICE, učbeniki
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Univerzitetna založba Univerze, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:134 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75840 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:97847041 New window
DOI:10.18690/978-961-286-310-4 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.02.2020
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:17.02.2020

Secondary language

Title:Introduction to Microelectronics : Collection of Solved Problems
Abstract:This collection of solved problems in microelectronics is designed for students who are experiencing integrated circuit design for the first time. Understanding the problems and solutions requires prior knowledge of microelectronics theory and adequate knowledge of electronics and circuit simulations. Almost all problems have the same structure: text starts at the beginning, followed by analysis or design, and finally, verification with the SPICE simulator. The problems are divided into four groups: MOS transistor, layout design, digital and analogue circuits. For students, the hardest part will probably be designing analogue integrated circuits. The appendix provides an example of a simple project that contains circuit and layout design.
Keywords:microelectronics, electronic circuits, circuit simulation, layout design, SPICE


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