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Title:Zaposleni v digitalni dobi
Authors:ID Podbregar, Iztok (Editor)
ID Markelj, Blaž (Reviewer)
ID Perša, Jan (Technical editor)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/454
Work type:Unknown
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Znanstvena monografija razvija znanstveno področje kadrovskega managementa, ki v svojem izhodišču generira zaposlenega, posameznika, ki v pričakovanju novih rešitev, tehnologij in ciljev, prispevajo k realizaciji vsakdana organizacije in njenih strateških ciljev. Tehnologija, ki jo generira razvoj znanosti in stroke, nam je v danih okoliščinah marsikdaj v pomoč, marsikdaj pa tudi spotika na poti do rešitev. Zavedanje, da je razvoj organizacij na področju kadrovskega managementa doseglo skozi leta strateški pomen, kljub temu, da še mnogo organizacij to žal obravnava kot administrativno funkcijo organizacije, je korak bližje k uresničitvi temeljnega poslanstva kadrovskega managementa. Upravljanje ljudi, zaposlenih in poslušanje tistih, ki so glavno vodilo v doseganju postavljenih ciljev organizacije je nuja in neizogibno dejstvo. Na kakšen način organizacije dosegajo in presegajo tovrstne rezultate, je v rokah tistih, ki morajo/so vešči upravljanja z ljudmi. Človek je s svojim človeškim in socialnim kapitalom vedno in vselej gonilo razvoja in napredka organizacij.
Keywords:informacijska tehnologija, kadrovski management, proces zaposlovanja, CV-vizitka, digitalna doba, zaposlovanje, narava dela, nestandardne oblike zaposlitve, ekosistem, digitalizacija, komuniciranje, krizni manager, priložnosti za mlade, kriza, izobraževanje, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, digitalna transformacija, organizacijska kultura, GLOBE, športne organizacije, turistične organizacije, IKT, HRM
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Univerzitetna založba Univerze
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75838 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:97734145 New window
DOI:10.18690/978-961-286-326-5 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.02.2020
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:17.02.2020

Secondary language

Title:Employees in the Digital Age
Abstract:The scientific monograph contains a series of chapters which, in their baseline, generate an employee, i.e. an individual, who, in anticipation of new solutions, technologies and goals, contributes to the realization of the organization and its objectives. The first section links the context of the development of technology and human resource management. The first chapter is followed by a presentation of the employment field in the digital age, characterized by accelerated growth in technology development on the one hand, and demographic change and globalization on the other. The next section presents the role of human resource management in terms of integration and the dissemination of various aspects of the ecosystem in which employees live and work. The following section puts focus on young people. It looks at how young people climb from formal education systems to the four walls of organizations that can represent security on one hand, and the possibility of rising even higher on the other. This is followed by a presentation of forms of education and the impact of information and communication technology on education. The monograph concludes with a contribution that links the building blocks of organizational culture in various segments of society.
Keywords:information technology, Human resource management, employment process, CV card, digital age, Employment, Nature of work, Non standard forms of employment, ecosystem, digitization, communication, crisis manager, opportunities for youth, crisis, education, information and communication technology, digital transformation, organizational culture, GLOBE, sports organizations, tourism associations, ICT, HRM.


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