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Title:Imisije : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Firšt, Gabriela (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_First_Gabriela_2019.pdf (821,33 KB)
MD5: 30F5E4F94F9D84AF788A0C3E83ADBDF8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2bd983e3-bfcc-4837-b07d-71c527d38677
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Magistrsko delo se v uvodu, s kratkim opisom, »dotakne« samega pojma lastninske pravice, saj gre za eno ključnih človekovih pravic, ki je deležna pravnega varstva na najvišji ravni. Kot pomemben institut, s katerim se želi zagotoviti mirno sosedsko življenje, je v nadaljevanju zaključnega dela podan oris različnih omejitev lastninske pravice, katerim je podvržen imetnik pravice. Stvarnopravna določila pa ne zavezujejo samo lastnikov, temveč tudi neposrednega posestnika, zato je v magistrski nalogi smiselno podana tudi krajša opredelitev posesti. Za boljši vpogled, in pravilno razumevanje imisij, se magistrska naloga nadalje opredeli do samega sosedskega prava, katerega glavna naloga je sosedom omogočiti prijetno sobivanje na prostorsko povezanih nepremičninah in v okviru katerega se obravnavajo imisije kot najbolj tipičen institut sosedskega prava. Z izrazom sosedstvo lahko opredelimo družbeno razmerje sosedov, torej tistih ljudi, ki so prostorsko povezani. Temu sledi pregled različnih vrst tožbenih zahtevkov, ki so na voljo posameznikom v okviru pravnega varstva pred prepovedanimi imisijami, ter razmejitev med stvarnopravnim in obligacijskopravnim varstvom. V jedru zaključnega dela so predstavljene imisije, kot eden najbolj tipičnih sosedskopravnih institutov, ter njihova klasifikacija glede na različne vrste. Imisije so raznovrstni vplivi, ki izhajajo iz ene nepremičnine in jih je mogoče zaznati na drugi nepremičnini. Niso pa vsi moteči vplivi tudi prepovedani, saj mora med lastniki prostorsko povezanih nepremičnin obstajati določena mera tolerance, na podlagi katere je vsakdo, do določene mere, dolžan trpeti vplive, ki prihajajo in se širijo iz okolice. Ali gre za prepovedano imisijo, pa je odvisno od krajevnih razmer ali škode, ki je bila prizadejana nepremičnini. Kot zanimivost, se magistrsko delo opredeli tudi do idealnih imisij, ki predstavljajo eno od vrst imisij za katero v slovenski teoriji in sodni praksi še ni jasnih stališč ali jim je priznana pravna veljava ali ne.
Keywords:Lastninska pravica, omejitev lastninske pravice, posest, sosedsko pravo, nepremičnina, imisije, stvarno pravno varstvo, obligacijsko pravno varstvo.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:G. Firšt]
Year of publishing:2019
Number of pages:55 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75356 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5825323 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2019
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Licensing start date:22.10.2019

Secondary language

Abstract:In the introduction, the master's thesis, with a brief description, "touches" on the concept of right to property, as one of the key human rights that has the highest level of legal protection. The definition of right to property is given, as well as its placement in the field of property law. As an important institute aiming to secure a peaceful neighborhood life, the following section outlines the various restrictions on rights to property, which the right holder is subject. However, not only the owners, but also the direct owner are bound by the legal provisions, so a shorter definition of the possession is sensible in the master's thesis. For a better insight and a proper understanding of the immissions, the master's thesis is further defined by the neighborhood law itself, whose main task is to provide neighbors with a comfortable living on spatially connected real estate and within which the immissions are considered as the most typical neighborhood law institute. The term neighborhood can be used to define the social relationship of neighbors, ie those people who are spatially connected. This is followed by an overview of the various types of actions available in the context of legal protection against illicit immissions and the distinction between substantive and legal liability. At the core of the final part are the imissions, as one of the most typical neighborhood law institutes, and their classification according to different types. Imissions are a variety of influences arising from one property that can be detected on another property. Not all disturbing influences are also forbidden, since there must be a degree of tolerance among the owners of spatially connected real estate, whereby everyone, to a certain extent, is obliged to suffer the influences coming from and spreading from the surroundings. Whether it is forbidden imission depends on the local situation or the damage done to the property. Ideal imissions are also identified as interesting in the master's thesis, which represent one of the types of imissions for which there are no clear positions in Slovenian theory and case law if they are legally recognized.
Keywords:Right of property, restriction on right of property, possession, neighborhood law, real estate, immissions, real legal protection, legal liability.


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