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Title:Pregled in primerjava tipov nalog v izbranih učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih za slovenski jezik
Authors:ID Petrič, Ksenja (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Petric_Ksenja_2019.pdf (1,49 MB)
MD5: FEC62A91264002D302455524D0C5C8FE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0a5b8c0b-3170-427e-b81f-ab2225159a97
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu z naslovom Pregled in primerjava tipov nalog v izbranih učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih za slovenski jezik smo želeli predstaviti, pregledati, primerjati ter analizirati učbenika in delovne zvezke založbe Rokus Klett. Za pregled, primerjavo in analizo smo izbrali gradiva, ki jih uporabljajo v osnovni in tudi v srednji šoli ter so v posodobljeni izdaji, saj bomo na podlagi primerjave in analize teh gradiv laže ugotovili razlike in podobnosti pri zastopanosti tipov nalog ter različnih stopenj Bloomove taksonomije. Uporabili smo I. in II. del delovnega zvezka za 9. razred osnovne šole z naslovom Slovenščina za vsak dan 9, izdaja iz leta 2013, ter istoimenski učbenik, izdaja iz leta 2011. Za analizo delovnega zvezka za 3. letnik srednje šole smo uporabili delovni zvezek Na pragu besedila 3, izdaja iz leta 2011, in istoimenski učbenik, ki je bil izdan leta 2010. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo deskriptivne metode oblikovali teoretična izhodišča, pri katerih smo v veliki meri izhajali iz ugotovitev in spoznanj domačih ter tujih avtorjev strokovne literature. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo komparativne metode med seboj primerjali delovne zvezke in učbenika. Pri analizi in primerjavi smo se še posebej posvetili tipom nalog, ki se pojavljajo v posameznih učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih. Z metodo klasifikacije smo naloge v delovnih zvezkih in učbenikih razvrstili glede na tip ter taksonomsko stopnjo. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, za katerega smo uporabili kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo, smo pridobili informacije učencev in dijakov o zahtevnosti posameznih tipov nalog ter jasnosti in natančnosti navodil. S primerjavo in analizo glede na tip naloge in taksonomsko stopnjo smo ugotovili, da naloge v vseh pregledanih gradivih niso enakomerno zastopane, prav tako pa je analiza pokazala, da določeni tipi nalog prevladujejo. Tudi taksonomske stopnje niso enakomerno razporejene, saj glede na rezultate analize prevladujejo nižje taksonomske stopnje, kar je presenetljivo, sploh za analizirana gradiva, namenjena srednji šoli. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da se učencem navodila v delovnih zvezkih in učbenikih zdijo jasna, natančna ter nezavajajoča, saj se ponavljajo in vsebujejo primere reševanja. Tudi mnenja o zahtevnosti posameznih tipov nalog smo dobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je pokazal, da so učencem in dijakom najtežje tvorbne naloge, pri katerih morajo samostojno sestaviti določen sestavek oziroma besedila, naloge urejanja ter naloge, ki jih rešujejo s pomočjo drugih virov. Učenci in dijaki so glede uporabe delovnih zvezkov ter učbenikov pri pouku slovenskega jezika odgovorili skladno, saj so vsi izbrali odgovor, da delovni zvezek in učbenik uporabljajo kar 2–3-krat na teden.
Keywords:delovni zvezek, učbenik, tipi nalog, taksonomske stopnje, slovenski jezik, osnovna šola, srednja šola.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Petrič]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75114 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24829960 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2019
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:23.09.2019

Secondary language

Title:The Review and Comparison of Task-Types in Selected Slovenian Language Textbooks and Workbooks
Abstract:The thesis, titled The Review and Comparison of Task-Types in Selected Slovenian Language Textbooks and Workbooks introduces a review, comparison and analysis of textbooks and workbooks published by Rokus Klett. The author has chosen revised editions of books used in primary and secondary education, which have allowed her to find similarities and differences in task-types and Bloom taxonomy. The analysis includes class 9 workbook Part I and II of Slovenščina za vsak dan 9, published in 2013, and the textbook of the same name, published in 2011. The analysis of secondary school books includes year 3 workbook Na pragu besedila 3, published in 2011, and the textbook of the same name, published in 2010. In the theoretical framework of the thesis, the author, using a descriptive method, presents theoretical bases which mainly originate from the findings and cognitions of Slovenian and foreign authors of scientific literature. In the empirical part, using a comparative method, the author compares workbooks and textbooks. In comparison and analysis, she focuses especially on task-types in particular textbooks and workbooks. Using a classification method, she sorts the tasks according to the type and taxonomic ranks. By means of a non-experimental causal method, she has conducted a questionnaire among primary and secondary school students and acquired students' responses about the difficulties of certain task types and clarity and precision of task instructions. The comparison and analysis of the workbooks and textbooks have shown that the tasks are not equally represented and that certain types of tasks prevail. Furthermore, the taxonomic ranks are also not equally distributed. According to the results of the analysis, lower taxonomic ranks prevail, which is surprising especially for secondary school textbooks and workbooks. The results of the questionnaire have shown that students find the task instructions in workbooks and textbooks clear, precise and non-misleading, as the instructions often repeat and include examples. The results have also shown that students think the most difficult tasks are text-based tasks, which require them to write short texts and compositions on their own, as well as editing tasks and tasks, which need to be done by using other sources. Students' responses about the use of workbooks and textbook in Slovenian language classes have been congruent, as all of them responded that they use workbook and textbook two to three times a week.
Keywords:workbook, textbook, task-types, taxonomic ranks, Slovenian language, primary school, secondary school.


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