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Title:Pravna narava pridobitve lastninske pravice pri prisilni prodaji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Šuštaršič Simonič, Sandra (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sustarsic_Simonic_Sandra_2019.pdf (630,42 KB)
MD5: A48B51B80E45B657A7E99E33E8416535
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/62a3e9bf-045a-4b17-b71a-04751e8a75a8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Pridobitev lastninske pravice na podlagi prisilne prodaje pri izvršbi in stečaju se, če velja slediti teoriji in sodni praksi, šteje za izvirno oziroma originarno pridobljeno lastninsko pravico. Poglavitna značilnost takšne vrste pridobitve je, da se lastninska pravica prenese ne glede na voljo dosedanjega imetnika pravice, še več, celo v nasprotju z njegovo voljo. Naslednja pomembna značilnost tovrstne prodaje je ta, da predpostavka pridobitve stvarne pravice ni zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo (razpolagalni pravni posel) kot to velja za poslovne pridobitve, temveč je predpostavka pridobitve oblikovalna sodna odločba. Do prisilne prodaje stvari pride v primerih, ko dolžnik ne izpolni svoje obveznosti, ki jo ima v razmerju do upnika, kar posledično lahko pripelje do sodnega izvršilnega postopka. V izvršilnem postopku sodišče izda sodno odločbo, s katero naloži dolžniku, da poravna terjatev. V primeru, ko dolžnik ne izpolni kar mu je bilo s sodno odločbo naloženo, sledi njena prisilna izvršitev. Naša zakonodaja upnika ne omejuje pri izbiri izvršilnega sredstva, saj ne predpisuje nobenega vrstnega reda le-teh. Velja načelo proste izbire izvršilnega sredstva, ne glede na višino terjatve. Upnik tako lahko že v začetku predlaga izvršbo na nepremičnino, kljub izterjavi nesorazmerno nizke terjatve. To možnost mu daje zakonodaja, ki ne določa spodnje meje višine terjatve, nad katero bi bilo možno dovoliti izvršbo na nepremičnino ter tudi ne predvideva, da bi bilo dopustno dovoliti izvršbo na nepremičnino šele po tem, ko izterjava terjatve z drugimi sredstvi izvršbe ne bi bila mogoča. Na podlagi pravnomočnega sklepa o izročitvi nepremičnine kupec torej pridobi lastninsko pravico. Sklep velja za listino, na podlagi katere se dovoli vknjižba pravice na kupca. Vsled dejstva, da je vpis v zemljiško knjigo v tem primeru zgolj deklaratornega značaja, je ta kljub temu potreben prav zaradi publicitete vpisov. Posebej zanimivi postanejo primeri, kjer so vpisi v zemljiški knjigi napačni, zaradi česar pogosto pride do prenosa lastninske pravice nelastnika. Gre za primere, ko dolžnik ni resnični lastnik nepremičnine, ki je predmet prodaje. Če operacionaliziram, problem velikokrat nastaja pri nepremičninah, ki predstavljajo skupno premoženje zakoncev, v zemljiški knjigi pa je kot izključni lastnik vpisan zgolj eden, ali pa je nepremičnina vpisana kot solastnina. Vpisa ne odražata dejanskega stanja lastništva, kar ima lahko negativne posledice tudi v postopku izvršbe, ko se lahko nepremičnina proda. Pogosti primeri, kjer vpisi lastninske pravice ne odražajo dejanskega, so tudi prodaje s pridržkom lastninske pravice ter primeri zunajknjižnega priposestvovanja. Tukaj sodna praksa zavzema različna stališča, s predpostavko (ne)dobrovernosti kupca, proti kateremu pravi lastnik uveljavlja svojo lastninsko pravico. V obzir stališču sodne prakse je potrebno vzeti tudi dejstvo, da ima pri tovrstni prodaji pomembno vlogo interes upnika, ki zasleduje poplačilo svoje še neplačane terjatve.
Keywords:Sodna prodaja, izvršilni postopek, stečajni postopek, javna dražba, sklep o domiku, sklep o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu, ugovor tretjega, skupno premoženje, solastnina, priposestvovanje, pravica v pričakovanju.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Šuštaršič Simonič]
Year of publishing:2019
Number of pages:65 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75112 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5825835 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The legal nature of the acquisition of a property right in a forced sale
Abstract:Taking a look at theory and case-law, the acquisition of a property right based on forced sale in the event of enforcement and bankruptcy is deemed as an originally acquired property right. The main feature of this type of acquisition is that the property right is transferred regardless of the will of the current right holder, moreover, even contrary to his will. Another important characteristic of such a sale is that the requirement for the acquisition of a right in rem is not a land registration permit (dispositional legal transaction) as in the case of business acquisitions, but a formative court decision. A forced sale occurs in cases where the debtor fails to fulfil his obligations towards the creditor, which in turn may lead to judicial enforcement proceedings. In enforcement proceedings, the court issues a decision ordering the debtor to settle the claim. If the debtor fails to fulfil his obligations pursuant to the court order, this results in the enforcement of such a decision. Slovene law does not restrict the creditor’s options to choose an enforcement instrument, as it does not provide any prescribed order of enforcement. Regardless of the amount of the claim the principle of free choice of enforcement instrument applies. Already in the beginning, the creditor may therefore propose an enforcement against property, despite the recovery of a disproportionally low claim. This option is provided under the law prescribing no minimum amount of the claim which would exclude the granting of an enforcement against property and anticipates no option of allowing an enforcement against property to take place only after a recovery of the claim by other means of enforcement has not been possible. The buyer thus acquires the property right based on the final decision on the sale of the property. Such a decision is considered a document, which allows the registration of the right in favour of the buyer. In this case, the entry in the land register is only declaratory, but is nevertheless required to provide for the publication of entries. Particularly interesting are cases where the land registry entries are incorrect, which often results in the transfer of property rights from a non-owner. This refers to cases where the debtor is not the real owner of the property being sold. From a more operational point of view, the problem often arises with real estate representing matrimonial property of the spouses where in the land register only one of them is registered as the sole owner, or where the property is registered as being a joint property. The registry entries do not reflect the actual state of ownership, which can have negative effects also in the enforcement proceeding when the property can be sold. Common cases where the property right entries do not reflect the actual state of affairs are also sales involving a retention of property rights and off-book prescription cases. Considering this, the case law adopts different positions assuming the (absence of )bona fide of the buyer against whom the actual owner exercises his own property right. In support of the position of case-law, it should be taken into consideration that the interest of the creditors pursuing the repayment of their outstanding claim plays an important role in such a sale.
Keywords:Judicial sale, execution proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, public auction, decision on the allocation, decision on the delivery-up of the immovable property, third-party proceedings, joint property, joint ownership, prescription, pending right.


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