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Title:Meje neodvisnosti Evropske centralne banke : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kosi, Hana (Author)
ID Hojnik, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kosi_Hana_2019.pdf (1,07 MB)
MD5: F8C85B996F80EE050E1346B29C652E63
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a64aa36c-0590-4886-9e6a-f8c877614cac
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Osrednja tema magistrske naloge se nanaša na pomen in meje neodvisnosti Evropske centralne banke (odslej ECB). Neodvisnost ECB je za njeno delovanje ključnega pomena.Temeljna akta, ki vsebujeta določbe o neodvisnosti ECB, sta Pogodba o delovanju Evropske unije (odslej PDEU) in Protokol (št. 4) o statut Evropskega sistema centralnih bank in Evropske centralne banke (odslej Protokol št. 4). ECB je bila med institucije Evropske unije (odslej EU) uvrščena z Lizbonsko pogodbo, ki je stopila v veljavo 1. decembra 2009, s čemer se je poudarila pravna narava ECB. V skladu s strukturo delovanja ECB razlikujemo med petimi vrstami neodvisnosti, ki jih analiziram v magistrski nalogi: institucionalno neodvisnostjo, osebno neodvisnostjo, funkcionalno in operativno neodvisnostjo, finančno in organizacijsko neodvisnostjo ter pravno neodvisnostjo. Kljub neodvisnosti, ki jo uživa ECB, pa se ne more izogniti odgovornosti povezani z njenim delovanjem in izvajanjem nalog. V povezavi z neodvisnostjo ECB je potrebno razumeti tudi vlogo nacionalnih centralnih bank držav članic EU, ki skupaj z ECB tvorijo Evropski sistem centralnih bank (odslej ESCB). Neodvisnost ECB se namreč prenaša tudi na nacionalne centralne banke držav članic EU, spoštovanje neodvisnosti nacionalnih centralnih bank pa je določeno tudi v nacionalnih zakonodajah držav članic EU. Neodvisnost nacionalne centralne banke je tudi pogoj za vstop države članice EU v ekonomsko in monetarno unijo. Osrednji del magistrske naloge obravnava meje neodvisnosti ECB. ECB je namreč, z namenom ohranjanja neodvisnosti in pravilnega delovanja, nosilka določenih privilegijev in imunitet, ki jih ureja Protokol (št. 7) o privilegijih in imunitetah EU (odslej Protokol št. 7). ECB je neodvisna samo v obsegu in za namen, ki jih določajo veljavni predpisi EU in je podvržena sodnemu nadzoru Sodišča EU ter Evropskega računskega sodišča. Ker se vprašanje neodvisnosti v praksi pogosto pojavlja, v tem delu magistrske naloge izpostavljam zadnje odmevnejše primere, ki obravnavajo vprašanje neodvisnosti: zadeva Komisija proti ECB (C-11/00), zadeva Gauweiler (C-62/14) in zadeva Rimšēvičs (združeni zadevi C-202/18 in C-238/18). Pomembno vlogo pri omejevanju neodvisnosti na ravni EU ima tudi Evropski urad za boj proti goljufijam (odslej OLAF). Ne omejuje pa se samo neodvisnost ECB, ampak v skladu z zakonodajo posameznih držav članic EU tudi neodvisnost nacionalnih centralnih bank. V zadnjem delu magistrske naloge analiziram primer iz prakse, ki vključuje Banko Slovenije. Ta je bila leta 2016 predmet nacionalne preiskave, v kateri so med drugim zasegli dokumente in računalniško opremo ECB brez njene predhodne odobritve. Na podlagi tega je bila Sloveniji očitana kršitev člena 2 Protokola št. 7 in kršitev načela lojalnega sodelovanja, v skladu s katerim se države članice EU in EU ter posledično njene institucije medsebojno spoštujejo in pomagajo pri opravljanju svojih nalog. Pred začetkom veljavnosti Lizbonske pogodbe leta 2009 so se pojavljali številni pomisleki kako bo nov status ECB vplival na njeno neodvisnost, vendar se je ta ohranila v najboljši možni meri. K temu v veliki meri pripomorejo privilegiji in imunitete, vendar samo v obsegu in za namene opravljanja nalog ECB. Sodišče EU se je v preteklosti z vprašanjem neodvisnosti ECB že ukvarjala, v prihodnje pa se bo do njega najverjetneje opredelila tudi v postopku proti Sloveniji, ki se je januarja 2019 začel pred Sodiščem EU ter je z vidika posega v neodvisnost in imunitete ECB ter nacionalnih centralnih bank velikega pomena.
Keywords:Evropska centralna banka in Lizbonska pogodba, neodvisnost Evropske centralne banke, odgovornost Evropske centralne banke, meje neodvisnosti Evropske centralne banke, privilegiji in imunitete Evropske centralne banke
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:H. Kosi]
Year of publishing:2019
Number of pages:V, 59 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75100 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5786411 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Limits of the independence of the European Central Bank
Abstract:The central topic of the Master’s thesis deals with the significance and boundaries of independence of the European Central Bank (“the ECB”). The basic legal instruments that set out the ECB’s independence are the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“the TFEU”) and Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (“Protocol No 4”). The Treaty of Lisbon that entered into force 1 December 2009 gave the ECB the status of an institution of the European Union (“the EU”), which further highlighted ECB’s legal nature. Considering the operating structure of the ECB, there are five types of independence analyzed in the Master’s thesis: institutional independence, personal independence, functional and operational independence, financial and organizational independence, and legal independence. Despite the independence it enjoys, the ECB cannot avoid accountability in relation to its operation and performance of tasks. In relation to ECB’s independence, it is also important to consider the role of national central banks of Member States that form the European System of Central Banks (“the ESCB”) together with the ECB. ECB’s independence also extends to national central banks of Member States whereby the obligation to honour the independence of national central banks is also provided in national laws of Member States. Independence of the national central bank is also a condition precedent for a Member State to join the Economic and Monetary Union. The central part of the Master’s thesis deals with the boundaries of ECB’s independence. With the aim of maintaining its independence and ensuring correct operation, the ECB holds certain privileges and immunities governed by Protocol (No 7) on the privileges and immunities of the European Union (“Protocol No 7). The ECB is independent only to the extent and for the purpose provided in applicable EU regulations and is subject to judicial oversight by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Auditors. The question of independence is often raised in practice; this part of the Master’s thesis therefore covers the most recent well-publicized cases dealing with independence: cases Commission v ECB (C-11/00), Gauweiler (C-62/14) and Rimšēvičs (Joined Cases C-202/18 in C-238/18). An important role in limiting independence on the EU level is also held by the European Anti-Fraud Office (“OLAF”). Yet it is not only the independence of the ECB that is being limited; in accordance with national laws of Member States, so is the independence of national central banks. The final part of the Master’s thesis deals with a case involving the Bank of Slovenia. The Bank of Slovenia was subject to a national investigation in 2016, in which investigators seized, among other items, documents and computer equipment of the ECB without its prior approval. Slovenia therefore faced allegations of a breach of Article 2 of Protocol 7. The European Commission also alleged that Slovenia breached the duty of sincere cooperation according to which the Member States and the EU, including its institutions, shall, in full mutual respect, assist each other in carrying out tasks which flow from the Treaties. Prior to the enactment of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 there were numerous reservations as to the effect of ECB’s new status on its independence but it has nonetheless been preserved to the broadest possible extent. A major factor in the preservation of its independence have been and continue to be numerous privileges and immunities conferred upon the ECB and its personnel. The CJEU had heard cases on ECB’s independence in the past, and will most likely deal with this matter again in the proceedings opened against Slovenia before the CJEU in January 2019 and will be of great significance in light of the encroachment on the independence and immunity of the ECB and national central banks.
Keywords:European Central Bank and the Treaty of Lisbon, independence of the European Central Bank, accountability of the European Central Bank, boundaries of independence of the European Central Bank, privileges and immunities of the European Central Bank


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