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Title:Umetnost prevajanja kuharskih knjig - analiza slovenskih prevodov knjig Gordona Ramsayja: Družinska kosila in Bread Street Kitchen
Authors:ID Mihurko, Suzana (Author)
ID Kaloh Vid, Natalia (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Mihurko_Suzana_2019.pdf (1015,02 KB)
MD5: C15DBD776622DFAA3633734BF190CB4F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2453be86-fdc4-4848-9bc5-9788c63c1267
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Prevajanje kuharskih knjig je zahtevnejše, kot se zdi na prvi pogled. Ne samo, da je prevajalec odgovoren za avtentičnost receptov, ki jih prevaja, temveč se še zraven tega sooča s prevajanjem mnogih kulturno-specifičnih jedi in sestavin. Ključno pri prevajanju kuharskih knjig iz druge kulture je poznavanje izvorne kulture in jezika, hkrati pa tudi poznavanje ciljnega občinstva. V magistrskem delu smo opredelili zvrst kuharskih receptov, definirali pojem kulture in predstavili avtorja knjig, ki smo jih izbrali za analizo. Ker smo želeli v magistrskem delu pojasniti tudi strategije, ki jih prevajalci uporabljajo za prevajanje kulturno-specifičnih elementov, smo opisali prevajalske strategije, ki jih v svojem članku navaja Brigit Nedergaard-Larsen, strategije Mone Baker, nato pa smo pogledali še širše zastavljene strategije Petra Newmarka. Poudarek magistrskega dela je na prevajanju kulturno-specifičnih elementov v kuharskih knjigah Gordona Ramsayja. Analizirali smo originala Sunday Lunch (2006) in Bread Street Kitchen (2016) in prevoda Družinska kosila (Luka Novak: 2007) in Bread Street Kitchen (Srđan Milovanović: 2017). Nekaj izrazov smo tudi primerjali med obema prevajalcema, saj je Luka Novak kuharski mojster in amaterski prevajalec, medtem ko je Srđan Milovanović profesionalni prevajalec, ki prevaja predvsem otroško literaturo. Izkazalo se je, da so knjige večinoma dobro prevedene. Naše hipoteze, da bo prihajalo do razhajanj med prevodoma profesionalnega in neprofesionalnega prevajalca, so se deloma potrdile, čeprav razhajanja niso bila velika. Med najpogostejšimi strategijami so bile, kot smo predpostavili, prenos, izpust in adaptacija oz. podomačitev. Ugotovili smo, da je prevajanje kuharskih knjig vse prej kot mala malica.
Keywords:kuharske knjige, prevajalske strategije, kulturno-specifični elementi, Gordon Ramsay, teorija skoposa
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Mihurko]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74538 New window
UDC:81\'255.4:641.55Ramsay G.=163.6(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:24780296 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2019
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Licensing start date:30.08.2019

Secondary language

Title:The Art of Translating Cookbooks - Analysing Slovene Translations of Gordon Ramsay Cookbooks: Sunday Lunch and Bread Street Kitchen
Abstract:Translating cookbooks is more difficult than it seems. The translator is responsible for authenticity of the recipes and also often faces numerous culture-specific dishes and ingredients. When translating cookbooks across cultures, it is essential to know the original language and culture as well as the target audience. In this thesis we defined the genre of cookbooks, the meaning of culture and introduced the author of the books we chose for our analysis. As we wanted to explain the strategies that translators use to translate culturally-specific elements, we chose the strategies by Brigit Nedergaard Larsen, Mona Baker, and Peter Newmark. The emphasis in the empirical part of the thesis is on translating culturally-specific elements in cookbooks by Gordon Ramsay. We analysed the original books: Sunday Lunch (2006) and Bread Street Kitchen (2016) and their Slovene translations: Družinska kosila (Luka Novak: 2007) and Bread Street Kitchen (Srđan Milovanović: 2017). We also compared some of the terms from both translators, since Luka Novak is a chef and an amateur translator, while Srđan Milovanivić is a professional translator, who mostly translates children’s literature. The results showed that the books are mostly adequately translated. Our hypothesis that there would be significant differences between the professional and non-professional translators was partly confirmed, even though the differences were in most cases minor. We confirmed that the strategies used most often were transference, omission and adaptation. Translating cookbooks is not as easy peasy as one would think.
Keywords:cookbooks, translation strategies, culturally-specific elements, Gordon Ramsay, skopos theory


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