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Title:Kako izboljšati organizacijsko kulturo na primeru izbranega podjetja
Authors:ID Skejić, Almina (Author)
ID Potočan, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Skejic_Almina_2019.pdf (1,98 MB)
MD5: 21259DABAD8DB71DFA292D11E654E2C7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6f4e4f9c-efef-485a-a2ae-3dccc751e33f
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Organizacijska kultura ima moč, da okolju, v katerem organizacija deluje, prikaže njeno dejansko sliko. Skozi kulturo se odraža delovanje organizacije, medsebojni odnosi zaposlenih, družbena odgovornost in odnos med notranjimi ter zunanjimi udeleženci organizacije. Izredno pomembno je, da člani organizacije sprejemajo kulturo organizacije in s svojim delovanjem prispevajo k njeni ohranitvi. Ko pa člani organizacije s samo kulturo v določenih trenutkih niso zadovoljni, je potrebno nekaj storiti. Tedaj je potrebno skušati izboljšati oziroma spremeniti kulturo v takšni smeri, da bo članom zopet odgovarjala. To se lahko stori na več načinov, najprej pa je potrebno ugotoviti, kje se nahaja težava, in s skupnimi močni oblikovati predloge za njeno rešitev. Organizacijska kultura ne nastane čez noč, ampak je v njeno izoblikovanje potrebno veliko vlagati, še več truda pa je potrebno vložiti v njeno ohranitev. Kultura organizacije se mora razvijati v smeri, da stremi k složnosti svojih članov, njihovi osebnostni rasti. Člani morajo med seboj komunicirati in pripomoči k doseganju ciljev, ki si jih organizacija zastavi. Magistrsko delo vsebuje teoretični ter aplikativni del. Teoretični del sestoji iz uvodnega dela, kjer so predstavljeni problem, namen, cilji ter raziskovalna vprašanja magistrskega dela, metode, uporabljene pri raziskovanju, ter predpostavke in omejitve,s katerimi smo se soočili. Teoretični del v nadaljevanju zajema opis in razlago pojmov, ki se nanašajo na organizacijsko kulturo (npr.značilnosti, vloga in funkcije, ravni ter vsebina organizacijske kulture). Predstavljene so tudi štiri tipologije organizacijskih kultur. Več pozornosti je posvečene Cameronovi in Quinnovi tipologiji, saj je prav na njeni podlagi kasneje v aplikativnem delu potekala raziskava v izbranem podjetju, kjer je analizirano trenutno stanje ter želeno stanje organizacijske kulture. Kultura v izbranem podjetju je merjena z merilnim instrumentom modela konkurenčnih vrednot OCAI. Z modelom McKinsey 7S je merjeno razumevanje organizacijske kulture s strani zaposlenih s poudarkom na vodenju managementa. Vodenje vpliva na organizacijsko kulturo, ki je pomemben dejavnik poslovne uspešnosti. Zaposleni so v anketnem vprašalniku odgovarjali na vprašanja, vezana na trde in mehke spremenljivke, s čimer smo dobili vpogled v trenutno stanje na področju vodenja managementa. Aplikativni del temelji na analizi raziskave, s katero se je ugotavljalo trenutno in želeno stanje organizacijske kulture izbranega podjetja ter razumevanje organizacijske kulture. Na osnovi rezultatov analize so se izoblikovali predlogi za morebitno izboljšavo organizacijske kulture. Sklep sestoji iz temeljnih ugotovitev, ki so posledica analize organizacijske kulture v izbranem podjetju, in na podlagi tega so podani odprti problemi, za katere obstaja možnost, da se pojavijo v prihodnosti.
Keywords:organizacijska kultura, tipologije organizacijskih kultur, instrument OCAI, McKinseyjev 7S model, tipologija Camerona in Quinn.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Skejić]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74459 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13461020 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.11.2019
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:28.08.2019

Secondary language

Title:How to improve organizational culture in a chosen company
Abstract:Organisational culture holds the power to apply an actual image of an organisation to the evironment in which it operates. Through culture the operation of the organisation, interperosnal relations of the employees, social responsability and relations between internal and external participants of the organisation are manifested. It is extremely important that members of the organisation are excepting its culture and contibuting to its preservation by their activity. When particular members of the organisation are not satisfied with culture itself we have to try to adjust the culture to meet member's needs. An organisation can do this in many ways but first it has to find out what the problem is and make some mutual suggestions how to work it out. Organisational culture cannot be formed overnight – a lot of hard work needs to be invested in its formation and a lot more in its preservation. Organisational culture has to develop in direction of aiming towards concordance between its members, growth on personal level, communication and working towards reaching the goals, set by organisation. Master degree's thesis consisits of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part consists of introduction, where I represented the problem, aim and research questions, methods, used in research and presumptions and limits that we faced. Furthermore theoretical part consists of descriptions and explanations of concepts, reffering to organisational culture such as characteristics, role and functions, levels and content of the organisational culture. There are also four different organisational culture typologies represented. More attention is drawed to Cameron and Quinn's typology since based on this typology the research is made in the practical part. The research took place in a chosen company, where we analysed the exsisting and ideal state of organisational culture. The culture in the company was being measured with competitive values model OCAI measuring instrument. With McKinsey 7S model we measured the understanding of organisational culture from employees, especially in management since management impacts the culture and the culture is a crucial part of business excellence. The employees were given an questionnaire consisting of questions, related to hard and soft variables. Based on this survey we were able to obtain the insight to current state of management. Practical part is founded on a survey where we analysed current and ideal state of organisational culture and understanding the organisational culture, especially in management. Based on the results we formed the suggestions on how to improve current state of organisational culture. The conclusion consists of basic findings, made by analysis of current state of organisational culture in particular company. Based on that we exposed the problems that might occure in the future.
Keywords:organisational culture, organisational culture typologies, OCAI instrument, McKinsey 7S model, Cameron and Quinn's typology.


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