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Title:Management preprečevanja in obvladovanja nasilja v zdravstveno socialnih organizacijah
Authors:ID Pajtler, Jovita (Author)
ID Ovsenik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pajtler_Jovita_2019.pdf (1,46 MB)
MD5: 63C2EF3702E7CF13B554B03B8C36C626
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a7ebac71-072c-49dd-94e1-04fd4eaf2a15
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišče: Nasilje v zdravstveno socialnih organizacijah je zelo pereč problem tako v Sloveniji kot tudi po svetu. Zaposleni v teh organizacijah se srečujejo z različnimi vrstami nasilja. Za obvladovanje tega problema potrebujejo specifična znanja in deeskalacijske tehnike, prav tako pa tudi zdravstveno socialne organizacije potrebujejo implementiran management preprečevanja in obvladovanja nasilja. S takšnim managementom dobijo zaposleni informacije, znanja in podporo in tako v primeru nasilja lahko reagirajo na etično terapevtski, odgovoren in human način. Namen: V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, ali so zaposleni v zdravstveno socialnih organizacijah seznanjeni z deskalacijskimi metodami pri obvladovanju in preprečevanju nasilnega vedenja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali so glede na lastno presojo dovolj strokovno usposobljeni za obvladovanje te pereče problematike. V zaključnem delu smo primerjali dve zdravstveno socialni ustanovi. zdravstveno socialni zavod v Sloveniji in zdravstveno socialni zavod v Avstriji. Raziskovalna metodologija: V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela z zbiranjem, kritično presojo in analizo domače in tuje literature. Raziskovalna metoda zaključnega dela temelji na kvantitativni metodologiji, tehnika zbiranja podatkov pa je anketa - standardiziran vprašalnik POPAS (Perceptions of Prevalence Of Aggression Scale). Rezultati: Primerjali smo zdravstveno socialno organizacijo (ZSO)v Sloveniji z ZSO v Avstriji. Zaposleni v Sloveniji so doživeli največ pasivnega nasilnega vedenja, najmanj je bilo samomorov in spolnih napadov/posilstev. Zaposleni v Avstriji so najpogosteje doživeli občasno manipulativno nasilno vedenje, najmanj pa, tako kot zaposleni v Sloveniji, samomorov in spolnih napadov/posilstev. Da so dovolj seznanjeni z deeskalacijskimi tehnikami meni 55,3 % zaposlenih v ZSO v Sloveniji in 55,4 % zaposlenih v ZSO v Avstriji. Si pa zaposleni v ZSO Avstrije v prihodnje želijo več usposabljanj s področja obvladovanja nasilja. Zaposleni v obeh ZSO so mnenja, 80,4 % v ZSO v Sloveniji in 73,5 % v ZSO v Avstriji, da je varnost zaposlenih ena izmed poglavitnih nalog. Diskusija in zaključek: Nasilje v ZSO je prisotno, organizacije ga morajo prepoznati in implementirati management preprečevanja in obvladovanja nasilja. S takšnim managementom potrjujejo ničelno toleranco nasilja in podpirajo zaposlene, da se v primeru doživetega nasilja lahko profesionalno odzovejo.
Keywords:agresija, ničelna toleranca, zdravstvena nega, preventiva, znanje, deeskalacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Pajtler]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74178 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2553252 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.12.2019
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Licensing start date:14.08.2019

Secondary language

Abstract:Starting point: Violent behaviour in elder care facilities is a serious problem, both in Slovenia and worldwide. Employees of these facilities are confronted with various kinds of violent behaviour. To address the problem, they need to possess specific skills and be familiar with de-escalation techniques. In addition, elder care facilities must implement strategies for preventing and managing violent behaviour. With these strategies, the employees are provided with information, knowledge, and support so that they can respond to violent behaviour in an ethical, therapeutic, and responsible manner. Purpose: In the master's thesis, we wanted to determine whether employees in elder care facilities were familiar with de-escalation methods for preventing and managing violent behaviour. We were also interested in whether they believed they had sufficient professional training for dealing with this serious issue. In the final part of our study, we compared two elder care facilities: a facility in Slovenia and a facility in Austria. Research methodology: The descriptive method of research was employed in the study. The existing Slovenian and foreign literature was gathered, assessed, and analysed. Quantitative methodology was used for the final part of the thesis. The data were collected with a standardized survey questionnaire – The Perception of Prevalence of Aggression Scale (POPAS). Results: The study compared an elder care facility in Slovenia with a facility in Austria. Employees of the facility in Slovenia were most frequently confronted with passive aggressive behaviour. They were rarely confronted with cases of suicide and sexual assault/rape. Employees of the facility in Austria were most commonly confronted with occasional aggressive splitting behaviour. As was the case with the employees in Slovenia, they were rarely confronted with cases of suicide and sexual assault/rape. 55.3 per cent of the employees of the elder care facility in Slovenia and 55.4 per cent of the employees of the elder care facility in Austria believed that they were adequately familiar with de-escalation techniques. The employees of the Austrian facility, however, wanted more violence management training in the future. 80.4 per cent of the employees of the elder care facility in Slovenia and 73.5 per cent of the employees of the elder care facility in Austria agreed that employee safety was a key priority area. Discussion and conclusion: Violent behaviour in elder care facilities exists, so organizations must recognize it and implement strategies for preventing and managing it. Such management strategies will affirm zero tolerance of violent behaviour and provide support to employees so that they can respond to violent behaviour in a professional manner.
Keywords:aggression, zero tolerance, knowledge, health care, prevention, de-escalation.


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