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Title:Vloga in pomen avtoritete ter moči za vodjo
Authors:ID Krneta, Anja (Author)
ID Nedelko, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Krneta_Anja_2019.pdf (551,64 KB)
MD5: 14CA984FC2A9F229F24F80BDB3FEF69C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dcf2c2ad-65cb-423f-b26c-e996c1fe3266
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vodenje in biti vodja sta široka pojma, vodjo potrebuje vsako podjetje, saj brez njega ne more obstajati. Vsakega vodjo oblikujejo različni dejavniki in njegove lastnosti, zato pogosto slišimo o avtoriteti in moči vodje. Vodja je oseba, ki ji sledijo podrejeni, in prav od nje je pomembno odvisno, kako uspešno bo podjetje. Na svoje ''sledilce'' oziroma podrejene vpliva, jih usmerja in motivira in večinoma prav zaradi vodje podjetje raste ali v nasprotnem primeru propade. Vodja mora biti oseba, ki ji bodo ljudje z veseljem sledili, brez občutka, da to delajo samo za podjetje, ampak da imajo tudi sami korist. Leta preučevanja vodenja so prinesla kar nekaj teorij o lastnostih dobrega vodje in ali naj bodo ti za uspešnost podjetja usmerjeni na posameznike ali na delo v organizaciji. Izpostaviti velja, da so raziskovalci po letih preučevanj na tem področju ugotovili, da prav situacija določa primeren stil vodenja. Diplomsko delo vsebuje teoretični del o vodenju, teorijo o avtoriteti in moči, ki jo vodja poseduje. V diplomskem projektu smo skušali razložiti te pojme in jih povezati v smiselno celoto. Raziskali smo teorijo, nato pa smo ugotovili, da se v literaturi ne piše toliko o avtoriteti in moči vodje, zato smo izvedi še anketo, s katero smo to teorijo nadgradili in lažje prišli do zaključka. Terenska raziskava zajema raziskovalni del diplomskega projekta. Nanaša se na podrejene, ki so ocenjevali delo svojega vodje, in na njihove vodje, ki so ocenjevali lastno delo. Temeljna ugotovitev je, da zaposleni in vodje v splošnem vodenje in avtoriteto dojemajo na podoben način. Izjema so določene trditve, s katerimi lahko ugotovimo, da so največje razlike v dojemanju vodenja na strani vodij in njihovih podrejenih povezane s tem, ali vodja dejansko obravnava vse sodelavce enako, ali vodja spoštuje mnenje in počutje svojih podrejenih in ali je dovzeten za njihova mnenja. Te trditve smo tudi komentirali v raziskovalnem delu naloge. Na koncu raziskovalnega dela naloge podajamo še predloge za izboljšanje vodenja.
Keywords:vodenje, avtoriteta, moč, podrejeni, nadrejeni, teorije vodenja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Krneta]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74038 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13426204 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2019
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Licensing start date:24.07.2019

Secondary language

Title:The role and importance of authority and power for the leader
Abstract:Leadership and being a leader are broad concepts. Every company needs a leader because without him it can not exist. Each leader is shaped by different factors and his attributes, so we often hear about the authority and power of the leader. A leader is a person who is followed by a subordinate and by him / her importantly depends on how successful the company will be. It directs and motivates its "followers" or subordinate influences, and in most cases, it is the leader who is the one that makes the company grow or otherwise collapses. The leader must be the person that people will be happy to follow, without feeling that they are doing it only for the company, but that they also have the benefits for themselves. Years of leadership study have yielded several theories about the qualities of a good leader and whether they should be directed at individuals or work within the organization for the success of the company. It is worth pointing out the fact that after years of studies in this field, the researchers found that the situation is the one that determines a suitable management style. The diploma work contains the theoretical part of leadership, the theory of authority and power, which the leader possesses. In the diploma thesis, we tried to explain these concepts and connect them into a meaningful whole. We explored the theory, and then we found out that the author's authority and the power of the leader are not so much written in the literature itself, so we did a survey with which we upgraded this theory and made it easier to conclude. Field research represents the research part of the diploma project. It related to subordinates who evaluated the work of their leader and their leaders who evaluated their work. The basic finding is that employees and managers generally similarly perceive leadership and authority. The exception to this is certain claims that indicate that the greatest differences in perceptions of leadership by leaders and their subordinates are related to whether the leader treats all associates equally, whether the leader respects the opinion and well-being of his subordinates and is receptive to their opinions. We also commented on these claims in the research part of the thesis. At the end of the research part of the assignment, we also give suggestions for improving the management.
Keywords:leadership, authority, power, subordinate, superior, management theories


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