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Title:Vpliv zaznane poštenosti cene na moč odnosa med uporabnikom in zavarovalnico
Authors:ID Rogan, Denis (Author)
ID Tominc, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Boršič, Darja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Rogan_Denis_2019.pdf (1,16 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/04b37087-4d10-41e5-9919-bcb0dcb8ab90
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Na današnjih visoko konkurenčnih trgih pridobiva poštenost v odnosih vedno večjo vlogo, saj prispeva k ohranjanju zadovoljstva in predanosti strank organizacije. Poštenost je še posebej težko doseči pri storitvah, ki so za razliko od izdelkov bolj kompleksne v smislu upravljanja. V storitvenih panogah je zaradi posebnih značilnosti storitev, t. j. neoprijemljivosti, neločljivosti, spremenljivosti in neobstojnosti, potrebno razviti razumevanje in izpolnjevanje uporabnikovih potreb in pričakovanj. Pomembno pa je tudi ustvarjanje in posledično doseganje vrednosti za uporabnike ter izpolnjevanje obljub. Poštenost v magistrskem delu obravnavamo z vidika zaznane poštenosti cene, ki je še posebej priznana kot pomembna spremenljivka pri storitvah s kompleksnimi cenovnimi strukturami, kamor spada tudi področje zavarovalništva. Nadalje podajamo teoretično podlago in definicije tridimenzionalnega merilnega modela moči odnosa med zavarovalnico in uporabnikom. Te dimenzije (afektivna moč, kognitivna moč in konativna moč) združujejo bistvene značilnosti moči odnosa. Proučujemo pa tudi vedenjsko namero uporabnika k pritoževanju, ki lahko bodisi pozitivno ali negativno vpliva na uporabnikovo namero po zamenjavi zavarovalnice. V magistrskem delu smo se torej omejili na zavarovalne storitve, pri čemer smo obravnavali vedenje uporabnikov znotraj konceptualnega modela s šestimi konstrukti. V raziskavo so bile vključene osebe, ki so uporabniki zavarovalnih storitev in so v dokaj rednem stiku z zavarovalnico oz. njenimi zaposlenimi. Ugotavljamo, da zaznana poštenost zavarovalne cene pri uporabniku vpliva na vse tri dimenzije moči odnosa – najmočneje na afektivno moč, najšibkeje pa na kognitivno moč. Statistično značilnega vpliva nismo mogli potrditi med nobeno od dimenzij moči odnosa in nagnjenostjo k pritoževanju. Prav tako pa nismo potrdili statistično značilnega vpliva nagnjenosti k pritoževanju na namero k zamenjavi zavarovalnice. Dodatno smo še ugotavljali vpliv dimenzij moči odnosa na nagnjenost k zamenjavi. Kljub temu, da sta dve od treh povezav statistično značilni, ju zaradi pozitivnega regresijskega koeficienta ne moremo potrditi. Zaznavanje poštenosti cene torej krepi moč odnosa med uporabnikom in zavarovalnico, nadalje pa vpliva moči odnosa na vedenjsko namero uporabnika nismo mogli potrditi.
Keywords:poštenost cene, moč odnosa, namera k zamenjavi, vedenje uporabnika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Rogan]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74019 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13418012 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.10.2019
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:20.07.2019

Secondary language

Title:The impact of the perceived price fairness on the strength of the relationship between customer and insurance company
Abstract:Fairness in relationships is gaining an ever-increasing role in today's highly competitive markets, as it contributes to maintaining customer satisfaction and commitment. It is particularly difficult to achieve fairness in services that, unlike products, are more complex in terms of management. Due to the special characteristics of services, such as intangibility, inseparability, perishability and heterogeneity, service industries need to develop understanding and fulfillment of customer needs and expectations. It is also important to create and consequently achieve value for customers and fulfill promises. The master’s thesis discusses fairness from the point of view of perceived price fairness, which is especially recognized as an important variable in services with complex pricing structures, like the field of insurance. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical basis and definitions of the tridimensional measurement model of relationship strength between the insurance company and the customer. These dimensions (affective strength, cognitive strength and conative strength) form the essential characteristics of the relationship strength. We also study the customers’ behavioral intention of complaining, which can either positively or negatively affect the customers’ intent to change their insurance company. In the master's thesis we limited ourselves to insurance services, wherein we discussed the customers’ behavior within the conceptual model with six constructs. The survey included persons who use insurance services and are in fairly regular contact with the insurance company and its employees. We found out that from the customers’ point of view perceived price fairness of the insurance affects all three dimensions of relationship strength – most effective on affective strength, least effective on cognitive strength. We were unable to confirm any statistically characteristic influence of any of the dimensions of relationship strength on the propensity to complain. Nor did we confirm the statistically characteristic impact of propensity to complain on the intention to change the insurance company. In addition, we determined the influence of the dimensions of relationship strength on the propensity to change insurance companies. Despite the fact that two of the three connections are statistically characteristic, they cannot be confirmed due to a positive regression coefficient. The perceived price fairness therefore reinforces the relationship strength between the customer and the insurance company, however, we could not confirm any further influence of the relationship strength on the behavioral intention of customers.
Keywords:price fairness, relationship strength, intention to switch, customer behaviour


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