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Title:Pomoč žrtvi nasilja v družini : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Užmah, Peter (Author)
ID Krope, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Uzmah_Peter_2019.pdf (1,01 MB)
MD5: 0CE5625111F6752B0F322E940AA35548
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/acc83bd6-57ac-492b-88f3-0e222de3867c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava pomoč žrtvi nasilja s prvim pristopom uradnih oseb (kriminalistov, policistov, preiskovalcev) do žrtev kaznivih dejanj. Ugotovljeno je, da je pravilni pristop ključen za nadaljnjo uspešno preiskavo kaznivega dejanja in za učinkovito okrevanje žrtev. Policisti sicer zelo dobro poznajo svoja policijska pooblastila, s pomočjo stalnih usposabljanj in izobraževanj pa napredujejo v poznavanju problemov, s katerimi prepoznajo vzroke in okoliščine, ki vplivajo na nastanek nasilja v družini. Prav zaradi tega je bil ustanovljen projekt usposabljanja multiplikatorjev za obravnavo nasilja v družini, čemur sledijo stalna izobraževanja policistov preko sistema EIDA (elektronsko izobraževanje na daljavo), potrebne informacije pa so policistom dostopne na spletni strani policije. Poleg izobraževanj so dodaten pripomoček policistom za dvig kakovosti dela usmeritve policije, saj policiste usmerjajo, kako naj k obravnavanju nasilja v družini pristopijo celovito in izhajajo iz predpostavke, da je nasilje v družini proces, ki se vedno prednostno obravnava kot kaznivo dejanje in le izjemoma kot prekršek. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene vrste nasilja, ki se pojavljajo v družini, ter posledice, ki jih nasilje prinaša. Posledicam se žrtev lahko izogne samo tako, da se umakne iz nasilnega okolja, kar pa za žrtev nikoli ni lahka odločitev, prav tako veliko žrtev tega ne zmore storiti zaradi različnih vzrokov (ne zna, strah, občutek krivde, pritiski okolice, verska prepričanja ipd.), in prav takrat pričakuje pomoč policije. Diplomsko delo se dotakne tudi drugih institucij in posameznikov, ki pridejo v stik z žrtvijo nasilja v družini in pripomorejo k ozaveščanju o nasilju v družini ter dejavno vplivajo na odkrivanje in preiskavo nasilja v družini. Skozi diplomsko delo smo predstavili tudi druge institucije, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko nasilja v družini in pomoči potrebnim žrtvam, pri čemer smo prikazali, da je policistom najtežje, saj se običajno prvi srečajo z žrtvijo nasilja v družini.
Keywords:nasilje, nasilje v družini, žrtve, pomoč, preprečevanje, policija, centri za socialno delo, sodelovanje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Užmah]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:VI, 64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73897 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3747562 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Helping victim of family violence
Abstract:Thesis deals with approach to the victim of violence by first official responders (criminals , police officers, investigators). The correct approach is found to be crucial for the successful successful investigation of the crime and for the effective recovery of the victim. Police officers understand their competences very well. Continuous training and education in the area is increasing their knowledge of the problems and a recognition of the causes and circumstances associated with the onset of domestic violence. For this purpose a multipliers training project was developed for dealing with domestic violence, followed by regular training of police officers through the EIDA system (electronic education remotely), and providing the necessary information to police officers on the police's website. Beside regular training they represent additional tool for police officers to raise the quality of the workforce, guiding police on how to approach the treatment of domestic violence in a comprehensive manner. It derives from the assumption that domestic violence is a process that is always treated as a criminal offence act and only exceptionally as an offence . In the theoretical part, the types of violence that occur in the family are discussed, as well as the consequences of violence. These consequences can be avoided only if the violent person is withdrawn from the environment, which is never an easy decision for the victim. Many victims are not able to do so for different reasons (lack of awareness, fear, feelings of guilt, environmental pressures, religious beliefs, etc.) and rightly expect police assistance. The diploma work also touches on other institutions and individuals who come into contact with the victims of family violence, who help raise awareness about violence in the family and actively influence the detection and investigation of domestic violence. Through the thesis we also discuss other institutions that deal with the problems of domestic violence and help the needy victims, showing that policing is the most difficult, as it usually happens at the time of initial contact with the victim.
Keywords:helping victim, violence, cooperation, prevention of violence, police, social work, organizations.


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