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Title:Pravopisna zmožnost odraslih
Authors:ID Koren, Amadeja (Author)
ID Zemljak Jontes, Melita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Koren_Amadeja_2019.pdf (653,63 KB)
MD5: 3CDD0EE56CBB4761A4A5F5476434D5CB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/183363d2-a79b-474f-89fe-ae22b98c7784
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Sporazumevalna zmožnost velja za temeljno človekovo zmožnost, pravopisna pismenost pa je lahko kazalec izobraženosti. V magistrskem delu Pravopisna zmožnost odraslih smo zato s preizkusom preverjali znanje pravopisa med odraslimi, z anketnim vprašalnikom pa smo ugotavljali, kako svoje znanje ocenjujejo sami. Spraševali smo jih, katera pravopisna pravila so spoznali v šoli ter kako pogosto in kdaj jih upoštevajo v svojem vsakdanu. Raziskava je bila opravljena med novembrom 2017 in februarjem 2018. Vzorec je zajemal sto udeležencev z različno izobrazbo, starih od 21 do 74 let. Preizkus je vseboval 41 tipičnih napak iz štirih pravopisnih sklopov: ločila, prevzete besede in besedne zveze, pisanje skupaj oz. narazen ter raba velikih in malih črk, medtem ko smo izključili sklop o deljenju besed. Analiza preizkusov je pokazala, da nihče ni našel in popravil vseh pravopisnih napak, najvišje število doseženih točk je bilo 35, najnižje pa 3 (od 41). Zanemarljiva je bila razlika med spoloma v uspešnosti reševanja, v primerjavi rezultatov med starostnimi skupinami pa so se najbolje odrezali najstarejši sodelujoči. Ugotovili smo še, da je pravopisna zmožnost odvisna tudi od stopnje izobrazbe. Največ znanja so udeleženci pokazali pri odpravljanju napak pri rabi velikih in malih črk, največ napak so spregledali pri prevzetih besedah. Udeleženci menijo, da pravopisnih pravil ne poznajo ali jih ne uporabljajo (več), ker so jih veliko pozabili ali pa ker je od njihovega šolanja minilo veliko časa in znanja niso osveževali. Anketiranci pravopisna pravila najpogosteje upoštevajo pri pisanju uradnih dopisov ali v službi, tisti, ki pravila upoštevajo redko, pojasnjujejo, da tega od njih nihče ne zahteva, večina pa ob sporazumevanju med znanci in na družbenih omrežjih pravil sploh ne upošteva.
Keywords:jezikovna kultura, odrasli, pravopis, pravopisna zmožnost, pravopisni preizkus
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Koren]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73709 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24688392 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Orthographic Competence of Adults
Abstract:The ability to communicate is considered to be a fundamental human ability, and spelling literacy can be an indicator of education. In the master's thesis The Orthographic Competence of Adults, we tested the knowledge of spelling among adults and also determined how they assess their knowledge on their own. We wanted to know, what spelling rules they learned in their school years, and how often they take them into account in their everyday life. The survey was conducted between November 2017 and February 2018. The sample included a hundred individuals with different levels of education, aged 21 to 74 years. The test contained 41 typical spelling errors, e.g., errors in punctuation, loanwords, writing together or apart, the use of upper and lowercase letters. The analysis of the tests showed that nobody found and corrected all the spelling mistakes. The highest number of achieved points was 35, whilst the lowest was 3 (out of 41). The difference in the effectiveness of the experiment between genders was negligible. When comparing the results between age groups, the oldest participants fared the best. Furthermore, we concluded that the spelling ability also depends on the level of education. The participants scored highest in the use of upper and lowercase letters, the most errors were overlooked in loanwords. The participants believe that they do not apply spelling rules often, because a lot of time has passed since they learned them in school and they have mostly forgotten them. Most often they apply the spelling rules when writing official letters or at work. Those who rarely apply spelling rules, explain that they are never required to use them. Most of the participants do not take the rules into account when communicating with acquaintances and on social networks.
Keywords:language culture, adults, spelling, spelling ability, spelling test


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