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Title:Zdravstveno stanje prebivalstva in zaznana nacionalna korupcija
Authors:ID Smiljanec, Kaja (Author)
ID Kolar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Tominc, Polona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Smiljanec_Kaja_2019.pdf (2,35 MB)
MD5: F9A74E7F6BBD396749553F7995A18B71
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/27222174-607d-4649-8b5a-af3b22155bab
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu nas zanima, kakšno je zdravstveno stanje prebivalstva in zaznana nacionalna korupcija v 28-tih državah Evropske unije. S pomočjo analize sekundarnih podatkov smo želeli ugotoviti, ali zaznana nacionalna korupcija prebivalstva, stopnja izobrazbe in ekonomsko stanje posameznih držav vplivajo na splošno zdravstveno stanje prebivalstva držav Evropske unije. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali zgodovino korupcije in predstavili njene različne definicije. Nato smo navedli, katere so vrste in stopnje korupcije ter vzroke za nastanek korupcije in njene posledice. Zanimala nas je tudi korupcija v zdravstvu in sicer katere so njene vrste, vzroki za nastanek in ukrepi za njeno zmanjšanje. Pred koncem teoretičnega dela smo predstavili, kakšno je stanje v Evropski uniji. Najprej smo opisali, kakšno je splošno zdravstveno stanje prebivalcev držav članic in uspešnost njihovih zdravstvenih sistemov. Nato pa smo predstavili mnenja avtorjev o korupcijskem stanju nekaterih držav članic. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na katero mesto so se države članice uvrstile glede na Indeks zaznane korupcije v letu 2018. Teoretičen del smo zaključili z ugotovitvami preteklih raziskav o korupciji in zdravstvenem sektorju. V teoretičnem delu smo ugotovili, da je zdravstveni sektor pogosto uvrščen med najbolj korumpirane sisteme v številnih državah. Korupcija v zdravstvu je zapleteno vprašanje, ki ne ogroža samo pravičnosti, temveč tudi zdravstvene rezultate. Zavira zagotavljanje ter zmanjšuje kakovost zdravstvenih storitev. V večini primerov prizadane najnižji sloj prebivalcev, ki je najrevnejši in najmanj izobražen. V praktičnem delu smo problematiko proučili z vidika vpliva nacionalne korupcije, ki jo prebivalci držav zaznajo na njihovo samoocenjeno zdravstveno stanje. Zanimala nas je tudi povezava med spoloma, stopnjo izobrazbe, ekonomskim stanjem posameznih držav in zdravstvenim stanjem prebivalcev držav članic Evropske unije. Najprej smo opredelili konceptualni model raziskave in oblikovali hipoteze. Nato smo predstavili izbrano metodologijo. Na koncu smo zbrane sekundarne podatke analizirali, predstavili rezultate in zapisali ugotovitve. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da zaznana korupcija, izobraženost prebivalstva in ekonomsko stanje držav EU ne vplivajo na % ljudi v državi, ki samoocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot slabo in kot zelo dobro. V izvirni raziskavi, ki je bila podlaga naši empirični raziskavi (Witvliet, Kunst, Arah in Stronks 2013), so ugotovili drugače in sicer, da zaznana korupcija, stopnja izobrazbe prebivalstva in ekonomsko stanje držav Afrike vplivajo na samoocenjeno zdravstveno stanje prebivalstva. Razlika v dobljenih rezultatih je lahko povezana z gospodarsko razvitostjo držav, saj je zelo verjetno, da je vpliv med proučevanimi spremenljivkami drugačen v državah, ki so na različnih stopnjah gospodarskega razvoja. Iz raziskave je razvidno, da na samoocenjeno zdravstveno stanje Evropejcev vplivajo drugi dejavniki, ki so odločilni pri samooceni zdravstvenega stanja prebivalcev.
Keywords:korupcija, zdravstveni sektor, zdravstveni sistem, indeks zaznane korupcije, samoocenjeno zdravje in države Evropske unije.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Smiljanec]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73239 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13331228 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Health Status of the Population and Perceived National Corruption
Abstract:In the master degree we were analyzing the health status of the population and the perceived national corruption in the 28 countries of the European Union. By analyzing secondary data we wanted to find out whether perceived national corruption of the population, the level of education and the economic status of individual countries affects the general health status of the population in the European Union. The master`s thesis consists of a theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part we described the history of corruption and its definitions. Then we identified what the types, levels, causes and consequences of corruption are. We were also interested in corruption in health care, its causes and the measures for its reduction. Before the end of the theoretical work, we also presented the situation in the European Union. We first described the general health of the population of the Member States and the performance of their health systems. Then we presented the authors' opinions on the corruption situation of European Union. We describe which place Member States occupy according to the Corruption Perceived Index in 2018. The theoretical part was concluded with the findings of previous research on corruption and the health sector. In the theoretical part, we have found that the health sector is often ranked among the most corrupt systems in many countries. Corruption in health system is a complex issue that does not only threaten justice, but also health outcomes. It impedes the provision and quality of health services. In most cases the lowest level of the population, the poorest and the least educated, is affected. In the practical work we examined the problem from the point of view of the influence of national corruption that the population of the state perceives on their self-perceived health status. We were also interested in the link between gender, education level, economic situation of countries and the health status of the citizens of the Member States. First, we defined the conceptual model. Then we have hypothesized and presented the chosen methodology. In the end, the collected secondary data were analyzed, the results were presented and the findings were recorded. From the results, we found that perceived corruption, education of the population and the economic situation of the EU countries do not affect the % of people in the country, which self-perceiced health status is bad or very good. Our empirical research was based on research from autors Witvliet, Kunst, Arah and Stronks (2013) which have found out that perceived corruption, the level of education of the population and the economic situation of the countries of Africa affect the self-perceived health status of the population. The difference in the results can be related to the economic development of countries, as it is very likely that the affect between the studied variables is different in countries that are at different stages of economic development. The study shows that the self-perceiced health status of Europeans is influenced by other factors, which are decisive in the self-perception of the health status of the population.
Keywords:corruption, health sector, health sistem, corruption perceived index, self-perceived health and countries of European Union.


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