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Title:Primerjava poslovnih modelov izbranih podjetij v modni industriji
Authors:ID Krajnc, Tim (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Krajnc_Tim_2019.pdf (993,65 KB)
MD5: 970080A0F5BF98DD3AF8BAD5495916CD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/19b71914-59de-40d2-8208-ffc922138973
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Modna industrija je ena najmočnejših industrij sodobnega časa. Globalizacija je močno vplivala na panogo, razvoj hitrih trendov in obseg odjemalcev ter ponudnikov. Na trgu so se oblikovali kompleksni pogoji, ki jih lahko obvladajo le podjetja z ustrezno zastavljenim poslovnim modelom. Gre za celoten proces, kako podjetje ustvarja, dostavlja in zajema vrednost. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo poslovna modela dveh podjetij iz modne industrije, in sicer globalno podjetje Zara, ki deluje pod okriljem družbe Inditex, kot primer inovativno zastavljenega poslovnega modela in podjetje Mura nekoč eno izmed večjih tekstilnih družb v Evropi kot primer neustrezno zastavljenega poslovnega modela, kar je podjetje vodilo v propad. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je primerjati poslovna modela Zare in Mure in posledično ugotoviti, kako lahko nekatera podjetja uspešno poslujejo v kompleksnih razmerah v modni industriji, druga pa so prisiljena v propad. Mura v času svojega obstoja ob veliki spremembi tržnih razmer v poslovanje ni uvedla inovativne prakse, ki bi preprečila propad podjetja. Medtem Inditex z Zaro in ostalimi blagovnimi znamkami spretno izkorišča tržne razmere in z edinstveno zasnovanim poslovnim modelom ustvarja konkurenčno prednost pred ostalimi ponudniki v panogi ter velja za najuspešnejše podjetje v industriji.
Keywords:Poslovni modeli, modna industrija, Inditex, Zara, Mura.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Krajnc]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73219 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13345308 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.06.2019
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Licensing start date:10.03.2019

Secondary language

Title:Comparison of business models of selected companies in fashion industry
Abstract:The fashion industry is one of the most powerful industries of modern time. The process of globalization has significantly affected the trade itself, also the development of fast fashion trends and the range of customers and suppliers. The market was affected by complex terms of business which could only be managed by companies with suitable business models. The business model describes a complete process of how the company creates, delivers and encompasses the value. In this diploma thesis, we discuss the business models of two companies from the fashion industry: the globally renowned Zara, which operates under the Inditex company's mannagement, as an example of an innovative business model, and Mura, which was one of the largest textile companies in Europe and serves as an example of an improper business model which lead the company into bankruptcy. The main purpose of the diploma thesis is to compare the Zara and Mura business models to consequently find out how some companies are able to successfully handle the complex business terms of the fashion industry while others are forced into bankruptcy. In the era of global market changes, Mura failed to engage an innovative business approach into its management which could probably have prevented the company's demise. Meanwhile, Inditex, together with Zara and its other brands, cleverly took advantage of the global market's conditions and have created a competitive advantage against other fashion industry brands with their uniquely devised business model, making the company one of the most successful companies in business today.
Keywords:Business models, fashion industry, Inditex, Zara, Mura.


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