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Title:Izzivi na delovnem mestu zaradi nepoznavanja informacijske tehnologije na primeru zavarovalništva
Authors:ID Vrblač, Danijel (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vrblac_Danijel_2019.pdf (1,90 MB)
MD5: 70B1032C06115327D74ACE1995876129
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c7a757d4-3c5b-4a35-b602-794455083620
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V današnjem času, v toku moderne družbe, je sodobna informacijska tehnologija (v nadaljevanju IT) nujno potrebna za delovanje vsakega podjetja, storitvene dejavnosti niso nobena izjema. Ravno nasprotno, določene storitvene dejavnosti na primer zavarovalništvo, razpolaga z izjemno veliko količino različnih podatkov. Da bi bila podjetja uspešna morajo venomer spreminjati, nadgrajevati svoje poslovne procese in enako je z njihovo informacijsko tehnologijo. Te spremembe pa vsekakor vplivajo na zaposlene. Zaposleni v zavarovalništvo se na vseh ravneh vedno pogosteje srečujejo z najrazličnejšo informacijsko tehnologijo (ERP rešitve, CRM rešitve, BI rešitve). Zato ni presenetljivo, da se vedno večje število zaposlenih v storitvenih dejavnosti dnevno srečuje s stresom povezanim zaradi nepoznavanja IT. Magistrsko delo smo razdelili na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje opisali informacijske sisteme v storitvenih dejavnosti in izzive, ki spremljajo zaposlene zaradi nepoznavanja le teh. V raziskovalnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo o izzivih na delovnem mestu zaradi nepoznavanja informacijske tehnologije v zavarovalnici X. Z raziskavo smo želeli preveriti ali je stres zaradi nepoznavanja IT prisoten na vseh ravneh zaposlenih, ali je stopnja stresa višja pri vodstvenem kadru ali pri kadru zaposlenih v temeljnem izvedbenem procesu. Prav tako nas zanima ali spol zaposlenih vpliva na zaznavanje stresa povezanega z IT. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da spol zaposlenih, ni povezana s stopnjo stresa povezanega z IT zaposlenih v zavarovalnici X. Prav tako nismo mogli dokazati, da mlajši uporabniki IT zaposleni v zavarovalnici X zaznavajo manjši stres, kot njihovi starejši kolegi. Tudi raven stresa povezanega z IT med vodstvenim kadrom in zaposlenimi v temeljnem izvedbenem procesu ni statistično značilno različna. Stres povezan z IT na delovnem mestu je odvisen predvsem od posameznikov in podjetja, kako se vsi skupaj spopadajo s tem perečim problemom. Vsekakor pa lahko trdimo, da bi morali in eni in drugi storiti več, da bi v moderni družbi, v modernih podjetjih, zaposleni na splošno zaznavali čim manj negativnega stresa.
Keywords:ERP rešitve, CRM rešitve, BI rešitve, stres, informacijska tehnologija (IT), informacijska tesnoba.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Vrblač]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73151 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13330972 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.05.2019
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Licensing start date:21.02.2019

Secondary language

Title:Challenges in the workplace for the understanding of information technology in case of the insurance company
Abstract:In today's modern society, modern information technology is indispensable for the operation of all companies, and service activities are no exception. On the contrary, certain service activities, for example, insurance, have an extremely large amount of different data. In order to be successful, companies must always change, upgrade their business processes to the same with their information technology. These changes certainly affect employees. At all levels, insurance companies are increasingly faced with a wide range of information technology (ERP solutions, CRM solutions, BI solutions). It is therefore not surprising that an increasing number of employees in service activities are facing daily stress related to the ignorance of information technology. We divided the master's thesis on theoretical and research work. In the theoretical part we have described in detail the information systems in service activities and the challenges that accompany employees due to ignorance. In the research work, we carried out a survey on the challenges of the workplace due to ignorance of information technology in insurance X. The study sought to ascertain whether stress due to lack of knowledge of IT is present at all levels of employees, whether the level of stress is higher in the managerial staff or in the personnel cadre in the basic implementation process. We also wonder whether the gender of employees affects the perception of IT-related stress. The results of the survey showed that the gender of employees is not related to the level of stress associated with IT employees in insurance X. Nor could we prove that younger IT users employed in insurance X perceived less stress than their older counterparts. Also, the level of IT-related stress between management and employees in the basic implementation process is not statistically significantly different. Stress related to IT in the workplace depends primarily on individuals and businesses, how they all face this burning problem. In any case, we can say that both one and the other should do more to ensure that in modern society, in modern companies, the employees generally perceive as little negative stress as possible.
Keywords:ERP solutions, CRM solutions, BI solutions, stress, information technology (IT), computer anxiety.


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