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Title:Preusmeritveni načrt kmetije Ploj iz konvencionalnega v ekološko kmetovanje
Authors:ID Ploj, Denis (Author)
ID Pažek, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Ploj_Denis_2019.pdf (1,12 MB)
MD5: E998497D01DCF47203E2D17F964CDB68
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d6debcb6-008f-4909-a134-fa16c6da0b6b
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Ekološko kmetijstvo v Sloveniji je zaradi vedno večje osveščenosti prebivalstva o pomenu zdrave in lokalno pridelane hrane v porastu. Na drugi strani pa je ekološka pridelava predvsem za manjše kmetije dodana vrednost, saj se lažje preusmerijo in prilagodijo zahtevam ekološke pridelave ter svoj produkt prodajo po višji ceni. Za manjšo konvencionalno kmetijo Ploj, ki ima njivskih površin le 1,1 ha, je izdelan preusmeritveni načrt. Za vsak kmetijski proizvod je pripravljena kalkulacija skupnih stroškov v konvencionalni pridelavi, pri preusmeritvi v ekološko pridelavo in v ekološki pridelavi, ko ima kmetija že status za ekološke pridelke. Za razvoj simulacijskega modela sta bila za kmetijo izdelana petletni kolobar in gnojilni načrt. Rezultati diplomskega dela so pokazali, da kmetija v času konvencionalne pridelave posluje negativno, in sicer je finančni rezultat –216,39 €. V obdobju prvega leta preusmeritve je predviden pozitiven finančni rezultat v višini 3.371,33 €, medtem ko je za drugo leto preusmeritve predvideni finančni rezultat 6.770,17 €. Za obdobje ekološke pridelave je finančni rezultat 4.588,92 €.
Keywords:ekološko kmetijstvo, preusmeritveni načrt, ekonomika preusmeritve, kalkulacije skupnih stroškov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73009 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2019
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:16.01.2019

Secondary language

Title:Conversion plan of farm Ploj from conventional to organic farming
Abstract:Organic farming in Slovenia is on the rise due to an increasing awareness of the population on the importance of healthy and locally grown food. On the other hand, organic farming is an added value especially for smaller farms, since it is easier to shift and adapt to the requirements of organic production and to sell its product at a higher price. A conversion plan for the small conventional farm Ploj, with an arable land surface of only 1.1 ha, has been developed. A calculation of total costs in conventional farming, in conversion to organic farming and in organic farming when the farm has already acquired the status and labels for organic products, was prepared for each agricultural product. For the development of the simulation model, a five-year crop rotation plan and a fertilization plan were also created. The results of the graduate paper show that during conventional farming the farm operates negatively, the financial result being € -216,39. A positive financial result of € 3,371.33 is achievable in the first year of conversion farming, while in the second year of conversion farming a financial result of € 6,770.17 can be expected. In organic production, the value of the financial result could be € 4,588.92.
Keywords:organic farming, conversion plan, economics of conversion, calculation of total costs


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