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Title:Poslovni potenciali informacijske rešitve crm
Authors:ID Vulević, Maja (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vulevic_Maja_2019.pdf (2,54 MB)
MD5: 387D3F402160DEDC7EE0EF972D834919
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/51781780-a76a-42d6-8889-9350a9b17421
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Živimo v času, ko se poslovno okolje nenehno spreminja kot posledica tehnološkega razvoja in spreminjajočih se zahtev tako kupcev kot poslovnih partnerjev. Po pojavu gospodarske krize so podjetja še bolj prisiljena v iskanje novih načinov zadovoljevanja obstoječih in iskanje novih strank, ki jim zgolj kakovost izdelkov ni več dovolj. Podjetja so se začela zavedati pomena upravljanja odnosov s strankami (v nadaljevanju CRM) ter njegovega učinka na celotno poslovanje podjetja. Gre za rešitev, orodje oziroma strategijo poslovanja podjetja, ki je podprta z informacijskimi rešitvami in se odredotoča na odnose s strankami ter z njimi povezane poslovne procese. Z namenom prilagajanja na hitro spreminjajoči se trg in zagotavljanje poslovne uspešnosti v prihodnje, je za podjetje ključnega pomena. Prilagaja se, sledi trendom in potrebam, ki jih narekuje poslovno okolje. Če želimo čim bolj spoznati naše kupce in z njimi dolgoročno negovati dobre odnose, je edina rešitev uvedba sistema CRM. S temo želimo izpolniti predvsem dva cilja: zadržati želimo čim več dobičkonosnih strank ter spoznati razvoj že pridobljenih strank preko poznavanja njenih potreb in želja. Pridobivanje strank je težko, še posebej na razvitih trgih, zato je zadovoljen kupec tisti, ki se nenehno vrača in nam sledi. CRM je sodobna marketinška miselnost, nova informacijska rešitev, ki ima ob pravilni in natančni uporabi velike zasluge za povečanje uspešnosti podjetja. CRM ni le informacijska rešitev, je nekaj več, saj lahko njegova prisotnost ključno spremeni poslovne procese v organizaciji in naravo dela zaposlenih. Vse več podjetij se zaveda, da je zadovoljna stranka tista, ki ustvarja dobiček podjetja in lahko pomaga pridobiti nove stranke. CRM rešitev nam tako pomaga ustvarjati bazo strank in nas spodbuja k nadaljnim marketinškim aktivnostim. Uvedba CRM rešitve v podjetje predstavlja velik poslovni izziv, saj so zanjo potrebne velike spremembe v naravi dela organizacije, poslovnih procesih, pridobivanju, analiziranju in hranjenju podatkov ,… Sistem CRM lahko postane poslovna prednost določenega podjetja samo takrat, ko se to izogne vsem potencialnim pastem, slabostim in nevarnostim, ki se lahko pojavijo pri uvedbi rešitve z izbrano metodologijo.
Keywords:CRM, upravljanje odnosov s strankami, marketing, informacijske rešitve, SWOT analiza CRM, poslovni potenciali rešitve CRM, primeri dobrih praks uvedbe CRM rešitve, Metodologija Sure Step, Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Vulević]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72979 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13292828 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.03.2019
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Licensing start date:10.01.2019

Secondary language

Title:Business potentials of crm solutions use
Abstract:We live in a time when the business environment is constantly changing as a consequence of technological development and ever-changing demands of the customers and business partners. After the economic crisis, companies are now more than ever forced to find new ways to satisfy their existing customers, and search for new customers who demand more than just a quality product. Companies have begun realizing the significance of customer relationship management (hereinafter CRM) and its effect on the company’s operating activities. This is a solution, a tool or a strategy of the operating activities, supported by IT solutions, and focuses on customer relationship and business processes, connected to it. With its purpose of adjusting to rapidly changing market, CSM is crucial for a company. It adapts and follows the trends and demands of the business environment. If we want to get to know our customers better and maintain a long-lasting relationship with them, the only solution is CRM implementation. We want to achieve two goals with this solution: to retain as many profitable customers, and to investigate the development of the existing customers through recognizing their needs and wishes. Acquiring new customers is difficult, especially in developed markets, that is why a satisfied customer is the one who regularly returns and follows the company. CRM is a modern marketing mindset, a new information solution that, with proper and precise use of great merits for increasing the company's performance. CRM is not only an information solution, it is something more, as its presence can significantly change business processes in the organization and the nature of employees' work. More and more companies are aware that a satisfied customer is the one who generates the profits of the company and can help to attract new customers. CRM solutions help us create a customer base and encourage us to further marketing activities. The introduction of a CRM solution into a company represents a major business challenge, as it requires major changes in the nature of the organization's work, business processes, acquisition, analysis and data retention,... CRM can become a business advantage of a particular company only when it avoids any potential pitfalls, weaknesses and dangers that may arise when introducing a solution with a chosen methodology.
Keywords:CRM, customer relationship management, marketing, IT solutions, SWOT analysis of CRM, business potentials of CRM solution, examples of good practice of CRM implementation, Sure Step Methodology, Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


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