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Title:Agronomski in okoljski vidiki prekrivnih posevkov v ekološki pridelavi zelenjadnic
Authors:ID Robačer, Martina (Author)
ID Bavec, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lešnik, Mario (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Robacer_Martina_2019.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: 002E623C7224D13AC352CC9C4471ABA1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6f5bc934-3a7e-4013-a5dc-b8aa8f1c2750
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Cover crops can reduce the use of external inputs such as pesticides and fertilisers and can at the same time suppress weeds as well as improve or maintain soil fertility. Cover crops can also modify the microclimate which affects pest populations and diseases. Determining cover crop species and management practices is based on the needs and goals of production. The effects of introducing living mulch (LM) and management strategies on cash crop yield, product quality and energy use were studied in certain European countries (Slovenia, Italy, Germany and Denmark) in different climatic and soil conditions. In Slovenia, in organic production of cauliflower and leek, the effects of two terms of sowing white clover with additive design were compared with a production with black foil and with the usual agricultural practice by hoeing. In the field experiments the effect of LM on arthropod dynamics and activity density was investigated. The results demonstrated that the LM systems with a substitutive design, can be effectively implemented in vegetable production if the value of the ecological services (positive externalities) delivered by LM can counterbalance the yield loss due to the cash crop density reduction. If an additive design is used, the LM should be sown several weeks after the cash crop planting. Different cash crop genotypes (i.e., open pollinated/local cultivars in comparison with the hybrids) performed similarly. Use of human labor (HL) and fossil fuel (FF) energy slightly increased in LM systems (7%). The farmers’ acceptance of the LM techniques was quite high (75% of the interviewed sample). The LM technique did not affect the infestation of cabbage caterpillar Pieris spp., showing no detrimental effect of this technique on this key pest of cabbage. In Denmark, aphid populations were higher in the sole crop system than in the LM system. In Italy, a level of larval parasitization was detected and in the first year the percentage of parasitization was higher in LM (88%) than in sole crop (63%). Overall, the LM positively affected the activity density of Carabid beetles, also increasing the diversity and evenness of species (Slovenia and Italy) or activity density of some taxa (Slovenia and Denmark). Due to numerous agroecological services of cover crops, growing simultaneously with vegetables as LM, this could be promising technique for organic and others production systems in the future.
Keywords:organic vegetable production, cover crops, agroecological service, living mulch, energy consumption, biodiversity, soil arthropod
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72914 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.02.2019
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Title:Agronomic and Environmental Aspects of Cover Crops in Organic Vegetable Production
Abstract:Prekrivni posevki zmanjšajo vnos pesticidov in gnojil, hkrati zmanjšujejo zapleveljenost ter izboljšujejo ali vzdržujejo rodovitnost tal. Spremenijo tudi mikroklimo, kar vpliva na populacijo škodljivcev in bolezni. Izbira prekrivnega posevka in način oskrbe sta odvisni od potreb in ciljev pridelave. V štirih evropskih državah (Slovenija, Italija, Nemčija in Danska) smo z večletnimi poljskimi poskusi proučili učinke različnih vrst prekrivnih posevkov – živega mulča (LM) in različne sisteme (substitivni, aditivni) na višino in kakovost pridelka zelenjadnic ter porabo energije, v različnih evropskih pedoklimatskih razmerah. V Sloveniji je bil v ekološki pridelavi cvetače in pora proučen vpliv dveh terminov setve podsevka bele detelje v aditivni zasnovi v primerjavi s pridelavo na črni foliji in običajno kmetijsko prakso z okopavanjem. Raziskali smo tudi vpliv LM na dinamiko in časovno prostorsko številčnost členonožcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da se LM s substitutivnim načinom uspešno uporablja v pridelavi zelenjave, če je vrednost ekoloških storitev (pozitivnih učinkov) LM takšna, da lahko kompenzira izgubo pridelka zaradi manjše gostote sestoja zelenjadnic. V primeru, da je uporabljen aditivni način, je potrebna setev LM nekaj tednov po sajenju zelenjadnic. Različni kultivarji zelenjadnic (sorte v primerjavi s hibridi) so dali podobne rezultate. V sistemu LM se je za 7 % povečala poraba fosilne energije in energije človeških virov. Sprejemljivost tehnike LM pri pridelovalcih je visoka. 75 % anketiranih pridelovalcev je bilo naklonjenih uporabi sistemov LM. Rastline LM niso vplivale na napadenost kapusnic s ključnim škodljivcem, kapusovim belinom Pieris brassicae. V poskusih na Danskem so bile številčnejše populacije uši v samostojnem posevku zelenjadnic kot v mešanem sestoju z rastlinami LM. V Italiji je bil v prvem letu višji delež parazitiranih gosenic kapusovega belina v posevku LM (88 %) kot v samostojnem posevku (63 %). Rastline LM imajo pozitiven vpliv na časovno prostorsko številčnost krešičev, večjo pestrost skupnega števila vrst talnih členonožcev (Slovenija in Italija) in časovno prostorsko številčnost nekaterih skupin členonožcev (Slovenija in Danska). Zaradi številnih agroekoloških storitev prekrivnih posevkov, ki rastejo sočasno z zelenjadnico kot LM, je to v prihodnje za ekološko in druge načine pridelave obetajoča tehnika.
Keywords:ekološka pridelava zelenjadnic, prekrivni posevki, agroekološke storitve, živi mulč, poraba energije, biodiverziteta, talni členonožci


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