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Title:Zadovoljstvo stanovalcev, svojcev in zaposlenih v domu upokojencev Špesov dom Vojnik
Authors:ID Brečko, Barbara (Author)
ID Tušek Bunc, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Brecko_Barbara_2018.pdf (4,85 MB)
MD5: 6894F50DD595924B29FB2DFD1A42E858
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ce8ca980-1051-4c13-8bc9-53b8b02233e2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Stopnja zadovoljstva uporabnikov je v vrhu meril kakovosti in ima odločujoč vpliv na poslovni uspeh organizacije. Z nalogo smo želeli ugotoviti zadovoljstvo svojcev, stanovalcev in zaposlenih v domu starejših občanov Špesov dom Vojnik. Z uvedbo sistema kakovosti European quality-improving leraning (E-Qalin) smo želeli ugotoviti, s katerimi področji delovanja so svojci, stanovalci in zaposleni zadovoljni, katera področja so za njih pomembnejša in kaj bo treba še izboljšati. Uporabljena je bila metoda deskriptivne statistike. V raziskavi so bili uporabljeni trije vprašalniki, ki so bili namenjeni svojcem, stanovalcem in zaposlenim. Vprašalnike smo pridobili od podjetja Fabrika, za kar imamo pisno dovoljenje. Anketiranje je bilo izvedeno leta 2013, ko se je dom vključeval v E-Qalin, leta 2014 in leto kasneje, 2015. Anketiranci so si pri ocenjevanju trditev pomagali s petstopenjsko lestvico. Na koncu vsakega vprašalnika so dopisali svojo starost, lahko so dodali tudi pripombe, predloge in napisali pohvalo. Vprašalnik za svojce je skupno vseboval 24 vprašanj, ki so se posvetila trem različnim področjem delovanja (zadovoljstvu z nivojem nege in oskrbe, zadovoljstvu glede vključenosti in imidžu doma). Vprašalnik za stanovalce je skupno vseboval 33 vprašanj, ki so ocenjevala pet različnih področij delovanja z različnimi podpodročji (zadovoljstvo s standardom nege in oskrbe, komunikacijo, avtonomijo, ponudbo dodatnih dejavnosti in zasebnost). Vprašalnik za zaposlene pa je vseboval 23 vprašanj za pet različnih področij delovanja (zadovoljstvo z interdisciplinarnim sodelovanjem, sprejemanje vizije, klimo v organizaciji, možnost osebnega in poklicnega razvoja ter dodatno usposabljanje). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 67 svojcev. S splošno kakovostjo storitev jih je bilo 37 % zadovoljnih, 62 % zelo zadovoljnih in 1 % niti zadovoljen niti nezadovoljen. Razlika v povprečni oceni stopnje zadovoljstva pri svojcih je bila po vpeljavi modela E-Qalin statistično pomembno višja. Od skupno 69 anketiranih stanovalcev jih je bilo s splošno kakovostjo storitev 31 % zadovoljnih, 66 % zelo zadovoljnih in 3 % niti zadovoljni niti nezadovoljni. Pri stanovalcih se je povprečna ocena zadovoljstva po vpeljavi modela E-Qalin prav tako zvišala, vendar razlika ni bila statistično pomembna. V sklopu ankete za zaposlene je sodelovalo 47 zaposlenih. S splošno kakovostjo storitev jih je bilo 57 % zadovoljnih, 26 % zelo zadovoljnih in 17 % niti zadovoljnih niti nezadovoljnih. Razlika v povprečni oceni stopnje zadovoljstva pri zaposlenih se je od leta 2013 do leta 2015 statistično pomembno povišala. Raziskava je razkrila pomen vpeljave sistema kakovosti v Špesov dom Vojnik in postopen dvig zadovoljstva svojcev, stanovalcev in zaposlenih. Rezultati anket so vodstvo spodbudili, da so se pri delu uvedle določene spremembe, ki so jih predlagali svojci, stanovalci in zaposleni.
Keywords:zadovoljstvo, svojci, stanovalci, zaposleni, sistem kakovosti E-Qalin, spremembe
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72872 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8085779 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Residents' satisfaction, their relatives and workers in nursing home Špesov dom Vojnik
Abstract:User satisfaction is the main criterion of quality in production and service activities and has a decisive influence on the business performance of the organisation. The aim of the thesis was to assess the satisfaction of families, residents and employees at the Špesov Dom Vojnik retirement home. The E-Qalin quality system was introduced with a view to determine the areas of activities that families, residents and employees are satisfied with, those areas which are more important to them, but also all the aspects that need improvements. The descriptive statistics method was used. For this survey, three questionnaires were used and they were filled out by family members, residents, and employees. Questionnaires were obtained by the Fabrika company with a written permission. The interviews took place in 2013, in 2014, when the retirement home was in the process of introducing E-Qalin, and in 2015. The interviewees used a five-point scale for assessing the statements. At the end of each questionnaire, they were asked to include their age and they could also add comments, suggestions or praises.The questionnaire for family members consisted of 24 questions that focused on three different areas of activity (satisfaction with the level of care, satisfaction with inclusion, and image of the retirement home). The questionnaire for residents consisted of 33 questions that were evaluating five different areas of activity with different sub-areas (satisfaction with the care standard, communication, autonomy, offer of additional activities, and privacy). The employee questionnaire consisted of 23 questions for 5 different areas of activity (satisfaction with interdisciplinary cooperation, supporting the vision, organizational climate, possibility of personal and professional development, and additional training).67 family members participated in the survey. 37% were satisfied with the overall quality of services, 62% were very satisfied and 1% was neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. After the implementation of the E-Qalin model, the difference in the average rating of the satisfaction levels among family members showed statistically significant increase. Out of a total of 69 residents surveyed, 31% were satisfied with the overall quality of services, 66% were very satisfied, and 3% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. After the implementation of the E-Qalin model, the average rating of the satisfaction among residents increased as well, but the difference was not statistically significant. 47 employees participated in the employee survey. 57% were satisfied with the overall quality of services, 26% were very satisfied, and 17% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The difference in the average rating of the satisfaction levels among employees showed statistically significant increase in the period between 2013 and 2015. The survey pointed to the importance of implementing the quality system in the Špesov Dom Vojnik retirement home and a gradual increase in satisfaction of families, residents and employees. The results of the questionnaire encouraged the management to introduce certain changes as identified by the families, residents and employees
Keywords:satisfaction, family, residents, employees, E-Qalin quality system, changes


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