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Title:Prehrana v zgodnjem življenju in tveganje za astmo in alergijske bolezni
Authors:ID Šehić, Merima (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Koler Huzjak, Mirjam (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Sehic_Merima_2019.pdf (601,83 KB)
MD5: 746FD33B9576646E86E57119880193D3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/aba8cc5b-1a1c-4f54-b853-898a212c23c6
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Astma je kronično vnetje dihalnih poti zaradi alergije, virusnih infekcij dihal in dražilnih snovi v zraku. Število obolelih z astmo in alergijskimi bolezni vedno bolj narašča, predvsem pri otrocih. Izpostavljenost ploda in zgodnja življenjska doba sta še posebej pomembna pri razvoju astme in alergijskih bolezni. Menijo, da prehranjevanje matere med nosečnostjo in potem prehranjevanje otroka v zgodnjem otroštvu, ne vplivajo kritično na razvoj in potek bolezni. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ali prehrana v zgodnjem življenju vpliva na razvoj astme in alergijskih bolezni.Iskanje literature je potekalo po vnaprej zastavljenih vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijih, glede na zastavljeno raziskovalno vprašanje: »Kako prehrana v zgodnjem življenju vpliva na tveganje za razvoj astme in alergijskih bolezni?«S pomočjo analize strokovne literature smo ugotovili, da obstajajo številne raziskave, ki menijo, da materinska prehrana igra pomembno vlogo na razvoj astme pri otrocih. Dokazi kažejo, da sta ravnovesje hranil v obdobju fetusa ter raznovrstna prehrana v zgodnjem življenju, še posebej pomembna za kratkoročno in dolgotrajno zdravje. Strokovnjaki v času nosečnosti ne priporočajo izogibanje določeni hrani, kot so arašidi, orehi in školjke, razen pri materah, ki so same astmatiki, ker omenjena hrana ne poveča možnosti nastanka alergij pri otrocih.Zaradi povečane incidence astme in alergijskih bolezni, predvsem pri otrocih, poudarjamo na pomen in vpliv raznovrstne prehrane, v nosečnosti pri materah ter polno dojenje otrokov prvih šest mesecev starosti. Dietne omejitve med nosečnostjo in kasneje med dojenjem se niso pokazale učinkovitim v preventivi razvoja alergij pri otroku.
Keywords:otrok, nosečnost, živila, dieta, alergeni, dojenje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Šehić]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72850 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2469796 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.02.2019
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Licensing start date:29.11.2018

Secondary language

Title:Nutrition in early life and the risk of asthma and allergic diseases
Abstract:Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract because of allergies, virus infections of the respiratory tract and other stimulus particles in the air. The number of the patients with asthma and allergic diseases are increasing very rapidly, especially children. Exposition of fetus and early life period is especially important for the development of asthma and allergic diseases. Experts suppose, that the food that mothers eat during pregnancy and food their child eats later in the early childhood is not a determining influence on the development and course of the illness. The purpose of the final work is to determine whether the food in the first years of a child influences the development of asthma and allergic disease.In the final part there is a narrative review of the professional and scientific literature. The search for literature was based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, according to the research question: “How does early childhood With help of analysing professional literature we realised that mother’s food plays an important role on developing asthma on children. Evidence shows facts that balanced nutrients in the fetal period and food in the first years is very important for short-term and long-term health. Experts non recommend avoiding certain food during the pregnancy, like peanuts, nuts and shellfish because it not increases the chance for developing childhood allergiesnutrition affect the risk of developing asthma and allergic diseases?”Due to the increased incidence of asthma and allergic diseases, especially in children, we emphasize the importance and impact of diverse nutrition, pregnancy and full breastfeeding of children for the first six months of age. Diet restrictions during pregnancy and later during breastfeeding have not been shown to be effective in preventing the development of childhood allergies.
Keywords:child, pregnancy, food, diet, allergens, breastfeeding


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