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Title:Razvijanje komunikacijske kompetence in funkcionalne pismenosti na populaciji otrok z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju z metodami recepcijske didaktike
Authors:ID Koritnik, Ana (Author)
ID Kordigel Aberšek, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Schmidt Krajnc, Majda (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Koritnik_Ana_2019.pdf (3,88 MB)
MD5: 874B17BE3B800B6C7AFBD1FAE24A5F06
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dcf58f70-c9e4-465d-8ea7-facf76ce23b2
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Predmet proučevanja pričujoče doktorske disertacije je razvijanje komunikacijske kompetence in funkcionalne pismenosti pri otrocih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki izkazujejo zaostanek v jezikovnem in bralnem razvoju, z metodami recepcijske didaktike, ki izhajajo iz manj zahtevnih nejezikovnih semiotičnih funkcij: odloženega posnemanja, simbolne igre, igre vlog, notranjih slik …, z uporabo IKT – elektronske prezentacije mladinske literarne slikanice (tj. sočasnim zaznavanjem besedilnega in slikovnega dela slikanice), kot primerne in privlačne metode za to populacijo otrok. Doktorska disertacija ima dva dela. Prvi del (teoretični del) prinaša ustvarjalno sintezo dosedanjih znanstvenih spoznanj o otrocih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V prvih dveh poglavjih so opredeljeni otroci s posebnimi potrebami in otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju kot ena od skupin otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Opisani so vzgojno-izobraževalni programi za te otroke, poudarja se pomen integracije in inkluzije, podane pa so tudi smernice za poučevanje otrok z motnjami v duševnem razvoju in prilagoditve, ki jih ti otroci potrebujejo pri pouku. V nadaljevanju so opisane značilnosti otrok z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, sledi pa še kratek pregled različnih motenj. V naslednjih dveh poglavjih je podan izčrpen pregled jezikovnega in bralnega razvoja pri otrocih splošne populacije in pri otrocih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Teoretične ugotovitve so podprte z domačimi in tujimi raziskavami, posebej pa so opredeljeni tudi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na jezikovni in bralni razvoj. V posebnem podpoglavju je izpostavljen pomen pismenosti 21. stoletja, ki je ključna tudi za otroke z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Naslednje poglavje opisuje recepcijski razvoj s poudarkom na estetiki recepcije, razvijanju otrokove recepcijske zmožnosti in recepcijskem razvoju otrok z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Vključeno je podpoglavje, ki teoretično dokazuje povezavo in soodvisnost med literarnorecepcijskim in jezikovnim razvojem. Nato je opisan razvit in preverjen komunikacijski model književne vzgoje za otroke z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki pri otrocih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju omogoča pristno literarnoestetsko doživetje in tako posledično ugodno vpliva na njihovo jezikovno kompetenco. Drugi del disertacije predstavlja empirično raziskavo z obliko eksperimentalne študije primera – na vzorcu petih otrok z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, v obdobju dvanajstih mesecev, kjer se je sistematično z uporabo komunikacijskega modela književne vzgoje za otroke z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju kot eksperimentalnega faktorja poleg recepcijske kompetence razvijalo komunikacijsko kompetenco in funkcionalno pismenost teh otrok. Podatki so pridobljeni s prevzetimi in prirejenimi (delno ali v celoti) merskimi instrumenti: Action Picture Test(-om), testom za ocenjevanje govornega izražanja, ocenjevalno shemo bralnih zmožnosti otrok, lestvico obnašanja (slednja za spremljanje vedenja otrok v času preverjanja učinkov eksperimenta), in prek sprotnih evalvacij ob koncu posamezne didaktične enote. Podatki so bili nato kvalitativno obdelani, rezultati pa potrjujejo vse zastavljene hipoteze o jezikovnem, bralnem in recepcijskem napredku.
Keywords:komunikacijska kompetenca, recepcijska kompetenca, jezikovni razvoj, bralni razvoj, recepcijski razvoj, otroci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, recepcija literature, mladinska literarna slikanica
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. Koritnik]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72732 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24490248 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Developing communicative competences and functional literacy in the population of children with mild intellectual disabilities by using the methods of receptive didactics
Abstract:The present doctoral dissertation studies the development of the communication competence and functional literacy in children with mild intellectual disability, whose language and reading development is delayed. We employed reception didactics methods, which are based on less demanding non-verbal semiotic functions, such as delayed repetition, symbolic play, role-play, inner pictures etc. We also used ICT – the electronic presentation of a literary picture book for young adults (the simultaneous perception of text and pictures in a picture book) served as an appropriate and appealing method for this group of children. The doctoral dissertation consists of two parts. The first part (the theoretical part) is a creative synthesis of scientific findings about children with mild intellectual disability. The first two chapters provide definitions of children with special needs and children with intellectual disability, which are classified as one of the groups of children with special needs. The chapters also describe the existing educational programs for children with intellectual disability, highlight the importance of integration and inclusion, provide guidelines for teaching children with intellectual disability, and describe necessary adaptations and accommodations in the classroom. The dissertation also discusses the characteristics of children with intellectual disability and provides a short review of other disabilities. The next two chapters provide a detailed overview of language development and reading development in normally developed children and in children with mild intellectual disability. The theoretical findings are supported by Slovenian and foreign empirical studies. Factors influencing the language and reading development are also presented. A special subchapter is dedicated to the significance of the 21st century literacy, which is crucial also for children with intellectual disability. The next chapter explores the reception development with a focus on reception aesthetics, the development of a child’s reception ability and the reception development of children with mild intellectual disability. In a special subchapter, the connection and interdependence between literary reception and language development are proved on a theoretical level. Next, a developed and verified communication model of literary education for children with mild intellectual disability is presented. The model allows children with mild intellectual disability to gain a genuine literary aesthetic experience, thus positively affecting their linguistic competence. The empirical part of the dissertation presents an experimental case study that included five children with mild intellectual disability. Over a period of twelve months, the study made a systematic use of the communication model of literary education for children with mild intellectual disability as an experimental factor in order to develop reception and communication competence as well as functional literacy in this group of children. The data was obtained with the use of the following (partially or entirely) adapted measurement instruments: Action Picture Test, Spoken Production Assessment Test, Students’ Reading Ability Assessment Scheme and the Behaviour Scale (the latter was used to monitor the students’ behaviour in the testing process). The students were also evaluated at the end of every didactic unit. The results of a qualitative analysis of the gathered data confirm the set hypotheses about the language, reading and reception progress.
Keywords:communication competence, reception competence, language development, reading development, reception development, children with mild intellectual disability, literature reception, literary picture book for young adults.


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