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Title:Medicine, law & society
Authors:ID Rijavec, Vesna (Ed. in chief and responsible ed.)
ID Univerza v Mariboru (Copyright holder)
Files:URL http://journals.um.si/index.php/medicine/index
Work type:Journal
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Medicine, Law & Society is an international journal for the study of medicine, law and society. The journal publishes articles which contribute to the better understanding and practice of medicine and law and which are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on the critical analysis of developments in medicine, law and society throughout the world. Medicine, Law & Society is is a peer-reviewed journal published in April and October by University of Maribor, Faculty of Law (Slovenia). The journal is co-published by University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine (Slovenia), Karl Franzens University, Faculty of Law (Austria), Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia), University of Split, Faculty of Medicine (Croatia) and University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Faculty of Law (Portugal).
Keywords:medicine, law, society, scientific journals
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publisher:Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72554 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:281851136 New window
Copyright:Univerza v Mariboru
Publication date in DKUM:08.10.2018
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Keywords:medicina, pravo, družba, znanstvene revije


This document is a collection and includes these documents:
  1. Comparative analysis of ART in the EU
  2. Translational and personalized medicine
  3. E-documentation and crossborder healthcare
  4. Medicine between ethics and scientific progress
  5. Patient safety in cross-border care
  6. The relationship between doctors, patients and the law in North American and British literature
  7. Relationship between a doctor and a patient with mental disorder
  8. Criminal law dilemmas in withholding and withdrawal in intensive care
  9. Supervision of medical activities
  10. The legal nature of doctor patient relationship in Turkish medical law
  11. No fault compensation for medical injuries
  12. Asylum seekers and HIV/AIDS
  13. Different approaches to cross border mobility of patients in the European Union in Czechia, Slovakia and Poland
  14. Responsibilities of pregnant women for on going pregnancy
  15. Important issues of providing genetic services in Serbia from the perspective of medical law
  16. Patient's right to protection of personal data in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  17. Inoculation of safety in healthcare
  18. Legal aspects of health implications caused by environmental distress
  19. Monitoring of quality in health care using indicators
  20. Legal aspects of the safety of healthcare professionals working with migrants
  21. Combating counterfeiting of medicines in the Republic of Belarus
  22. The Ebola epidemic and cholera outbreak and the international response
  23. Systems methodology for strategic decision-making in complex healthcare system
  24. An overview of medical malpractice law in the United States including legislative and the health care industry's responses to increased claims
  25. Some regulatory dilemmas of artificial termination of pregnancy in Slovenian and comparative law
  26. Challenges posed by novel vaccines in a hyperlinked society both to doctors and the health of their patients
  27. Selected legal problems of EEG biofeedback therapy under the Polish law
  28. Patients' genetic data protection in Polish law and EU law
  29. Medical error - should it be a criminal offence?
  30. Professional qualifications recognition of doctors in the EU
  31. Vaccines immunize people; legislation immunizes vaccine manufacturers. Legislation in the United States Regulating liability for the manufacture, distribution and administration of vaccines
  32. The importance of labeling products with a GMO or non-GMO label
  33. Insurance of no-fault responsibility in medicine
  34. International human rights law and the protection of the eldery in Europe
  35. Virtual autopsy in legal medicine
  36. Vulnerable consumers, their health and urgent supply of electrical energy in Slovenian legal framework
  37. The use of neuroscientific discoveries in criminal and civil evidence law
  38. Saviour siblings - current overview, dilemmas and possible solutions?
  39. Sex change in islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) UAE law
  40. Parental reproductive liberty for choosing the sex of their offspring
  41. Medical malpractice as a separate criminal offense
  42. Biosimilars and the patent law
  43. Low speed rear end automobile collisions and whiplash injury, the biomechanical approach
  44. Rules on assisted reproduction on Slovenia - collision between legislation on biomedically assisted procreation and regulation relating to safety and quality of tissues and cells
  45. The right to cyborgization in Slovenia
  46. The Legal framework for academic professional development for radiographers in higher education
  47. Differentiating medical malpractice from medical complications
  48. The Implementation and evaluation of the United States Affordable Care Act
  49. The constitutional right to health protection in Belarus
  50. The standards of proof in medical malpractice cases
  51. Jurisdictional control in the sphere of public health protection in the Russian Federation
  52. Salaries of healthcare professionals in the Republic of Croatia
  53. The use of genetic information in the implementation of insurance
  54. International surrogacy arrangements - perspectives on international regulation
  55. Experiencing stress among nurses during resuscitation procedure and legal obligations for healthcare workers in Slovenia
  56. Impact of multiple sclerosis on infertility and impact of infertility treatments on multiple sclerosis relapses in Slovenia
  57. Community health nursing in Slovenia and Croatia - selected legal aspects
  58. Medical negliegence and liability of health professionals in the European Court of Human Rights case law
  59. Equal treatment in healthcare irrespective of racial or ethnic origin in the EU and Slovenia
  60. Criminal offences against public health under the Criminal code of the Republic of Slovenia
  61. Cyber (in)security of personal data and information in times of digitization


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