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Title:Problematika cenzure in lokalizacije pri prevajanju besedila kultnih kart Yu-Gi-Oh!
Authors:ID Kos, Aljaž (Author)
ID Kaloh Vid, Natalia (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kos_Aljaz_2018.pdf (9,00 MB)
MD5: 8AA0D8897DF655A05B68D84242E7B6E7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ba2a5115-71f7-4e84-82a6-03d5df01fdb1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Živimo v času vedno večjih tehnoloških napredkov, zaradi česar smo vedno bolj povezani s pripadniki drugih držav in kultur. Pogosto lahko v vsakodnevnem življenju opazimo lastnosti ali elemente drugih kultur, ki so se skozi čas zakoreninili v našo kulturo ter s tem pripomogli k prepletanju in tvorbi novih, hibridiziranih, kultur. Kljub vedno večji dostopnosti ter posledičnemu prevzemanju tujih kulturnospecifičnih elementov pa se kulture na določenih področjih med seboj še vedno zelo razlikujejo. Poglavitne razlike se kažejo v dovzetnosti kultur za določene vsebine. Obstaja veliko vsebin, ki jih družba, glede na svojo kulturo, različno dojema. To pogosto privede do težav pri prenosu določenih vsebin iz ene kulture v drugo, zaradi česar se pri premagovanju teh ovir mnogi pogosto poslužujejo uporabe sredstev, kot sta cenzura in lokalizacija. Magistrska naloga obravnava uporabo teh sredstev pri prevajanju besedil kultnih kart iz igre Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. Osredinili se bomo na pomen in pogostost pojavljanja cenzure in lokalizacije v angleških in nemških prevodih kart. Igra izhaja z Japonske, zato vsebuje veliko kulturnospecifičnih elementov, ki so pri prenosu vsebine z vzhodnega na zahodni trg bili zamenjani ali popolnoma odstranjeni. Pri prevajanju tovrstnih vsebin ni potrebno le dobro znanje obeh jezikov, temveč je za uspešno lokalizacijo in, posledično, ohranjanje izvorne ideje treba izkazati veliko mero izvirnosti in fleksibilnosti. Z magistrsko nalogo bomo analizirali prevajalske postopke, s pomočjo katerih so pri angleških in nemških prevodih bile prikrite ali spremenjene vsebine iz izvornega besedila kart ter predstavili vpliv teh sprememb, tako na idejo kot tudi sam potek igranja.
Keywords:Cenzura, lokalizacija, igra s kartami, Yu-Gi-Oh!, kulturnospecifični elementi, razlike med vzhodno in zahodno kulturo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Kos]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72223 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24173576 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.11.2018
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Licensing start date:15.09.2018

Secondary language

Title:The Issue of Censorship and Localisation in Translations of Card Texts in the Cult Trading Card Game Yu-Gi-Oh!
Abstract:We live in a time of technological advances which makes it seem as if the gap between nations, and cultures is shrinking every day. In everyday life we constantly face traits or elements of foreign cultures which have been imbedded in our own, intertwining different cultures and forming new ones. We call them hybridized cultures. Even though it is getting easier to access other cultures and, consequently, to integrate foreign culture-specific elements into our own, there are certain aspects in which cultures still differ greatly from one another. One of the main differences is the susceptibility of different cultures to certain topics. Society's perception of different discourses varies depending on cultural expectations, which often leads to difficulties with transferring certain topics from one culture to another. This hurdle can often be overcome with censorship or localisation. In this master's thesis we will discuss the use of both these means of text's modification in relation to the translation of card texts in the cult card game Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. We will focus on the importance and the extent to which censorship and localisation were used in English and German card translations. Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game originated in Japan, therefore the game contains a lot of culture-specific elements. During the card game's transition between markets a lot of these elements were either replaced or completely removed from the game. Translating such contents requires not only good knowledge of both languages but also a translator's imagination and flexibility. This master's thesis will analyse different translation strategies used in the English and German card translations to change or eliminate certain elements from the original card texts. We will also analyse how these changes affected the game's original ideas and the way of playing.
Keywords:Censorship, localisation, card game, Yu-Gi-Oh!, culture-specific elements, the differences between Eastern and Western culture.


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