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Title:Vidiki iskanja in selekcije kadrov
Authors:ID Lončarič Rangus, Žana (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Urh, Marko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Loncaric_Rangus_Zana_2018.pdf (538,60 KB)
MD5: 26BD79244C214DA1CCAE3738A06EC75A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1c5c7e09-05fa-42cc-9331-0900d80e39ec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali tematiko kadrovanja, s poudarkom na iskanju in selekciji kadrov. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili teoretične osnove in pojme, povezane s kadrovanjem, pridobivanjem kadrov in z njihovo selekcijo. Kadrovanje je proces, v katerem potekajo tako aktivnosti, povezane z ugotavljanjem potreb po kadrih, kot tudi aktivnosti, povezane s pridobivanjem kadrov. Pojem kadri zajema vse ljudi, zaposlene v organizaciji, ki s svojim delom prispevajo k delovanju organizacije in doseganju njenih ciljev. Nekatere organizacije poskušajo z reorganizacijo delovnih procesov (uvajanje nadurnega dela, prerazporeditev dela med že zaposlen kader, prerazporeditev delovnega časa ...) zapolniti potrebe po kadrih. Ker pa tak način kadrovanja, zaradi preobremenjenosti že zaposlenih, ni vedno najboljša rešitev, se organizacije odločijo za pridobivanje novega kadra. Teorija loči dve metodi pridobivanja kadrov, in sicer notranjo metodo znotraj same organizacije in zunanjo metodo med iskalci zaposlitve na trgu dela. Prakse podjetij pa so različne tako z vidika iskanja kadrov kot tudi izvajanja selekcijskih postopkov in metod. Osrednji del diplomske naloge predstavlja izvedba intervjujev z osmimi podjetji, ki so odgovarjala na vprašanja, povezana z iskanjem kadrov in njihovo izbiro s ciljem, da ugotovimo njihove metode iskanja in selekcije kadrov, katerim elementom selekcije dajejo prednost in poudarek, kako se spopadejo s prvim vtisom kandidata na razgovoru in kakšen je njihov odnos do priporočil. Na podlagi narejenih povzetkov odgovorov vseh podjetij smo v razpravi opravili še primerjavo odgovorov, pri čemer smo podjetja razdelili v tri skupine (velikost glede na število zaposlenih v organizaciji). V zaključnem delu diplomske naloge pa smo podali sklepne ugotovitve. Velike organizacije uporabljajo podobne metode iskanja in pridobivanja novih kadrov, pri čemer se v pretežni meri poslužujejo obeh metod (notranjega in zunanjega pridobivanja kadrov). Srednje velike in male organizacije pa najpogosteje uporabijo metodo zunanjega pridobivanja kadrov. Zanimiva pa je ugotovitev, da pri selekciji kadrov vse organizacije, z izjemo ene, uporabljajo enake metode izbire kadra.
Keywords:Kadri, pridobivanje kadrov, selekcija kadrov, selekcijske metode
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71876 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8050451  New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.09.2018
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Licensing start date:03.09.2018

Secondary language

Title:The aspects of personnel searching and selection
Abstract:In diploma thesis we mainly discussed recruiting, with more emphasis on searching for and selecting appropriate personnel. We presented the theoretical bases and concepts related to recruitment, personnel acquisition and selection of personnel. Recruitment is a process in which we have to determine the need for certain personnel as well as recruiting methods to reach the desired personnel. The term »personnel« covers all people employed in an organization who, through their work, contribute to the functioning of the organization and the achievement of its goals. Some organizations try to reorganize their work processes (including overtime, redistributing work among employees, redistributing working time... etc.) to fill their personnel needs. However, since this kind of management is not always the best solution due to the congestion of employees, organizations decide to acquire new personnel instead. Theory separates two methods of personnel acquisition - an internal method within the organization itself and an external method among job seekers in the labour market. Companies normally have different methods, both in terms of personnel search, as well as the implementation of selection procedures. The main part of the thesis was to conduct interviews with eight companies, who answered questions related to finding personnel as well as selecting them. The goal was to find out their methods of searching and selecting personnel, which elements of the selection they give priority to and how to deal with first impression of the candidate as well as their attitude towards recommendations. Based on summaries of companies' responses, we made comparison of the answers in the discussion, whereby the companies were divided into three groups (size according to the number of employees in the organization). Final part of the thesis focuses on making conclusions. Large organizations used similar methods of search and acquisition of new personnel, mostly using both methods (internal and external acquisition of personnel). Medium and large organizations, on the other hand, often used the method of external recruitment. The most interesting finding is that all organizations, with the exception of one, use the same methods of personnel selection.
Keywords:Personnel, recruiting personnel, personnel selection, selection methods


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