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Title:Proučevanje potreb potencialnih odjemalcev Zavoda SI OK glede na segmente po metodologiji VALS
Authors:ID Veler, Špela (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Veler_Spela_2018.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: 521EB75504893916F8CF6F8FA8144A48
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/322b81a6-cf15-4eff-829e-ac703ad2d4d1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Segmentacija trga postaja zmeraj pomembnejša za zagotovitev uspešnosti podjetja. Heterogeni trg s segmentacijo razdelimo na posamične segmente, ki so si med seboj kar se da različni, znotraj njih pa so odjemalci s čim bolj podobnimi potrebami, željami, stališči itd. Slednje omogoča, da lahko podjetje kar najbolje zadovoljuje potrebe in želje odjemalcev. Zmeraj manj posameznikov se klasificira v vnaprej določeno razredno pripadnost, zato poleg standardnih načinov segmentacije prihaja zmeraj bolj v uporabo tudi t. i. segmentacija življenjskih stilov. Zaradi prilagoditve novim sistemom je nastalo ogromno različnih in zmeraj bolj individualiziranih načinov življenja – življenjskih stilov, katerih potrebe, želje, vrednote itd., se zelo razlikujejo. Ena izmed bolj poznanih metod za segmentacijo življenjskih stilov je metodologija VALS (Values and Lifestyles). Ta omogoča segmentacijo odjemalcev glede na določene psihološke in ključne demografske dejavnike, ki določajo vedenje odjemalcev. Velikokrat se namreč zgodi, da imajo ti znotraj demografskih skupin zelo različne psihografske dejavnike. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali razlike med potrebami odjemalcev po storitvah Zavoda SI OK glede na kriterije življenjskih stilov po metodologiji VALS. Zavod se ukvarja z organizacijo in izvajanjem različnih delavnic na področju starševstva, zabave in učenja otrok, pomoči drugim ipd. Ugotovili smo, da pri eni izmed petih raziskovanih življenjskih stilov obstajajo razlike pri potrebah po storitvah Zavoda SI OK, medtem ko pri ostalih štirih obstoja razlik nismo mogli statistično potrditi. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se pri štirih od petih raziskovanih življenjskih stilov pojavljajo razlike pri stališčih do interakcije.
Keywords:segmentacija trga, metodologija VALS (Valuse and Lifestyles), potrebe, odjemalci.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Š. Veler]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71776 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13111324 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.10.2018
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Licensing start date:29.08.2018

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of potential costumers needs for Zavod SI OK according to VALS methodology segmentation
Abstract:Market segmentation is becoming more and more important in ensuring company’s performance. With segmentation, the heterogeneous market is divided into individual segments which are different to each other as much as possible and within these are customers with as similar needs, wishes, viewpoints etc. as possible. The latter makes possible for the company to fulfil the needs and wishes of customers at the highest level. Less and less individuals classify according to in advanced determined class affiliation, therefore, along the standard ways of segmentation, a so-called segmentation of lifestyles is coming to use more and more. Due to adjusting to new systems a lot of different and more and more individualized ways of lives occurred – lifestyles with very different needs, wishes, values etc. One of more known methods for segmentation of lifestyles is VALS methodology (Values and Lifestyles). It enables the segmentation of customers considering certain psychological and key demographic factors which determine customers’ behaviour. It often occurs though that they have very different psychographic factors within demographic groups. In the Master’s Thesis, we researched the differences among the needs of customers according to the services of the institute Zavod SI OK, considering criteria of lifestyles according to VALS methodology. The institute engages in organizing and carrying out different workshops in the field of parenthood, fun and learning for children, helping others etc. We established that in one of the five researched lifestyles there are differences in needs according to the services of the institute Zavod SI OK, meanwhile we could not statistically confirm the presence of differences in the other four. We established as well that in four of five researched lifestyles differences in viewpoints regarding interaction occur.
Keywords:market segmentation, VALS methodology (Values and Lifestyles), needs, customers


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