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Title:Prevajanje frazemov v književnosti na primeru romana Luč sredi morja avtorice M. L. Stedman
Authors:ID Veingerl, Nastja (Author)
ID Kaloh Vid, Natalia (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Veingerl_Nastja_2018.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 767FFC6498A7B2DE123A42DCDDAAC1A6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3396d83f-a93b-4bd7-98c9-93cb180ce49a
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Frazemi so stalne besedne zveze, katerih pomena ne moremo razumeti dobesedno, saj je ta prenesen. Prevajanje frazemov velja za zahtevno in prevajalcu lahko povzroča več težav. Prva ovira se lahko pojavi že pri samem prepoznavanju frazemov, saj ti niso vedno očitni. Pri prevajanju lahko težave povzroča: pomanjkanje ustreznega frazema v ciljnem jeziku; frazemi, ki vsebujejo kulturnospecifične elemente; frazemi, ki vsebujejo besedne igre; oblikovna podobnost drugemu frazemu, ki pa ima drugačen pomen; ter družbene norme, ki določajo, v katerih primerih je sprejemljivo uporabljati frazeme. Prevajalec mora zato dobro poznati izhodiščno in ciljno kulturo, pri samem delu pa se lahko opira na strategije prevajanja frazemov. V magistrskem delu smo analizirali prevode frazemov v romanu The Light Between Oceans (2012) avtorice M. L. Stedman. Slovenski prevod z naslovom Luč sredi morja (2013) je delo prevajalke Suzane Pečnik. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili književno prevajanje, razvoj frazeologije na Slovenskem, opredelili frazeologijo, razlike med slovensko in angleško frazeologijo, lastnosti frazemov in prevajanje frazemov. V empiričnem delu smo prevode analizirali na podlagi strategij prevajanja frazemov po Moni Baker, predstavljenih v njenem delu In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (2011). Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali so frazemi bili ustrezno prevedeni, katere strategije so bile uporabljene in katera strategija je bila uporabljena najpogosteje.
Keywords:frazemi, prevajanje, prevajanje frazemov, prevajalske strategije, frazeologija, Mona Baker
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Veingerl]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71640 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24057864 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.10.2018
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Licensing start date:24.08.2018

Secondary language

Title:Idiomatic Expressions in Translations of Fiction: the Case Study of M. L. Stedman`s Novel The Light Between Oceans
Abstract:Idioms are fixed expressions usually with a figurative meaning. Translating idioms is always demanding as we cannot translate them word by word. The first challenge usually occurs when identifying the idiom in the text and further challenges are a lack of an equivalent idiom in the target language; idioms with culture-specific items; idioms with word plays; idioms with a similar form but a different meaning and social restrictions of the use of idioms. The translator should be familiar with the source and target culture but can also rely on strategies for translating idioms. In the master thesis we analysed translations of idioms in the novel The Light Between Oceans (2012) by M. L. Stedman translated as Luč sredi morja (2013) by Suzana Pečnik. In the theoretical part we defined literary translation, phraseology, the development of phraseology in Slovenia, the differences between the Slovenian and English phraseology, characteristics of idioms and methods of translation of idioms. In the empirical part we analysed the translations of idioms based on Mona Baker’s strategies as presented in her book In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (2011). The main purpose of the thesis was to discover whether the idioms were adequately translated, which strategies were used and which strategies prevailed.
Keywords:idioms, translation, translating idioms, translation strategies, phraseology, Mona Baker


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