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Title:Problematika določanja gps koordinat v prostoru s pomočjo identifikacije
Authors:ID Zorman, Timitej (Author)
ID Ivanuša, Teodora (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Prah, Klemen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Zorman_Timitej_2018.pdf (1,75 MB)
MD5: F7D3DF710922FFA8BFAF0C7F9924DA3C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/210ee7e4-6ad6-4ae2-a848-33e4e52aa734
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomskem delu bomo poskušali rešiti problem napačno zabeleženih lokacij posod za odpadke v objektih posameznih naslovov. Najprej se bomo seznanili z organizacijo ter njihov pristop k izvajanju označevanja lokacij z identifikacijskimi napravami. Nato se bomo posvetili iskanju začetne napake identificiranja lokacij. Preučili bomo, kako so identificirali posode za odpadke v preteklosti ter uporabili te informacije za pomoč. Najprej bomo preverili zaupnost identifikacijskih naprav na vozilih, ki upravljajo delo praznjenja polnih posod z odpadki. Tako se bomo približali pravilni lokaciji prevzemnih mest posod. Nato bomo izbrali del terena, na katerem organizacija upravlja izpraznjevanje posod z odpadki, poiskali bomo pravilno identifikacijsko napravo za ugotavljanje lokacij ter stoječim posodam razbrali točno lokacijo, na katerih se nahajajo. Pridobljene podatke bomo primerjali s trenutnimi in razbrali razliko med razdaljami. Prav tako želimo izvedeti, v kolikšni meri so lokacije prevzemnih mest ustrezne porabnikom storitev ter ali se lokacije časovno spreminjajo in jim določiti nespremenljivo lokacijo prevzemnega mesta. Želimo optimizirati lokacije prevzemnih mest posod, tako da koristijo organizaciji za hitreje opravljeno delo ter primerjati pridobljene ugotovitve za hitrejši doseg rešitve.
Keywords:lokacija, identifikacija, prevzemno mesto, posoda, optimizacija GPS
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71388 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.04.2021
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:07.08.2018

Secondary language

Title:The problematic of determination of gps coordinates in space through identification
Abstract:The goal of this thesis is to solve the issue of incorrectly recorded locations of waste containers from various facilities. Firstly, I will study the company and their approach to marking the location of waste containers with identification devices. The next step is to determine the mistakes of identifying the location. Next, I will be studying how they used to identify the waste containers in the past, as this information will be helpful later on. I will start, by verifying the confidentiality of the identification devices from the vehicles charged with emptying the waste containers. Through this, I will be able to roughly determine the emptying location of the waste containers. Afterwards, I will determine the location, which the company uses while emptying waste containers, find the proper identification device and use it to determine the exact location of the waste containers. The newly acquired information will then be compared with the given information of the company, to verify its validity. I also want to find out how optimal the emptying location of the waste containers are to their users, whether they are relocated over time, and also try to find a permanent emptying location for them. I want use the information collected in this thesis to optimize the emptying location of the waste containers for better efficiency.
Keywords:location, identification, emptying location, waste container, optimization, GPS


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