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Title:Precedens v slovenskem pravu
Authors:ID Kreitner, Luka (Author)
ID Keresteš, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Kreitner_Luka_2018.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: 63679CCD9D6CCE3C05EF8229D8B9F7ED
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bb6b79cc-9b04-41c3-9cbe-14bc28ebaca5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Skozi zgodovinski razvoj sta se razvila dva velika pravna sistema. Anglo-ameriški pravni sistem temelji na sodniškem pravu in kazuističnem pravnem mišljenju, rimsko-germanski pravni sistem (kontinentalni pravni sistem) pa temelji na kodificiranem pravu in deduktivni pravniški miselnosti. Precedens v anglo-ameriškem pravu velja za formalni pravni vir, nasprotno pa se v rimsko-germanskem pravnem sistemu ustaljeni in enotni sodni praksi, ki velja za šibkejšo obliko precedensa, takšne vloge ne priznava. V zadnjih letih pravnega razvoja, se institut ustaljene sodne prakse vse bolj približuje formalnemu pravnemu viru, v določenih primerih pa kot tak celo učinkuje. Sodna praksa je del prava, prav tako pa je vsakršna koli uporaba prava nujno tudi njegovo ustvarjanje. Sodna praksa pomembno vpliva na odločanje slovenskih sodišč. Najpomembnejšo vlogo pri zagotavljanju ustaljene in enotne sodne prakse ima Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije kot redna instanca sodstva in Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije, kot ustavna instanca sodstva. Ustavno sodišče se z materialno pravilnostjo odstopa od enotne in ustaljene sodne prakse ne ukvarja oziroma za to sploh ni pooblaščeno. Ustavno varstvo seže le do procesnih jamstev, kar pomeni, da je potrebno vsak odstop od ustaljene sodne prakse dovolj tehtno obrazložiti. Republika Slovenija je z vključevanjem v mednarodne organizacije in članstvom v Evropski uniji, odprla svoj pravni sistem različnim pravnim vplivom. Odločbe Sodišča EU in postopki predhodnega odločanja veljajo kot neke vrste precedens. Pravni red EU je eden izmed boljših dokazov, da lahko tudi v rimsko-germanski pravni družini vzporedno obstaja obe vrsti formalnih pravnih virov. Pravo EU dokazuje, da je sodba ne samo zaželena, ampak tudi nujna kot formalni pravni vir prava tudi v rimsko-germanskem pravu.
Keywords:precedens, enotna in ustaljena sodna praksa, formalni pravni viri, enakost pred zakonom, sodstvo, pravna varnost, sodišče
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Kreitner]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71373 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5644843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.09.2018
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Licensing start date:06.08.2018

Secondary language

Title:The precedent in slovenian law
Abstract:Two great legal systems had developed through historical development. The Anglo-Saxon legal system is based on judicial law and the casuistic way of thinking, while the Romano-Germanic legal system (also known as continental legal system) is based on codified law and deductive way of legal thinking. Precedent in Anglo-Saxon law is considered to be a formal legal source, as for the continental law system, consistent and uniform case-law is considered to be the weaker form of the precedent, but it does not count as formal legal source. In recent years of legal development, the institute of settled case-law has been increasingly approaching the formal legal source, and in some cases even impact as such. Jurisprudence is part of the law. Any application of law is also its creation. The jurisprudence has a significant influence on the decision of the Slovenian courts. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia plays the most important role in providing consistent and uniform case-law as a regular instance of the judiciary and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia play most important role as a constitutional instance of the judiciary. The Constitutional Court does not check material correctness of any kind of deviation from a uniform and established case law. As a matter of fact it’s not even authorized to do so. Constitutional protection only applies to procedural guarantees, which means that any departure from the established case-law should be sufficiently explained. By joining into international organizations and in the European Union, the Republic of Slovenia has opened its legal system to various legal influences. The decisions of the EU Court of Justice and the preliminary rulings count as a kind of precedent. The legal order of the EU is one of the better evidence that there can be both parallel forms of formal legal sources in the Romano-Germanic legal family. EU law proves that a judgment is not only desirable, but also necessary as a formal legal source of law also in European continental law.
Keywords:precedent, uniform and established case law, formal legal sources, equality before the law, the judiciary, legal certainty, court, judicial law


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