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Title:Constitutive modeling and computer methods in geotechnical engineering
Authors:ID Desai, Chandrakant (Author)
ID Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo Univerze v Mariboru (Copyright holder)
Files:.pdf Acta_geotechnica_Slovenica_2010_Desai_Constitutive_modeling_and_computer_methods_in_geotechnical_engineering.pdf (1,09 MB)
MD5: 85B28432B259F023BC94443AC59E3224
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ff7eb4ee-a0e5-4af5-876b-7396eea479fb
URL http://fgserver3.fg.um.si/journal-ags/2010-1/article-1.asp
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:Computer methods are in the forefront of the procedures for analysis and design for geotechnical problems. Constitutive models that characterize the behavior of geologic materials and interfaces/joints play a vital role in the solutions obtained by using computer methods or any other solution procedure. The literature on both constitutive and computer models is wide; attention in this paper is devoted to the disturbed state concept (DSC) for constitutive modeling and the finite element method for computer solutions. The disturbed state concept, a unified and hierarchical approach, provides a unified framework for characterization of the behavior of geologic materials and interfaces/joints. Important factors such as elastic, plastic and creep responses, stress paths, volume change (contraction and dilation), disturbance (softening and damage or stiffening), thermal effects, partial saturation and liquefaction can be included in the same DSC framework. Because of its hierarchical nature, simplified models for specific applications can be derived from the DSC. It has been applied successfully for defining behavior of many geologic materials and interfaces/joints. Procedures for the determination of parameters for the DSC models based on laboratory tests have been developed. Various models from the DSC have been validated at the specimen level with respect to laboratory test data. They have been validated at the practical boundary value problem level by comparing observed behavior in the field and/or simulated problems in the laboratory with predictions using computer (finite element) procedures in which DSC has been implemented; these have been presented in various publications by Desai and coworkers, and are listed in the References. Three typical examples of such validations at the practical problem level are included in this paper. It is believed that the DSC can provide unified and powerful models for a wide range of geomechanical and other engineering materials, and interfaces/joints.
Keywords:constitutive modeling, disturbed state concept, DSC, geologic materials, interfaces/joints
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2010
Number of pages:str. 5-29
Numbering:Letn. 7, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70724 New window
ISSN on article:1854-0171
COBISS.SI-ID:257451264 New window
Copyright:Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo Univerze v Mariboru
Publication date in DKUM:11.06.2018
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta geotechnica Slovenica
Shortened title:Acta geotech. Slov.
Publisher:Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo Univerze v Mariboru
COBISS.SI-ID:215987712 New window

Secondary language

Title:Konstitutivno modeliranje in računalniške metode v geotehniki
Abstract:Pri postopkih analize in projektiranja geotehničnih problemov so v ospredju računalniške metode. Konstitutivni modeli, ki podajajo obnašanje geoloških materialov in stikov mejnih ploskev, imajo pomembno vlogo pri rešitvah, pridobljenih z uporabo računalniških metod ali drugih postopkov pridobivanja rešitev. O konstitutivnih kot tudi računalniških modelih obstaja obširna literatura, ta članek pa obravnava koncept porušnega stanja (“disturbed state concept” - DSC) za konstitutivno modeliranje in metodo končnih elementov za računalniške rešitve. Koncept porušnega stanja (DSC), poenoten in hierarhičen pristop, določa poenoten model za podajanje obnašanja geoloških materialov in stikov mejnih ploskev. Pomembni dejavniki, kot so elastično in plastično območje ter območje lezenja, obremenilna stanja sprememba volumna (krčenje in raztezanje), porušitev (mehčanje in poškodbe ali utrjevanje), termični učinki, delno nasičenje in likvifakcija, so lahko vključeni v isti model DSC. Zaradi njegove hierarhične narave, lahko iz DSC izvedemo poenostavljene modele za določene aplikacije. Uspešno je bil uporabljen za definiranje obnašanja mnogih geoloških materialov in stikov mejnih ploskev. Razviti so bili postopki za določitev parametrov za DSC modele, ki temeljijo na laboratorijskih preizkusih. Na nivoju vzorcev so bili glede na podatke laboratorijskih preizkusov potrjeni različni modeli iz DSC. Potrjeni so bili na ravni problema praktične mejne vrednosti, s primerjavo med opaženim obnašanjem na terenu in/ali simuliranimi problemi v laboratoriju ter napovedmi ob uporabi računalniških postopkov (končnih elementov), ki so bili dopolnjeni z DSC, predstavljeni pa so bili v različnih publikacijah s strani Dr. Desaia in sodelavcev, kot je navedeno v referencah. V članek so vključeni trije tipični primeri tovrstnih potrditev na nivoju praktičnih problemov. DSC lahko poda poenotene in učinkovite modele za širok spekter geomehanskih in drugih inženirskih materialov ter stikov mejnih ploskev.
Keywords:geološki materiali, konstitutivno modeliranje, koncept porušnega stanja, DSC, stiki mejnih ploskev


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Acta geotechnica Slovenica


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