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Title:Optimizacija in validacija cu modificirane elektrode iz steklastega ogljika za analizo Pb(ii)
Authors:ID Šašek, Žan (Author)
ID Finšgar, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petovar, Barbara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Sasek_Zan_2018.pdf (2,29 MB)
MD5: 1D092EB43949E78E10110BD99E72077B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e2ee47de-86b8-4fdc-aa6a-9e4b43d0a8be
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bila optimizacija in validacija Cu modificirane elektrode iz steklastega ogljika za analizo Pb(II). Raziskavo smo začeli z določevanjem meje zaznavnosti (LOD) in meje določljivosti (LOQ), nadaljevali smo z določevanjem linearnosti metode in na koncu smo preverili še točnost in natančnost metode. Za analizo Pb(II) smo uporabili square-wave anodno striping voltametrijo (SWASV), za preverjanje ali naša elektroda deluje pravilno pa smo uporabili metodo ciklične voltametrije (CV). Raziskavo smo opravljali pri treh različnih potencialih depozicije in sicer pri 0,6 V, 0,7 V in 0,8 V. LOD metode nismo mogli določiti pri noben potencialu medtem ko smo LOQ določili pri koncentraciji 2 g/L in to pri vseh treh potencialih. Linearen odziv metode pri potencialu 0,6 V je v območju med 1,85 g/L in 40,86 g/L, pri drugih dveh potencialih pa v območju med 1,85 g/L in 58,18 g/L. Ugotovili smo, da je metoda točna in natančna pri potencialu depozicije 0,7 V in 0,8 V.
Keywords:Elektroda iz steklastega ogljika, modificirana Cu-elektroda, analiza težkih kovin, voltametrija, anodna striping voltametrija, svinec
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Ž. Šašek]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70684 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21619478 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.08.2018
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:06.06.2018

Secondary language

Title:Optimization and validation of cu modified glassy carbon electrode for Pb(ii) analysis
Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is optimization and validation of Cu modified glassy carbon electrode for Pb(II) analysis. The validation began with determination of the limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ). We continued with determination of linearity and concluded with determination of accuracy and precision. Square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) was used for Pb (II) analysis and cyclic voltammetry (CV) was use to test if our electrode is working correct. Research was made at three different deposition potencials, at 0,6 V, 0,7 V and 0,8 V. The LOD we could not determine at any deposition potencial while the LOQ was determine at contetration of 2 g/L for all deposition potencials. Linear response at 0,6 V deposition potencial was from 1,85 g/L to 40,86 g/L and at the other two depositio potencials was from 1,85 g/L in 58,18 g/L. Method is the most accurate and precise at 0,7 V and 0,8 V deposition potencials.
Keywords:Glassy carbon electrode, Cu modified electrode, heavy metals analysis, voltammetry, anodic stripping voltammetry, lead


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