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Title:Vpliv obremenjenosti medicinskih sester na medosebne odnose v zdravstveni negi
Authors:ID Škerjanc, Ester (Author)
ID Bernik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Skerjanc_Ester_2018.pdf (1,21 MB)
MD5: 4E6A05F90FAA88B47F7960865788875E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2527bb6a-602a-4d1e-936f-811d2042e24b
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Poklic medicinske sestre je delo z ljudmi in za ljudi. Zavezuje ga profesionalna in etična odgovornost. Delo medicinskih sester je stresno in obremenjujoče. Problem, ki ga v magistrski nalogi izpostavljamo, je obremenjenost medicinskih sester na primarnem nivoju, predvsem v ambulantah družinske medicine in dispanzerjih za otroke, šolarje in mladino. Izpostavili smo vrste stresorjev-obremenitev, ki se pojavljajo na delovnem mestu in vpliv le teh na medosebne odnose v zdravstveni negi. V teoretičnem delu smo s pregledom domače in tuje literature opredelili pojme kot so obremenjenost, vrste obremenjenosti, stres, stresni dejavniki ter pomen komunikacije in razreševanje sporov v medosebnih odnosih. Za empirični del smo uporabili strukturiran anketni vprašalnik. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 100 medicinskih sester, zaposlenih v navedenih ambulantah v Osnovnem zdravstvu Gorenjske. Rezultate smo prikazali v obliki excelovih tabel ter s pomočjo SPSS programa. Iz rezultatov smo ugotovili, da se v 44% medicinske sestre pri svojem delu včasih počutijo obremenjene, izčrpane. Med bolj izpostavljenimi stresorji so naročanje po telefonu, sočasno opravljanje več delovnih nalog, administrativno delo (računalniško evidentiranje opravljenega dela z obračunavanjem zdravstvenih storitev, zdravstveno statistično poročanje), število obravnavanih pacientov, nenaročeni pacienti, kadrovska zasedba, delo preko polnega delovnega časa. Posledice obremenitve se najbolj pokažejo v utrujenosti, razdražljivosti, nerazpoloženosti. Medosebne odnose v 44% ocenjujejo kot dobre. Med najpogostejši vzroke, ki privedejo do napetosti, navajajo preobremenjenost z delom, nezadostno število kadra v ZN, nadomeščanje odsotnosti. Zaradi teh dejavnikov v 54% prihaja do sporov znotraj skupine. Predlog izboljšav na področju obremenjenosti je, da bi postalo delo na primarnem nivoju bolj vidno, merljivo in ovrednoteno. Potrebna bi bila sprememba v kadrovskih normativih za primarni nivo, priznanih s strani ZZZS, reorganizacija dela in prenova poklicnih aktivnosti in kompetenc, ki bi zagotovile ustrezno izobražen kader, predvsem za področje ambulant družinske medicine.
Keywords:Obremenjenost, Medosebni odnosi, Nesoglasja, Zdravstvena nega, Primarno zdravstveno varstvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70655 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8030739 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.07.2018
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:05.06.2018

Secondary language

Abstract:Nursing profession means working with people and for people. Nurses are committed to professional and ethical responsibility. Their work is stressful and burdensome. The problem that the master's thesis deals with is strain on nurses at primary level, mostly in family medical practice and dispensaries for small children, schoolchildren and youth. Special emphasis was given to the types of stressors – burdens which appear at workplace and their impact on interpersonal relationships in health care. In the theoretical part and after examining Slovene and foreign literature we defined terms such as strain, types of strain, stress, stress factors as well as the importance of communicaton and conflict resolving in interpersonal relationships. For the empirical part a structured survey questionnaire was used. The research sample involved 100 nurses employed in the above mentioned practice in Primary Health Care in the Gorenjska region. The results are shown in the form of Excel tables and by means of SPSS programme. On the basis of the results it was concluded that 44 % of nurses sometimes feel under strain and exhausted doing their work. The most common stressors include arranging appointments by telephone, simultaneous performance of multiple tasks, administrative work (computer recording of performed work by calculating the cost of medical services, medical statistical reporting), the number of treated patients, patients with no appointment, staffing, working overtime. The consequences of work overload are mostly manifested as tiredness, irritability, ill-temper. The interpersonal relationships are in 44 % assessed as good. Among most common reasons for tension work overload, understaffing and covering absence from work are stated. Due to these factors 54 % of conflicts occur within a team. To improve the situation concerning strain at work, our suggestion is to make work performance at primary level more visible, measurable and evaluated. There should be a change in staff norms for primary level, recognized by The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, as well as reorganization of work and by reforming professional activities and competences it would be possible to ensure adequately educated staff, mainly in family medical practice.
Keywords:strain, interpersonal relationships, conflicts, health care, primary health care


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