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Title:Zaznana uporabnost kvantitativnih metod pri študentih
Authors:ID Krajnc, Maruša (Author)
ID Tominc, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Krajnc_Marusa_2018.pdf (3,70 MB)
MD5: 2EA54027ABEAF0D8B5A60E637532B0FC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/db71f7fc-d577-4579-8769-727e859219c7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Kvantitativne metode so vsebina, ki jo vključuje eden ali več predmetov večine študijskih programov druge stopnje, ne glede na smer oz. področje študija. Običajno so v veliki meri povezane s statističnimi metodami. Ob naraščajočem pomenu kvantitativnih, statističnih metod, ki temeljijo na digitalizaciji in naraščajočem obsegu podatkov, ki nastajajo in ki jih morajo podjetja pravilno ovrednotiti za učinkovito poslovno odločanje, pa veliko opravljenih raziskav poudarja, da imajo študenti v večji meri kot z drugimi predmeti težave s statističnimi vsebinami. Statistika je tudi predmet, ki zahteva od posameznika računalniško pismenost, matematično logiko in tudi razumevanje pojmov ter teorije, ki se nanašajo na statistiko. S pomočjo različnih računalniških statističnih programov lahko na podlagi raziskav lažje pridemo do željenih rezultatov in ugotovitev. Dejstvo pa je, da v današnjem svetu brez statistične programske podpore obdelave velikih podatkovnih baz niso obvladljive. Poleg same obdelave podatkov pa je izredno pomembno, da znamo pridobljene rezultate razumeti in pojasniti – na tak način podatki postanejo pomembna poslovna informacija. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kateri kritični dejavniki in v kolikšni meri vplivajo na odnos študentov ekonomskih in poslovnih ved do kvantitativnih metod ter na njihove namere o uporabi tega metodološkega instrumentarija v prihodnosti. Izhajali smo iz osnovnega modela sprejemanja tehnologije (model TAM), ki smo ga razširili z naslednjimi kritičnimi dejavniki: zaznana pedagoška podpora, zaznana skladnost s potrebami študija, zaznana uporabnost statistike, statistična anksioznost, analitično razmišljanje, raziskovalna naravnanost, zavest o znanju in ohranjanje znanja. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili kvantitativne metode in model TAM. Podrobneje smo obravnavali kritične dejavnike, ki smo jih vključili v našem razširjenem modelu TAM ter predstavili raziskovalne hipoteze naše raziskave. V praktičnem delu smo naprej opisali postopek zbiranja podatkov. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo spletne ankete, ki smo jo sestavili na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč. V vzorec raziskave so bili zajeti študenti dodiplomskega in podiplomskega študija na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. V nadaljevanju praktičnega dela sledi opisna statistika, kjer smo prikazali splošne podatke o anketirancih (spol, starost, študijska usmeritev). Za vsako spremenljivko smo pojasnili povprečno vrednost, mediano in standardni odklon. V nadaljevanju smo preverjali zastavljene hipoteze raziskave. Najprej smo uporabili faktorsko analizo, s katero smo oblikovali večdimenzionalne spremenljivke, ki nastopajo v modelu raziskave. Na podlagi pridobljenih faktorjev in njihove vsebinske opredelitve smo preverjali hipoteze, ki smo si jih zadali na začetku naloge. Preverjali smo vpliv vsakega kritičnega dejavnika na zaznano uporabnost in zaznano enostavnost uporabe kvantitativnih metod. Prav tako smo želeli ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike pri zaznani uporabnosti in enostavnosti uporabe kvantitativnih metod pri študentih, ki obiskujejo smer računovodstvo, revizija in davščine ter pri študentih drugih smeri. Pri tem smo uporabili linearno regresijsko funkcijo, parametične teste in neparametične teste. Celotno analizo smo izvedli v programu SPSS. Ugotovili smo, da zaznana pedagoška podpora, zaznana skladnost s potrebami študija, zaznana uporabnost statistike in statistična anksioznost vplivajo na zaznano uporabnost in enostavnost uporabe kvantitativnih metod. Analize so tudi pokazale, da ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v povprečni zaznani uporabnosti in enostavnosti uporabe kvantitativnih metod med študenti, ki obiskujejo študijsko usmeritev računovodstvo, revizija in davščine ter med študenti drugih smeri.
Keywords:kvantitativne oz. statistične metode, zaznana uporabnost, zaznana enostavnost uporabe, študentje, model TAM, statistični programi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Krajnc, K. Vivod]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70476 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13067548 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.08.2018
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Licensing start date:14.05.2018

Secondary language

Title:Perceived usefulness of quantitative methods by students
Abstract:Quantitative methods are part of one or more subjects of most second cycle study programmes, irrespective of course or field of study. To great extent quantitative methods are usually linked to statistical methods. As the meaning of quantitative – statistical methods, which is based on digitalisation and on an increasing scope of data that arise and that companies must properly evaluate for efficient business decision-making, grows in importance, many of conducted studies emphasise that students mainly have problems with statistical contents rather than with other subjects. Statistics, as a subject, requires from an individual digital literacy, mathematical logic and also understanding of concepts and theories related to statistics. The results and conclusions sought can easily be achieved with studies with various computer statistical programmes. However, in the world today processing of large databases is not manageable without statistical programme support. In addition to data processing itself it is extremely important that the results obtained could be understood and explained – in such a way data becomes important business information. The purpose of our postgraduate thesis was to determine which critical factors and to what extent they influence on the attitude of students of economic and business sciences towards quantitative methods and on their intention to use this methodological instrumentation in the future. We started from the basic Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which was expanded with the following critical factors: perceived educational support, perceived compliance with study demands, perceived usefulness of statistics, statistical anxiety, analytical thinking, research attitude, perception of knowledge and knowledge preservation. Postgraduate thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part quantitative methods and TAM model are presented. Critical factors which are included in our extended TAM model are dealt with in detail and research hypotheses of our study are presented. In the practical part the process of collecting data is firstly described. The data was collected with online survey drawn up on the basis of theoretical starting points. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of Faculty of Economics and Business of Maribor University were included in the study sample. Secondly, descriptive statistics is described, with general information about interviewees (gender, age, course of study). For each variable average value, median and standard deviation are explained. Then hypotheses of the research were tested. First of all factor analysis was used to form multidimensional variables which appear in the study model. On the basis of achieved factors and their content specification we tested hypotheses that were set in the beginning of our thesis. The effect every critical factor has on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of quantitative methods was checked. Also we were seeking to find out whether there is a difference in use of perceived usefulness and ease of use between students who attend Accounting and Auditing and students of other study courses. In doing so linear regression function, parametric and non-parametric tests were used. The entire analysis was carried out in SPSS programme. We have established that perceived educational support, perceived compliance with study demands, perceived usefulness of statistics and statistical anxiety are affecting perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of quantitative methods. Analyses have also shown that statistically significant differences in average use of perceived usefulness and ease of use of quantitative methods between students who attend Accounting and Auditing and students of other study courses do not exist.
Keywords:quantitative – statistical methods, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, students, TAM model, statistical programmes


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