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Title:Učiteljeve kompetence v primežu teorije in prakse
Authors:ID Kapitler, Hana (Author)
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Files:.pdf MAG_Kapitler_Hana_2018.pdf (1,20 MB)
MD5: 6BFE121F2FB13865CFA342179651B3BA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6f6fa246-494c-4498-8ad0-bf238ebacd4b
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Učiteljev poklic je posebna kombinacija različnih dejavnikov, tako čustvenih, osebnostnih, vedenjskih, kot tudi pedagoških in strokovnih. Sodobni učitelj tujega jezika ima dandanes zelo težko nalogo, saj je zaradi sprememb in različnih teženj družbe in okolja vedno znova postavljen pred različne izzive. Zaradi tega si učitelji in strokovnjaki postavljajo vprašanja, katere kompetence oziroma lastnosti mora imeti sodobni učitelj tujega jezika; katere kompetence in lastnosti so nujne in katere zaželene. Namen magistrske naloge je z dejanskim naborom kompetenc učitelja tujih jezikov prispevati k tovrstnim razpravam. Pri definiranju učiteljevih kompetenc so ključne tudi njegove osebnostne lastnosti. Učiteljeve kompetence in osebnostne lastnosti definira in navaja mnogo slovenskih in tujih didaktikov. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kako teoretična izhodišča sovpadajo s prakso, ali so pri definiciji učiteljevih kompetenc prav tako pomembne osebnostne lastnosti, ali jih lahko razmejimo. V teoretičnem delu smo zato osvetlili učiteljeve kompetence in osebnostne lastnosti z vidika slovenskih in tujih didaktikov. V empiričnem delu smo s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo ustvarili dejanski nabor kompetenc in osebnostnih lastnosti učitelja tujega jezika, ki temelji na izjavah udeležencev raziskave, tj. študentov absolventov tujih jezikov oz. po Cvetkovi klasifikaciji učiteljev začetnikov brez izkušenj, učiteljev tujih jezikov, starih manj kot 40 let, oz. kompetentnih učiteljev in učiteljev tujih jezikov, starih več kot 40 let, oz. učiteljev strokovnjakov. Ugotovili smo, da se kompetence učitelja tujega jezika v praksi razlikujejo od idealnih, ki so definirane v teoretičnem delu, kar sugerira tudi naslov magistrske naloge, in da so v naboru kompetenc prisotne tudi osebnostne lastnosti, ki jih je, v nasprotju s predvidevanji, toliko kot kompetenc.
Keywords:učitelji tujih jezikov, učiteljeve kompetence, učiteljeve osebnostne lastnosti, primerjava učiteljevih kompetenc v teoriji in praksi, kvalitativna vsebinska analiza.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[H. Kapitler]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70473 New window
UDC:37.011.3-051:81'243 (043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:23969032 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Teacher's Competences Caught between Theory and Practice
Abstract:The profile of a teacher is a unique combination of different factors; emotional, personal, behavioural, as well as pedagogic and professional. The contemporary teacher has a difficult task and is, due to changes and tendencies of the society and environment, always challenged. Teachers and experts debate which competences or personal qualities a contemporary foreign language teacher should have; which competences and personal qualities are necessary and which desired. The aim of the present master's thesis is to contribute to such discussions with the help of an actual draft of competences of a foreign language teacher. When defining teacher competences, personal qualities are of great importance. A lot of Slovene as well as foreign didactics experts define teacher competences and personal qualities. The aim of the present master's thesis is to find out how theory and practice correspond, whether personal qualities are important when defining teacher competences, and whether they can be delimited. In the theoretical part, teacher competences and personal qualities from different perspectives (Slovene and foreign didactics experts) are highlighted. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, an actual draft of competences of a foreign language teacher, obtained with qualitative content analysis, will be presented. The draft is based on the statements our participants made. When defining our participants, Cvetek's qualification is used; teachers beginners without experience (i. e. nearly graduated students), competent teachers (i. e. teachers, younger than 40 years) and teacher experts (i. e. teachers, older than 40 years). It was found out that competences of a foreign language teacher in practice are different from those defined in theory, which is also suggested in the title of the master's thesis. Furthermore, in the draft of competences, there are as many personal qualities, which was unexpected.
Keywords:foreign language teachers, teacher competences, teacher personal qualities, comparison of teacher competences in theory and practice, qualitative content analysis.


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