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Title:Brezpilotni zrakoplov kot tehnični pripomoček za iskanje pogrešanih oseb in osumljencev : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Zupanc, Ina (Author)
ID Maver, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Zupanc_Ina_2018.pdf (1,12 MB)
MD5: F0130C4436A419F53D77B69D58323609
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b379a31f-fb9d-4a72-a38b-214fce89ac41
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Zlata doba brezpilotnikov šele prihaja, to bo čas, ki bo spremenil svet na vseh področjih. V uvodu naloga opredeli pojme, kot npr. brezpilotni zrakoplov, pogrešana oseba, osumljenec ter predstavi hipoteze. Sledi hiter pregled zgodovine in začetkov brezpilotnikov, katerih zametek je naredil Nikola Tesla leta 1898 s patentom za brezpilotna plovila ali vozila. Tretje poglavje opiše velikosti, zmožnosti in lastnosti brezpilotnikov. Nekaj modelov je slikovno in opisno predstavljenih. Sledi poglavje o številni uporabi brezpilotnikov, ki v svetu predstavljajo tako pozitivne kot negativne storitve. Tako kot lahko pomagajo pri iskanju oseb, delu na kmetiji ali dostavljanju zdravil v neprevozne kraje, jih lahko ljudje uporabijo za nezakonito snemanje in prisluškovanje ali v najhujšem primeru, za ubijanje. V petem poglavju so opredeljeni pravni vidiki uporabe brezpilotnikov, s poudarkom na Sloveniji. Splošna pravila so zapisana v Zakonu o letalstvu, Zakonu o varstvu osebnih podatkov in Zakonu o nalogah in pooblastilih policije, bolj natančno jih opisuje Uredba o sistemih brezpilotnih zrakoplovov, sprejeta leta 2016. Uporaba je natančno določena in precej omejena. Temelji na osebni svobodi ljudi, za katero je pomembno, da se vanjo čim manj posega. V zadnjem delu naloga govori o uporabi helikopterjev in brezpilotnikov za iskanje pogrešanih oseb in osumljencev ter opiše prednosti in tveganja pri tem. Helikopterji sicer ogromno pripomorejo pri iskanju, vendar je njihova uporaba zelo draga. V določenih situacijah bi jih lahko nadomestili brezpilotniki in tako zmanjšali ceno, hkrati pa zmanjšali nevarnosti za pilote. Sledi opis policijskih pooblastil pri iskanju pogrešanih oseb in osumljencev ter možne kršitve pri tem. Policija mora pri uporabi brezpilotnih zrakoplovov biti zelo pozorna, da ne posega v zasebnost ljudi.
Keywords:pogrešane osebe, osumljenci, iskanje, preiskovanje, tehnični pripomočki, brezpilotni letalniki, droni, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Zupanc]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VI, 46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70333 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3548650 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Unmanned Aircraft as Technical Tool for Searching Missing Persons and Suspects
Abstract:Time of unmanned aircrafts is coming, the time that will change the world. In introduction, the thesis defines some concepts, such as unmanned aircraft, missing person, suspect, and presents hypotheses. This is followed by a brief history and beginnings of unmanned aircrafts, which started with a patent for unmanned vessel and vehicle made by Nikola Tesla in 1898. The third chapter describes shapes, sizes, capabilities, and qualities of unmanned aircrafts. It also includes pictures and descriptions of some models. The next chapter talks about the numerous uses of unmanned aircrafts, which can be positive or negative. They can help finding a missing person or bring medicine to impassable places, but they can also be used for illegal video or audio recording, or even murder. In the fifth chapter, the law aspects of unmanned aircraft use in Slovenia are explained. General rules are written in Aviation Act, Personal Data Protection Act, and Law on Police Tasks and Powers, with more detailed rules written in the Decree on unmanned aircraft systems from 2016. Use of unmanned aircrafts is exactly described and quite limited as it is based on personal freedom, which should not be interfered with. In the last part, the thesis talks about the use of helicopters and unmanned aircrafts for finding missing persons and suspects and describes advantages and risks of each approach. Helicopters are of a great help in searching, but their use is very expensive. Therefore, in certain cases unmanned aircrafts could be partly used as substitution for helicopters, which would reduce cost and reduce risks for the pilots. This is followed by a description of police powers for searching missing persons and suspects with unmanned aircrafts, as well as potential violations. Police must be very careful when using such assets because they can quickly interfere with privacy of people.
Keywords:unmanned aircraft systems, missing persons, suspects, technology


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