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Title:Vpliv zadovoljstva zaposlenih v zelenem turizmu na izkušnjo turistov
Authors:ID Rojko, Tina (Author)
ID Lebe, Sonja Sibila (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Rojko_Tina_2018.pdf (1,73 MB)
MD5: DB5E03BCBA6DD2A21593699D437F2308
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/58d33325-3c14-48ac-86ca-5d72c9372d92
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Turizem je dinamična gospodarska dejavnost, ki dosega visoko stopnjo rasti in ima velik multiplikacijski učinek. Pozitivno vpliva na zaposlovanje v krajih, kjer se razvija. Sočasno je turizem najizrazitejši sociološki pojav našega časa, saj je postal način življenja v razvitih delih sveta. V svetu, ki se nenehno razvija in raste, so podnebne spremembe in okoljska problematika postali eden izmed ključnih izzivov na globalni ravni. To se kaže tudi v turizmu. Potrošniki so vse bolj okoljsko ozaveščeni in posledično naklonjeni zeleni ponudbi. Med glavne motive potovanj zato spadajo prav odkrivanje naravne in kulturne krajine oziroma dediščine ter uživanje v sprostitvi, ki jo prinašajo lepa ohranjena narava ter aktivnosti v njej. Da bi naravo ohranili za sedanje in prihodnje rodove, se turizem čedalje bolj usmerja v trajnostno oziroma zeleno poslovanje. Kljub zelenemu poslovanju je za zadovoljstvo turistov pomembno veliko več od ohranjene narave. Eden izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov so ljudje. Zaposleni in njihov odnos veliko doprinesejo k celoviti izkušnji turistov. Kadri so zato najpomembnejše premoženje podjetja in njihovo uspešno upravljanje pripomore k njihovemu zadovoljstvu in posledično k zadovoljstvu turistov oziroma uspešnosti poslovanja. Lahko rečemo, da so kadri ključ do uspeha (Carell et al. Možina et al. 2002, 12). V nalogi smo s hipotezami preverili, ali navedene trditve držijo in ali res obstaja povezava med zadovoljnimi zaposlenimi in zadovoljnimi turisti. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili glavne značilnosti zelenega turizma in človeških virov ter obe področji povezali. V empiričnem delu pa smo izvedli raziskavo med zaposlenimi v zelenih turističnih podjetjih ter med njihovimi gosti in opravili intervjuje z vodilnimi zaposlenimi. Končna ocena stanja potrjuje navedene trditve. Kljub temu pa se je pokazala tudi raznovrstna problematika, zato smo nanjo opozorili in predlagali izboljšave.
Keywords:Zeleni turizem, človeški viri, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, zadovoljstvo turistov, Slovenia Green Accommodation
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Rojko]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70034 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13046556 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.06.2018
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Licensing start date:28.03.2018

Secondary language

Title:Impact of green tourism employees' satisfaction on tourist experience
Abstract:Tourism is a dynamic, growth-oriented activity that achieves high growth rates and has a high multiplier effect. In places where tourism is developing it has a positive impact on employment. At the same time, tourism is the most prominent sociological phenomenon of our time. In developed parts of the world, tourism has become life-style. In a world that is constantly developing and growing, climate changes and environmental issues have become some of the key challenges at the global level. This trend is also reflected in tourism. Consumers are increasingly favoring the green options. One of the main motives for traveling is to discover the nature and cultural landscape or heritage, and to enjoy in the relaxation and activities offered by the beautiful nature. In order to preserve this for present and future generations, tourism is increasingly turning to sustainable and green business. Beside of green business, there are other important things to do to satisfy tourists. One of the most important factors in the story of tourism are people. Employees and their relationship contribute to the overall experience of tourists. Personnel is the most important assets of the company and successful management contributes to their satisfaction and, consequently, to the satisfaction of tourists and to the success of business. We can say that employees are the key to success (Carell et al. Možina et al. 2002, 12). With the hypotheses we checked if these statements are true and whether there is a link between satisfied employees and satisfied tourists. In the theoretical part we presented the main features of green tourism and human resources and linked both areas together. In the empirical part we carried out a survey among employees in green tourist companies and their guests and conducted interviews with leading employees. The final assessment of the situation confirms our stated claims. Even so some issues were revealed so we pointed at them and made suggestions for improvement.
Keywords:Tourism, green tourism, human resources, employee satisfaction, satisfaction of tourists, Slovenia Green Accommodation


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