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Title:Pozitivni učinki metod gledališke pedagogike na učence pri pouku slovenščine v osnovni šoli
Authors:ID Prigl, Mojca (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Prigl_Mojca_2018.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: 06D1EE0C4A2719428692E7B5890AA0CA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe2c844c-d925-4c07-b00e-88743532e7ec
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Namen in cilj v sodobni gledališki vzgoji nista samo končni produkt, končna produkcija oziroma to, da z otroki ustvarimo predstavo. Treba je vedeti, da ne vzgajamo prihodnjih igralcev, temveč z metodami gledališke pedagogike pripomoremo k boljšemu čustvenemu, socialnemu in intelektualnemu razvoju otrok. Vsekakor pa jih sočasno vzgajamo za razumevanje in spremljanje gledališke umetnosti. Ko omenimo kreativno dramo, gledališke delavnice, vaje in improvizacije, zelo pogosto pomislimo na neke nejasne forme kreativnega dogodka, ki naj ne bi vključevale estetske izkušnje in kritičnega odnosa do gledališča. Namen gledališke vzgoje ter izvajanja in razvijanja gledaliških dejavnosti v šolah je poudarjanje otrokove osebnosti, individualnosti, krepitev samozavesti, razvijanje in spodbujanje boljše komunikacije, učvrščevanje medsebojnih odnosov in skupinskega dela. Hkrati razvijamo kritično mišljenje, empatijo, spoštovanje, kreativnost in smisel za estetiko. Otrokom ponujamo možnost za ustvarjalno izražanje. S tem potisnemo ob stran ustaljeno miselnost, da s kreativno dramsko vzgojo in z izobraževalnim gledališčem vzgajamo (le) redne obiskovalce gledališča in bodoče igralce, ki nastopajo na odru po točno določenih ukazih. Pozitivne učinke metod gledališke pedagogike smo dokazali tudi z rezultati ankete, ki smo jo razdelili med 100 učiteljev slovenščine na osnovnih šolah.
Keywords:gledališka pedagogika, gledališke igre, gledališče v učilnici, kreativna dramska vzgoja, metode gledališke pedagogike.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Prigl]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69736 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23736328 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Positive effects of theatre pedagogy methods on pupils during slovenian language classes in primary schools
Abstract:The purpose and goal in modern theater education do not focus merely on the finished product, the finished production or, respectively, the creation of a play with children. It should be noted that we are not raising future talents with the implementation of theater pedagogy methods, but supporting children’s emotional, social and intellectual development. However, we stimulate their understanding and interest in performing arts at the same time. Whenever we mention creative drama, theater workshops, exercises and improvisation, we very frequently think about vague creative event forms, which should not encompass the aesthetic experience and critical attitude towards theater. The purpose of theater pedagogy, and the implementation and development of theater activities at school is to highlight a child’s personality, individuality, encourage individual empowerment, develop and stimulate better communication, strengthen mutual relations and group work. At the same time, we foster critical thinking, empathy, respect, creativity and the sense for aesthetic. We offer the possibility of creative expression to children. Thus, we set aside established mindsets, that by incorporating creative drama education and educational theater we (only) generate regular theater visitors and future actors, who will follow nothing but specific on-stage instructions. We have also proved the positive effects of theater pedagogy methods with the results of a questionnaire, which was distributed to 100 Slovenian language teachers at primary schools.
Keywords:theater pedagogy, theater games, classroom theater, creative drama education, theater pedagogy methods


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