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Title:Poznavanje in raba frazemov iz grško - rimske mitologije
Authors:ID Zore, Eva (Author)
ID Ulčnik, Natalija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zore_Eva_2018.pdf (1,52 MB)
MD5: 5D7D9894FAEEF2A0978C26567533EB91
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a8e47e2c-fd0d-47ac-9525-4ad908786d78
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo z naslovom Poznavanje in raba frazemov iz grško-rimske mitologije v teoretičnem delu obravnava frazeologijo kot vedo, opredeljuje frazeološko enoto ter pomen in rabo frazemov. Posveča se pravopisnemu vprašanju frazemov in predstavi prisotnost frazeoloških enot v splošnih in specializiranih slovarjih. V drugem poglavju teoretičnega dela je osvetljen pojem mita ter grška in rimska mitologija. V empiričnem delu je v ospredju zbirka frazeoloških enot, temelječih na grško-rimskem mitološkem ozadju. Gradivo, ki je bilo zbrano na podlagi Slovarja slovenskih frazemov (2015) Janeza Kebra, priročnika Kdo je kdo v antiki (2004) Vladete Jankovića, Slovarja grške in rimske mitologije (1995) Joëla Schmidta in Kratke zgodovine mita (2005) Karen Armstrong, podaja pomen zbranih frazeoloških enot v slovenskem jeziku, razlaga njihovo mitološko ozadje, prikazuje rabo, pojavitve v korpusu Gigafida in slovarjih ter navaja angleško ustreznico. Ugotovljeno je, da so obravnavani frazemi v korpusu Gigafida prisotni predvsem v publicističnih besedilih in da je njihova pravopisna podoba pogosto neenotna (npr. Pirova zmaga, pirova zmaga). Poznavanje in raba izbranih frazeoloških enot sta bila preverjena med študentkami in študenti slovenskega jezika in književnosti na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Anketa je pokazala, da je védenje študentov o obravnavani tematiki (npr. poznavanje pomena in mitološkega ozadja enot) skopo, uporaba tovrstnih enot pa redka.
Keywords:frazeologija, frazem, grška mitologija, rimska mitologija, pravopis
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Zore]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-69615 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24077064 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Knowledge and use of idioms originating in greek and roman mythology
Abstract:In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis titled Knowledge and Use of Idioms Originating in Greek and Roman Mythology, phraseology is discussed as a science that defines a phraseological unit and meaning in phraseology. Furthermore, the issue of the spelling of phrases is considered as well as the presence of phraseological units in general and specialized dictionaries are introduced. The second chapter of the theoretical part presents the Greek and Roman mythology and the concept of a myth. In the empirical part, a collection of phraseological units which originate in Greek and Roman mythology is analysed. The collected material, which was obtained on the basis of Dictionary of Slovenian Phrases, Slovar slovenskih frazemov (2015) by Janez Keber, Who's Who in Classical Antiquity manual, Kdo je kdo v antiki (2004) by Vladeta Janković, Glossary of Greek and Roman Mythology, Slovar grške in rimske mitologije (1995) by Joël Schmidt and Brief History of Myth, Kratka zgodovina mita (2005) by Karen Armstrong, shows the meaning of collected phraseological units in the Slovene language, explains their mythological background, demonstrates the use and shows occurrences found in the Gigafida corpus, in dictionaries and its English equivalent. It has been found that the discussed phrases are mainly used in journalistic texts and that their spelling is often inconsistent, e.g. Pyrrhic victory/pyrrhic victory. Knowledge and use of selected phraseological units of students studying Slovene language and literature at the Faculty of Arts of University of Maribor was tested. The survey showed that the students’ knowledge about the discussed subject (knowing the meaning, mythological backgrounds, how to spell specific units) is meagre and that they use such phraseological units rarely.
Keywords:phraseology, idiom, Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, spelling


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