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Title:Miselna naravnanost o osebnosti kot dejavnik spoprijemanja s konflikti v partnerskih odnosih
Authors:ID Piberčnik, Nina (Author)
ID Košir, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pibercnik_Nina_2017.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: 4F426626BB3DF7977E6B63CE7155072B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/62ea8c13-3fdd-4939-b114-11b4b8ba5d10
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Po teoriji Carol Dweck je miselna naravnanost o osebnosti povezana s posameznikovimi odzivi na konflikt v partnerskem odnosu, pri čemer naj bi se miselno naravnani k rasti s konfliktom spoprijemali z ugodnejšimi slogi kot fiksno miselno naravnani. Namen raziskave je bil z nekaterimi spremembami v metodologiji replicirati študijo Kammrath in Dweck (2006) ter preveriti, ali se miselna naravnanost o osebnosti povezuje s slogi spoprijemanja s konflikti in ali je njihov napovednik. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 281 udeležencev (80.8 % žensk, 19.2 % moških). Povprečna starost udeležencev je bila 33. 4 leta, povprečna dolžina partnerskega razmerja pa 11.4 let. Uporabljen je bil vprašalniški sklop, ki je zajemal Vprašalnik implicitnih teorij o osebnosti (ITO) in Thomas-Kilmannov vprašalnik slogov spoprijemanja s konflikti (TKI), meril pa je tudi intenziteto neugodnih emocij, občutenih ob konfliktu s partnerjem, ter pomembnost, ki jo posameznik pripiše konfliktni situaciji. Rezultati so pokazali, da miselna naravnanost o osebnosti ni povezana z nobenim izmed slogov spoprijemanja s konflikti in ni njihov napovednik, sta pa s slogoma tekmovanje in prilagajanje povezani intenziteta neugodnih emocij (ki sloga tudi napoveduje) ter pomembnost konflikta. Ugotovljeno je bilo še, da se mlajši posamezniki v krajših razmerjih bolj prilagajajo partnerju ter uporabljajo slog sodelovanje, medtem ko starejši ljudje v daljših razmerjih uporabljajo slog izogibanje. Analiza glavnih komponent je medtem pokazala še, da gre pri miselni naravnanosti za dve ločeni komponenti. Ugotovitve nagovarjajo k ponovnemu preučevanju povezanosti vseh omenjenih spremenljivk, povezanih s slogi spoprijemanja s konflikti, predvsem miselne naravnanosti. Vsekakor prva slovenska raziskava o miselni naravnanosti o osebnosti na podlagi rezultatov naslavlja vprašanje realnosti in koherentnosti teorije o miselni naravnanosti ter poziva k nadaljnjim raziskavam in repliciranju študij. Dokler teorija C. Dweck ne bo večkrat preverjena, je treba do nje pristopati z distanco in se vzdržati implementiranja njenega glavnega koncepta v prakso.
Keywords:miselna naravnanost, osebnost, konflikti, spoprijemanje, emocije, odnosi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Piberčnik]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68939 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23519240 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.12.2017
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Licensing start date:13.11.2017

Secondary language

Title:Personality mindset as a predictor of coping with conflicts in intimate ralationship
Abstract:According to the theory of Carol Dweck a personality mindset is related to an individual's reaction to a conflict in a relationship and people with a growth mindset cope with conflicts more comfortably than people with a fixed mindset. The aim of the research was to replicate the study of Kammrath and Dweck (2006) with some changes in the methodology and test if the personality mindset is related to styles of coping with conflicts and if it is their predictor. The research included 281 participants (80.8% women, 19.2% men). The average age of participants was 33.4 years and duration of an average relationship was 11.4 years. The questionnaire used for the purpose of research included “Kind of Person” Implicit Theory– Others Form For Adults Questionnaire and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict MODE Instrument – TKI. Furthermore, it surveyed the intensity of unpleasant emotions that one feels when having a conflict with a partner, and the importance that individual attributes to a conflict situation. The results have shown that a personality mindset is not connected with any of the styles of coping with conflicts and it is not their predictor. However, the intensity of unpleasant emotions (that indicate the styles) and the conflict's importance is related to the competition and accommodation styles. Next to that, the results imply that younger individuals in short term relationships are accommodating the partner more and use a collaborating style, while older individuals in long term relationships use an avoiding style. Analysis of the main components has shown that there are 2 separate components in a personality mindset. These research results address researchers to review the correlations of all the mentioned variables related to styles of coping with conflicts and especially the personality mindset. However, the results of the first Slovenian research about the personality mindset arouse the question of reality and coherence of the personality mindset theory and consequently call to continuous research and replication of the study. Until Dweck’s theory is not repeatedly confirmed, it is necessary to approach it carefully and refrain from implementing its main concept into practice.
Keywords:mindset, personality, conflicts, coping, emotions, relationships


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