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Title:Mitsko v dramah Dominika Smoleta in Daneta Zajca : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Florjan, Marjana (Author)
ID Borovnik, Silvija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Florjan_Marjana_2005.pdf (612,18 KB)
MD5: BEB1A032BE6A5EA89DEEC78488D95E52
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d3848577-777f-4791-9bdf-d67124e194a5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Mitologija je zelo kompleksno podroĉje. Zaradi svoje pestrosti in veĉno aktualnih tem, ki se tiĉejo ţivljenja, privablja tiste, ki išĉejo odgovore na vprašanja o ţivljenju in njegovem smislu. S pomoĉjo izbranih mitoloških elementov, ki sem jih prouĉevala v dramskih tekstih Dominika Smoleta in Daneta Zajca, sem ţelela dobiti vpogled v njuno razmišljanje, interpretacijo ter vrednotenje mitskega izroĉila. Obenem pa poglobiti svoje znanje o skrivnostih mitološke simbolike. Pri raziskovanju sem spoznala tako kulturno kot tudi politiĉno ozadje, ki je vzpodbujalo avtorja/-e, da sta aktualno problematiko svojega ĉasa prestavila v nadĉasovni mitski prostor ter tako konflikt oĉistila vseh ideološko-politiĉnih ter druţbenih oznak, in ga predstavila kot obĉeĉloveški problem. Partijska politika povojnega ĉasa je namreĉ omejevala svobodo razmišljanja in govora ter obvladovala celotno kulturno-politiĉno podroĉje ter celo zasebnost posameznikov. Mitsko simboliko Smoletovih in Zajĉevih dram ter kulturno-politiĉno ozadje, ki je vplivalo na avtorja, da sta posegla v svet mita, sem objektivno opisala s pomoĉjo deskriptivne metode ter z zgodovinsko metodo pojasnila vzroke teh okolišĉin. S komparativno metodo sem med avtorjema primerjala razliĉnosti ter podobnosti vrednotenja mitološkega izroĉila ter njeno spreminjanje skozi zgodovino. Ugotovila sem, da nobeden od avtorjev ne verjame v mitsko resnico, obenem pa njene absolutnosti in resniĉnosti ne moreta zanikati. Dramatika zaradi osebnega razoĉaranja nad svetom, polnem vojn in nasilja, in ĉlovekom, ki sam kreira takšno ţivljenje, ne verjameta veĉ v uresniĉitev mitskega ţivljenja na zemlji. Kljub njunemu obupu nad ĉloveštvom pa lahko zatrdim, da sta oziroma da svoje pisateljsko poslanstvo izpolnjujeta – mitologijo oţivljata in njene resnice prenašata med ljudi.
Keywords:slovenska književnost, mitologija, Smole, Dominik, Zajc, Dane, mitsko, diplomska dela
Place of publishing:Celje
Place of performance:Celje
Publisher:[M. Florjan]
Year of publishing:2005
Year of performance:2005
Number of pages:89 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68900 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:14332936 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Mythic in the dramas of Dominik Smole and Dane Zajc
Abstract:Mythology is a very complex area. Its gaudiness and eternal topical subjects that concern life attracts those, who are searching for answers to questions about life and its meaning. While examing the chosen mythological elements in dramatic texts by Dominik Smole and Dane Zajc I wanted to get the insight in their thinking, interpretation and valuation of mythical tradition. At the same time I wanted to deepen my own knowledge about the secrets of mythological symbolism. Through research I learned about the cultural as well as the political background, which stimulated both authors that they transferred the topical problems of their time in above timeless mythical space and with it cleaned the conflict between the individual and despot from ideological-political and social characteristics and introduced it like a general human problem. Political party was namely restricting the freedom of thinking and speaking; moreover it commanded the whole cultural-political region and even the privacy of the individuals after the war. Mythical symbolism in Smole and Zajc dramas and cultural-political background, which affects the authors to intervene in the mythical world, I described objectively with the descriptive method and explained it casually with the historical method. The differences and similarities of valueting mythological tradition and its changing through the past was compared with the comparative method. My conclusion is that both Smole and Zajc do not believe in mythical truth, but at the same time they cannot deny its perfection and reality. The dramatists no longer believe in the awakening of the mythical world because of personal disappointment in the world full of war and violence and because of being disappointed in a man who creates such a life. Despite their desperation I believe that they respectively fulfill their writing intermission. They revive mythology and bring its truths to people.


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