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Title:Preiskovalni intervju z avtističnimi otroci [!] : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Imamović, Irma (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Imamovic_Irma_2017.pdf (800,18 KB)
MD5: 32F512F3FA06598BA177BBD38A521C9D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c0f43738-198e-482b-b8cd-ff8e04f0cc12
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Še vedno živimo v družbi, ki težko sprejema nekoga, ki je drugačen od ostalih, bodisi gre za drugačen stil oblačenja, način razmišljanja, versko pripadnost ali za motnje v duševnem razvoju. Družba iz strahu do neznanega in drugačnega stigmatizira takšne posameznike in jim tako onemogoči uspešno vključitev v družbo. Število oseb s posebnimi potrebami narašča, zato je pomembno, da družba spozna in sprejme takšne posameznike ter da razume njihove potrebe in jim s tem omogoči lažji razvoj in odraščanje. Spekter avtističnih motenj predstavlja novodobno motnjo v razvoju, ki se pojavi že v zgodnjem otroštvu in vključuje oteženo komunikacijo ter vstop v družbo že v prvih letih otrokovega življenja. Diagnoza avtizma se načeloma postavlja po tretjem letu starosti in predstavlja izziv tako za zdravnike kot ostale strokovnjake, saj se vsak avtističen otrok razlikuje od drugega ne glede na enako diagnozo. Razumevanje avtizma, poznavanje osnovnih simptomov ter njihovo prepoznavanje so pomembni za vsakega izmed nas, predvsem pa so pomembni za ustanove, ki se pri svojem delu pogosteje srečujejo z avtisti. Ena izmed njih je policija. Policisti so tisti, ki se bodo prvi odzvali in prišli bodisi na kraj kaznivega dejanja, opravljali intervencijo, nadzorovali večji dogodek in priskočili pomoč. Pri nas se z otroki ukvarjajo centri za socialno delo, ki z njimi opravljajo pogovore, intervjuje in jim nudijo pomoč. Ne smemo pa pozabiti dejstva, da je policist prva oseba, ki bo imela stik z otrokom oziroma v našem primeru z avtistom, in da sta od njegovega vedenja, ravnanja in pristopa odvisna varnost in dobro počutje otroka avtista. V nadaljevanju bomo zato predstavili, kako naj bi policist pristopil k otroku avtistu in mu nudil pomoč, če je ta potrebna, da bi bilo njegovo delo primerno in olajšano.
Keywords:avtizem, otroci, kazensko pravo, preiskovanje, preiskovalni intervjuji, forenzična psihologija, policija, centri za socialno delo, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Imamović]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:IV, 33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68787 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3489514 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Preiskovalni intervju z avtističnimi otroki
Abstract:We still live in a society which is unable to accept someone who is different from the rest, whether is it for a different style, way of thinking, different religion or for having a mental disorder. From the fear to the unknown a society stigmatise such individuals and disable their successful integration into society. The number of persons with intellectual disabilities is increasing every day and therefore is important that society understands and accepts such individuals and also that understands their special needs and by that their social development and growing up is enabled. Autism spectrum disorders represents modern developmental disorder that occurs in early childhood and represents extremely difficult interaction with others in the first years of child’s life. Diagnosis of autism is set in child first three years of life and represents a challenge for doctors and other professionals because each autistic child is different from another, even if they have the same diagnosis. Understanding autism, knowing the basic symptoms and recognizing them is important for each of us, and is especially important for institutions which are working with autistic persons. One of them is police, police officers are the ones who will be first to arrive at the crime scene, supervising major events and they will always be there to help. In Slovenia the investigation interviews with children are done by social workers but we must not forget that a police officer will have a first contact with a child. So therefore is important that police officers know how to communicate with autistic children and how to behave so they ensure child's safety.
Keywords:autism, investigation interview, police, centres for social work.


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