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Title:Raspad moderniteta i religija
Authors:ID Flere, Sergej (Author)
Files:.pdf Revija_za_sociologiju_1990_Flere_Raspad_moderniteta_i_religija.pdf (10,23 MB)
MD5: D2B46607B8E099AF2064FEE430645535
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/74ce59fb-8788-4c7f-b069-8d145c6e36fe
URL http://hrcak.srce.hr/155397
Work type:Article
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Religioznost se u Jugoslaviji uobičajeno promatra kao forma tradicionalne kulture i svetonazora, iako ovaj način mišljenja nije bio često uziman kao metodološka osnova u istraživanju religioznosti. U ovom radu odnos između moderniteta, kao jezgre svetonazorskih vrednosti, i religije izučava se preko intervjuiranja reprezentativnog uzorka odraslih stanovnika Vojvodine (N = 1925.). Religioznost se izučava preko tvrdnji o religioznosti dok se odnos prema modernitetu izučava preko četiri tvrdnje koje se sve odnose na jedan, ali središnji aspekt moderniteta - pozitivan stav prema društvenoj promeni i naučnim i tehnološkim inovacijama. Distribucija odgovora ove četiri tvrdnje nije, nakon provedene faktorske analize, rezultirala jednim faktorom, već širom strukturom vrednosnih orentacija i stavova. Korelacija odnosa među stanovištima prema tvrdnjama u uzorku je niska. Veza između religioznosti i stanovišta prema modernitetu je široka. Religiozni nisu statistički značajno anti-modernistički orentirani od onih koji ne-veruju. Prisutnost anti-modernizma, koju možemo nazvati tradicionalističkim stanovištem nađena je podjednako u obe ispitivane grupe (36-37%), dok je prisustvo modernističkog stanovišta bilo nešto više zastupljeno među ne-vernicima (43% u komparaciji sa 35%). Odsustvo homogenosti u modernističkom stanovištu, odsustvo veze između obrazovnog nivoa i gledišta prema modernitetu kao i odsustvo veze između religioznosti i stanovišta prema modernitetu može bili interpretirano kao upitna uverljivost moderniteta u izučavanoj populaciji općenito.
Keywords:religija, sodobnost, tradicionalizem
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:10.05.1990
Year of publishing:1990
Number of pages:str. 147-158
Numbering:Letn. 21, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68746 New window
ISSN on article:0350-154X
COBISS.SI-ID:17822978 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Revija za sociologiju
Publisher:Hrvatsko sociološko društvo
COBISS.SI-ID:2899202 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:12.10.2017

Secondary language

Title:Religion and the breakdown of modernity
Abstract:In Yugoslavia religiosity has often been regarded as a form of traditional culture and world-view, though this way of thinking has not often been taken as a method of research of religiosity. In this paper the relationship between modernity, as a core world-view value, and religiosity is studied by means of interviews carried out on a representative sample of the adult Vojvodina population (N=1925). Religiosity is studied through the declaration of religiosity whereas the stance towards modernity is studied through four statements all referring to one central aspect of modernity - the positive attitude towards social change and scientific and technological innovation. The distribution of answers to the 4 statements didn’t result in a single extracted factor, by the method of factor analysis, but in a wider structure of value orientations and attitudes. The correlation of relationships between the stance with the statements in the sample is low moderate. The connection between religiosity and the stance towards modernity is a weak one. Religionists were not significantly more anti-modernistically oriented than non-believers. The presence of an anti-modernist which can possibly be called a traditionalist stance was found to be the same in both groups 36-37%, whereas the presence of a modernist stance was found to be somewhat more prominent among the non-believers (43% in comparison to 35%). The lack of homogeneity of the modernist stances, the lack of connection between the level of education and views on modernity and the lack of connection between religiosity and stances towards modernity can be interpreted as the questioning of the plausibility of modernity in the studied population in general.
Keywords:religion, modernity, traditionalism


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