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Title:Stopnjevitost ukrepov omejevanja roditeljske pravice zaradi varovanja otrokovih koristi
Authors:ID Šibenik, Andreja (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Sibenik_Andreja_2017.pdf (251,72 KB)
MD5: 11A8A2FE4A478182360F53343CC94C13
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cca35df0-a80d-4404-b642-f659a47d9eac
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Zaradi otrokove ranljivosti in občutljivosti je potrebno še posebej skrbno varovati njegove koristi in pravice. Kadar to v primarni družinski skupnosti ni zadovoljivo doseženo, nastopijo ukrepi omejevanja roditeljske pravice, ki predstavljajo intervencijo države, katere namen je zavarovati korist otroka. S tem namenom Ustava Republike Slovenije in Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih predvidevata ukrepe, s katerimi je mogoče poseči v intimno družinsko okolje. Ti ukrepi morajo biti na podlagi Ustave Republike Slovenije urejeni stopnjevito, saj se je le na takšen način mogoče ustrezno odzvati na različne življenjske okoliščine. Načelo sorazmernosti izhaja iz mednarodnopravnih aktov, kakršna sta Evropska konvencija o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter Konvencija Združenih narodov o otrokovih pravicah, ki zavezujejo tudi Slovenijo. To načelo predvideva uporabo v prvi vrsti milejših ukrepov, s katerimi je mogoče v zadostni meri zavarovati otrokove koristi. Država si zato prizadeva pomagati družini najprej s pozitivnimi ukrepi. Kadar pa to ne prinese želenih rezultatov, sme poseči v pravice staršev in tako poskrbeti za otrokovo dobrobit. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih ne uresničuje v celoti ustavne zahteve po stopnjevitosti ureditve ukrepov omejevanja roditeljske pravice, saj predvideva le nekaj ukrepov centra za socialno delo, s katerimi se omejujejo določena upravičenja, ki izhajajo iz roditeljske pravice in, kot skrajni ukrep, popoln odvzem roditeljske pravice s strani sodišča. Ne ureja pa milejših ukrepov sodišča, s katerimi bi se hitro in učinkovito zavarovalo koristi otroka, ne da bi bila obenem staršem popolnoma odvzeta roditeljska pravica in bi posledično prišlo do dejanske ločitve otroka od družine. Tudi sodna praksa potrjuje, da zakonska pravna podlaga sodiščem in centrom za socialno delo ne omogoča izvajanja vseh potrebnih ukrepov, s katerimi bi na najboljši možen način zavarovali položaj otroka v različnih kompleksnih življenjskih okoliščinah. Odgovore na navedene pomanjkljivosti trenutne zakonodajne ureditve prinaša novi Družinski zakonik, ki preko svojih določb uvaja stopnjevitost ukrepov za zavarovanje koristi otrok. Na to kaže med drugim tudi nova določba Družinskega zakonika z naslovom 'Omejitev starševske skrbi'. Ena izmed pomembnejših sprememb, ki jih prinaša Družinski zakonik, je tudi prenos velikega dela pristojnosti s centrov za socialno delo na sodišča. Na novo uveden pojem starševske skrbi, ki nadomešča pojem roditeljske pravice, pa jasno izraža zahtevo zakonodajalca, da se skrb za otroka vedno postavi na prvo mesto.
Keywords:roditeljska pravica, starševska skrb, ukrepi za varstvo koristi otrok, načelo otrokove največje koristi, odvzem in omejitev roditeljske pravice, človekove pravice, otrokove pravice, pravica do spoštovanja družinskega življenja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Šibenik]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68246 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5452331 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2017
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Licensing start date:13.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:Staging of the measures of restricting parental rights for the protection of the child´s benefits
Abstract:Because of the child’s fragility and vulnerability, the child's interests and rights need particular care and protection. If this is not accomplished satisfactory in the primary familial community measures of restricting parental rights step into place. They represent an intervention by the state, the main purpose of which is to protect interests of the child The Slovenian Constitution and the Law on Marriage and Family Relations provide measures that allow an intervention in a private family environment. Based on the Slovenian Constitution, these measures have to be organized gradually, because this is the only way to properly react to different life situations. The principle of proportionality originates from the International legal acts, such as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Slovenia is also obligated to follow. This principle primarily provides the use of milder measures, which are able to adequately protect the child's interests. The state, therefore, helps families with positive measures, and if this kind of action does not bring wanted results, it can intervene into the parental rights and thusly take care of the child's welfare. Law on Marriage and Family Relations does not fully carry out the Constitutional requirement of the staging measure of restricting parental rights, since it provides only a few measures of the Centre for Social Work, which restricts certain powers deriving from parental right and as the last measure, the complete termination of the parental right by the court. This legislation act does not regulate milder measures in order to quickly and effectively protect the interests of the child without completely depriving the parents of their parental right and consequent separation of the child from the family. We can also find Slovenian Case-Law confirming that the Slovenian legal basis of the courts and the Centres for Social Work, does not allow them to carry out all the necessary measures that would protect the position of the child in various complex life situations. The answer to the above-mentioned shortcomings of the current regulatory regime is brought by the new Family Code, which through its provisions introduces staging measures for the protection of the interests of the children. As a novelty of the Family Code, there is also a new provision entitled 'Restriction of Parental Care'. One of the major changes introduced by the Family Code is the transfer of the large part of the Centre for Social Work jurisdiction directly to the courts. The newly introduced concept of parental care, which replaces the concept of parental rights, clearly expresses that the legislators demand to always put the child care in the first place.
Keywords:parental rights, parental care, measures to protect the child's best interests, the principle of child's best interests, deprivation and limitation of parental rights, human rights, rights of the child, the right to respect the family life.


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