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Title:Ara - analiza sodnih odločitev
Authors:ID Šilc, Luka (Author)
ID Kranjc, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Silc_Luka_2017.pdf (855,32 KB)
MD5: 8D5AE238EE8631A1E3E980D2082562B1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cf249a82-1651-4bc2-a565-170be8307250
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomsko delo nas seznani z aro skozi različne sodne odločitve slovenskih sodišč. Ara predstavlja institut utrditve pogodbenih obveznosti, realni kontrakt in delno izpolnitev obveznosti. Gre za določen znesek denarja ali določeno količino drugih nadomestnih stvari, ki ga ena stranka izroči drugi v znamenje sklenitve pogodbe. Med strankami mora biti jasno in nedvoumno dogovorjena, v nasprotnem primeru je namreč dan avans, in ne ara. Ara ni samostojen pravni posel – ena njenih glavnih značilnosti je njena akcesorna narava, kar pomeni, da je veljavnost are odvisna od veljavnosti temeljne (glavne) pogodbe. Če je ara dogovorjena, pa še ne pomeni, da lahko stranka kar odstopi od pogodbe, tako da pusti aro pri drugi stranki oziroma da vrne dvojno aro. To je možno zgolj v primeru, ko je bila ara dogovorjena kot odstopnina, to je, ko je bila pravica odstopiti od pogodbe za ceno izgubljene are s pogodbo izrecno dogovorjena. Od are (oziroma are kot odstopnine) pa je ločen pojem odstopnine (skesnine). Pri odstopnini se namreč pogodbeni stranki dogovorita, da ima bodisi ena bodisi vsaka od njiju pravico odstopiti od pogodbe, če hkrati z izjavo o odstopu dogovorjeno prepusti nasprotni stranki. Aro je možno veljavno dogovoriti tudi v zvezi s predpogodbo. Zakon tega vprašanja ne ureja, je pa stališče sodne prakse jasno. Če stranka iz predpogodbe, ki je zavezana k sklenitvi glavne pogodbe, sklenitev pogodbe odkloni, je drugi stranki zagotovljeno pravno varstvo, saj lahko s tožbenim zahtevkom zahteva sklenitev glavne pogodbe ali se posluži sankcij na podlagi dogovorjene are. Pomembnost dogovora o ari se še posebej kaže pri neizpolnitvi pogodbe, za katero je odgovorna ena izmed strank. V diplomskem delu so na podlagi sodnih odločitev prikazane in pojasnjene sankcije in katera stranka ima možnost izbire. Na kratko je tudi razloženo, kaj se zgodi v primeru delne izpolnitve obveznosti, za katero je bila dogovorjena ara. Poseben problem pa lahko predstavlja prevelika ara, ki jo lahko sodišče na zahtevo zainteresirane stranke zmanjša. V takih primerih sodišče presoja primernost višine dogovorjene are na podlagi okoliščin konkretnega primera, čeprav upošteva sodno prakso, ki narekuje, da ara naj ne bi bila višja od približno 10 % vrednosti predmeta oziroma zneska v glavni pogodbi.
Keywords:ara, avans, akcesorna narava, odstopnina, predpogodba, neizpolnitev pogodbe, sankcije, prevelika ara
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Šilc]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68143 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5472555 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.10.2017
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Licensing start date:11.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:Earnest - analysis of judicial decisions
Abstract:This diploma thesis acquaints us with earnest through some judicial decisions of Slovenian courts. Earnest represents an institute of consolidation of contractual obligations, a real contract and part performance of obligations. It is a sum of money or a net quantity of other compensatory material which one party gives to other party as a sign that the contract has been concluded. It must be clear and without any doubt between the parties that what has been agreed is earnest, otherwise what has been given counts as advance, and not earnest. Earnest is not an independent legal transaction – one of its main features is its accessory nature, which means that its validity depends on the validity of the main contract. If earnest is agreed, this does not mean that one party can withdraw from the contract just by leaving earnest to other party or by returning double the earnest. This is only possible when earnest has been given as withdrawal money. We must distinguish between earnest (or earnest as withdrawal money) and withdrawal money. Contracting parties may stipulate that one or both of them has the right to withdraw from the contract if, at the same time as declaring the withdrawal, withdrawal money is provided. Earnest can be agreed upon precontract as well. The law does not provide an answer to the question whether earnest can be agreed upon precontract but the case-law is clear here. If the party to the precontract who is bound to sign the main contract rejects the conclusion of the main contract (i.e. does not perform its obligations), then the other party can either request the conclusion of the main contract or choose between the possible sanctions based on the agreed earnest. The importance of earnest is particularly evident in the case of a non-performance of the contract for which one of the parties is responsible. On the basis of judicial decisions, in this diploma thesis there are demonstrated and explained possible sanctions and which party has an option of choosing between them. It is also briefly explained what happens in the case of part performance of obligations. A particular problem can be excessively large earnest, which can be reduced by the court at the request of the interested party. In such cases, the court assesses the appropriateness of the agreed value of earnest on the basis of circumstances of each particular case, but it also takes into account the case-law which says that earnest should not exceed 10 % of the value of the object or amount in the main contract.
Keywords:earnest, advance, accessory nature, withdrawal money, precontract, non-performance of contract, excessively large earnest


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