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Title:Mednarodna pristojnost v sporih zaradi kršitev avtorske pravice - pomen odločbe SEU v zadevi Pinckney proti KDG Mediatech
Authors:ID Brezovec, Ožbe (Author)
ID Repas, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Brezovec_Ozbe_2017.pdf (568,67 KB)
MD5: 3A5B7E46D804891DB00AAD99765813FD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ea688bd3-e11c-4760-8132-d12f6b115f5c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomska naloga se nanaša na člen 7(2) BU Ia glede mednarodne pristojnosti v sporih zaradi kršitev avtorske pravice ter analizo zadeve Pinckney. Gre za delikte v zvezi z nepogodbeno odgovornostjo po BU Ia, ki se razlagajo (evro)avtomno, torej neodvisno od morebitnih interpretacij po pravu posameznih držav članic. Tožnik ima vselej možnost po pravilu splošne pristojnosti (actor sequitor forum rei) tožiti pred sodiščem države članice, kjer ima toženec domicil, lahko pa se odloči, da bo spor sprožil tudi po pravilih posebne pristojnosti, ki so za delikte in kvazidelikte določene v členu 7(2) BU Ia in sicer, kjer je prišlo ali lahko pride do škodnega dogodka. Odločba SEU v zadevi Pinckney ki močno poseže v temeljno načelo interpretacije BU Ia o restriktivni razlagi izjem od splošne pristojnosti. SEU je v zadevi Pinckney kot zadosten kriterij za določitev mednarodne pristojnosti določilo dostopnost spletne strani. S tako odločitvijo je odstopilo od sodne prakse SEU. Prav tako je odločilo, da je mednarodno pristojnost mogoče utemeljiti na podlagi škodne posledice, ki jo je storila tretja oseba, ki je domnevno ravnala skupaj s toženo stranko, kar je v nasprotju z odločbo SEU v zadevi Melzer. Zavrnilo je tudi test neposredne dejavnosti kot kriterij vzpostavljen iz zadev Pammer in Hotel Alpenhof, po katerem bi morali usmerjati dejavnost v določeno državo članico, da bi lahko pred njenim sodiščem sprožil spor. Sam kriterij dostopnosti spletne strani ogroža razširitev forum shoppinga, saj se dejansko spor lahko sproži v katerikoli državi članici, kjer je mogoče dostopati na dotično spletno stran.
Keywords:Pinckney, Shevill, Pez Hejduk, Bruseljska uredba Ia, avtorska pravica, forum shopping, kraj škodljive posledice
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[O. Brezovec]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68017 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5451819 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2017
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Licensing start date:06.09.2017

Secondary language

Title:International Jursidiction in Disputes of Infringement of the Authors Right - Effect of the ECJ ruling regarding Pinckney v. KDG Mediatech
Abstract:Graduation thesis relates to Article 7 (2) BU Ia regarding international jurisdiction in disputes relating copyright infringement and the analysis of the Pinckney case. Delicts are non-contractual liability under BU Ia, which are interpreted (euro)autonomously, i.e. independently of possible interpretations under the law of individual Member States. The plaintiff always has the opportunity to sue in the courts of the Member State where the defendant is domiciled due to the actor sequitor forum rei principle, but he may decide to bring the dispute under the rules of special jurisdiction set out in Article 7(2) BU Ia for tort and quasi-delicts, where the harmful event occurred or may occur. The purpose is to monitor the impact of the Pinckney case on the SEU, which greatly interferes with the fundamental principle of the BU Ia interpretation of the restrictive interpretation of exceptions to general jurisdiction. In the Pinckney case, the SEU has set a sufficient criterion for determining international jurisdiction, as the mere accessibility of a website, which deviates from the case-law, and even that international jurisdiction can be justified on the basis of the damage caused by a third party allegedly acting jointly with the defendant, which is in contrast to the Melzer case. It also rejected the direct activity test and the criterion established by the Pammer and Hotel Alpenhof cases, according to which they should direct the activity to a particular Member State in order to initiate a dispute in its court. The criterion of the website's accessibility is jeopardized by the expansion of the forum shopping, as the actual dispute can be triggered in any Member State where it is possible to access the website.
Keywords:case Pinckney, case Shevill, case Pez Hejduk, Brussels Ia Regulations, copyright, forum shopping, place where the harmful event occurred


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