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Title:Vpliv različnih podlag na kompatibilnost in pridelek pri sorti 'Laški rizling'
Authors:ID Herga, Barbara (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Borut (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Herga_Barbara_2017.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 909C1579EE2D685F16D79D08B24E2B49
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d70bcd88-095d-4de2-b777-d739f0a26da1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V poskusu, katerega smo en del izvajali v letu 2011 v lončkih pri Trsničarstvu Herga, drugi del pa v letu 2014 v vinogradih Radgonskih goric d.d., smo ugotavljali vpliv različnih podlag ('Kober 5BB', 'SO4', 'SO4 kl. 31', 'Binova', 'M V', 'M VI', '8BČ', 'Börner', 'G103', 'G203', 'G216', 'G251'; '5C') na kompatibilnost in pridelek pri sorti 'Laški rizling'. V lončnem poskusu smo spremljali dinamiko rasti mladik, maso suhe snovi rozg, korenin in podlag ter merili intenzivnost zelene barve listov. Dolžina mladik je bila največja pri podlagi 'Kober 5BB'. V masi suhe snovi rozg in korenin ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik. Masa suhe snovi podlag je bila večja pri podlagi 'Kober 5BB' v primerjavi z vsemi podlagami, razen s podlago 'G103' (p=0,05). Podlaga 'G203' je imela največje vrednosti pri merjenju intenzivnosti barve listov. V poskusu v vinogradu je podlaga '5C' imela največjo maso grozdja in število grozdov na trs, največji odstotek trsov s pridelkom na šparonu, največji povprečni pridelek na m², največjo maso 100 jagod in skupaj z 'M V' tudi največjo vsebnost skupnih titracijskih kislin. Podlaga 'G216' je imela največ propadlih trsov, največjo maso grozda in največjo maso enoletnega lesa. Podlaga 'G103' je imela najmanjšo maso grozda in najmanjšo maso in število grozdov na trs. Največji Ravaz indeks je bil pri podlagi 'G251'(19), najmanjši pa pri podlagi '8BČ' (10,3). Najmanjša vsebnost sladkorja v moštu je bila pri podlagi 'G251', največja pa pri '8BČ'.
Keywords:vinska trta, podlage, 'Laški rizling', kompatibilnost, pridelek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67855 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.09.2017
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Licensing start date:31.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:The Impact of Different Rootstocks on the Compatibility and Yield of the 'Welschriesling' Wine Variety
Abstract:Over the course of the experiment, part of the plants were grown in pots at Trsničarstvo Herga in the year 2011, and part of them in the vineyards of Radgonske gorice d.d. in 2014, and the impact of different rootstocks on the growth of the plants was examined. The compatibility and yield of the 'Welschriesling' variety with various rootstocks ('Kober 5BB', 'SO4', 'SO4 kl.31', 'Binova', 'M V', 'M VI', '8BČ', 'Börner', 'G103', 'G203', 'G216', 'G251'; '5C') were being examined. In the pot experiment, the dynamics of the shoot growth was under observation. Also, the mass of the dry weight of vine shoots, roots and rootstocks was measured and the intensity of the leaf colour was monitored. The maximum length of the shoots was identified on the 'Kober 5BB' rootstock. There were no statistically significant differences in the mass of the dry of shoots and roots. The dry weight of rootstock-trunk of the 'Kober 5BB' rootstock was significant higher in comparison to all the other rootstocks, except for the 'G103' rootstock (p=0.05). The 'G203' rootstock displayed the most intense leaf colour. The '5C' rootstock showed the best results in terms of grape mass and the number of clusters per vine, the highest percentage of vine with the yield on the spur and highest yield per m², and mass per 100 berries. Together with 'M V', the highest content of total acidity was also measured in the '5C' rootstock. Furthermore, the 'G216' rootstock had the largest quantity of fallen vines, the highest weight of cluster and pruning weight. The 'G103' rootstock showed the lowest weight per cluster, and yield and number of clusters per vine. The Ravaz index was highest on the ‘G251’ (19.03) rootstock and the lowest on the '8BČ' (10.32) rootstock. The lowest content of sugar in the grape juice was in the 'G251' rootstock and the highest in the '8BČ' rootstock.
Keywords:grapevine, rootstock, 'Welschriesling', compatibility, yield


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