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Title:Vpliv direktiv o potrošnikih na uporabo Rimske uredbe I
Authors:ID Marjanović, Gregor (Author)
ID Repas, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Marjanovic_Gregor_2017.pdf (1,04 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d9652eb9-1866-4b6e-a4c6-31a6f39f3f3f
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomskem delu predstavljam varstvo potrošnika, kot pogodbeno šibkejše stranke vis a vi podjetniku oziroma trgovcu, v okviru pravil mednarodnega zasebnega prava oziroma vprašanja merodajnega prava v potrošniških sporih z mednarodnim elementom. Zaradi varstva potrošnika kot pogodbeno šibkejše stranke in cilja vzpostavitve celovitega sistema varstva le teh, je bilo sprejetih več direktiv, ki poleg materialnih pravil vsebujejo tudi kolizijske norme. V ospredju obravnave je razvoj potrošniškega varstva v EU, analiza člena 6 Rim I, kot osrednjega instrumenta za določitev relevantnega prava v potrošniških sporih z mednarodnim elementom in kritična presoja pravne ureditve, po kateri potrošniške direktive izključujejo uporabo člena 6 Rim I o potrošniških pogodbah v smislu člena 23 Rim I, ki določa, da ta uredba ne posega v druge akte EU, ki vsebujejo kolizijska pravila za pogodbena obligacijska razmerja. Izključenost je zaradi vsebinske in nomotehnične neskladnosti določb o uporabi prava v potrošniških direktivah neprimerna in posledično povzroča dodatne težave pri določitvi merodajnega prava v potrošniških sporih z mednarodnim elementom. V ta namen so podrobneje analizirane potrošniške direktive, z namenom prikazati njihov praktični pomen in vpliv na določitev prava in utemeljiti neprimernost ureditve v Rim I. Posebej je izpostavljena Direktiva 2011/83/EU o pravicah potrošnikov, predvsem z vidika njene delne odprave vsebinske neskladnosti in njenim poskusom ureditve razmerja med Rim I in ostalimi instrumenti EU.
Keywords:varstvo potrošnika, mednarodno zasebno pravo, kolizijsko pravo, člen 6 Rimske uredbe I, potrošniške direktive
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[G. Marjanović]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67650 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5445419 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.09.2017
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Licensing start date:25.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:Effect of consumer directives on the application of Rome I Regulation
Abstract:This thesis introduces consumer protection, regarding to consumers as a weaker party in terms of private international law, more thoroughly on law applicability in case of international legal dispute. In the EU the main instrument to determine which law is relevant and applicable to a contract is Regulation No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (hereinafter Rome I), more precisely Article 6 of Rome I, which lays down specific conflict of law rules for consumer contracts. In order to establish a comprehensive consumer protection system, several directives have been adopted which, in addition to the rules of contract law, also contain rules concerning conflict of law provisions. Directives are analyzed in greater detail in order to pose their significance and influence on the Rome I and to justify the inadequacy of the regulation, which determines the primacy of conflict rules in other EU instruments. Thread of my dissertation concerns the rule of law under which consumer directives preclude over Article 6 Rome I on consumer contracts within the Article 23 of the Regulation. The substance and the nomotechnical inconsistency of the conflict provisions in consumer directives are inappropriate and consequently creates additional difficulties in determining the applicable law in consumer disputes with an international element. I will highlight Consumer Rights Directive (CRD), predominantly its point of remedying the contentual unsuitabilities with the so called maximal harmonization approach and its attempts to regulate the relationship between Rome I and other EU instruments, which, in individual cases, give rise to additional grey areas in the consumer acquis.
Keywords:consumer protection, international private law, law applicability, article 6 Rome I Regulation, conflict rules, consumer acquis


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