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Title:Vpliv dodatka nenasičenih maščobnih kislin na učinkovitost aerobne fermentacije
Authors:ID Kovačec, Laura (Author)
ID Goršek, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pečar, Darja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kovacec_Laura_2017.pdf (1,88 MB)
MD5: E14E5C4A2FBD667A56E3CD4E1D8591A9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d000a8f6-1665-4246-bd1a-c7f4521d16ce
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Z raziskavami v sklopu diplomskega dela smo ugotavljali vpliv dodatka nenasičenih maščobnih kislin na učinkovitost aerobne fermentacije. Fermentacija sladkorjev s kvasovkami poteka ob prisotnosti kisika. Preučevali smo možnost nadomestitve prepihovanja s kisikom z dodatkom olivnega olja. Kvasovke potrebujejo kisik za tvorjenje nenasičenih maščobnih kislin, ki so potrebne za obnavljanje celičnih membran. Olivno olje pa je bogat vir nenasičenih maščobnih kislin. Eksperimente smo izvajali tako, da smo raztopino glukoze, kateri so bile dodane kvasovke, prepihovali z različnimi pretoki zraka ter dodatki različnih količin olivnega olja. Za ugotavljanje učinkovitosti fermentacije smo uporabili dve metodi: določanje števila kvasovk z Neubauerjevo metodo in določanje koncentracije glukoze z UV/VIS spektrofotometrijo. Da bi ugotovili delež mrtvih kvasovk in delež povečanja skupnega števila kvasovk med fermentacijo, smo število kvasovk določali pred in po končani fermentaciji. Za spremljanje presnove smo med fermentacijo jemali vzorce in določili koncentracijo glukoze. Poskušali smo najti povezavo med količino dodanega olja in učinkovitostjo fermentacije ter deležem mrtvih celic kvasovk. Rezultati kažejo, da je bila naša predpostavka pravilna. Kisik lahko nadomestimo z dodatkom olivnega olja. Presnova je bila v primeru dodatka olivnega olja visoka in delež mrtvih kvasovk je bil podoben, kot pri fermentaciji z dovajanjem kisika. Ni pa nam uspelo najti povezave med količino dodanega olja in učinkovitostjo fermentacije.
Keywords:fermentacija, olivno olje, kvasovke, glukoza, kisik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Kovačec]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67554 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21044502 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.09.2017
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:23.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:The influence of addition of unsaturated fatty acids on aerobic fermentation efficiency
Abstract:In the degree paper, the research focuses on an additive influence of unsaturated fatty acids on the effectiveness of aerobic fermentation. Sugar fermentation with yeasts is carried out in the presence of oxygen. We have taken into the study the possibility of replacing oxygen blasting with the addition of olive oil. Yeasts need oxygen to form unsaturated fatty acids which are necessary for the restoration of cell membranes; however, olive oil is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids. We performed the experiments by blasting the glucose solution, to which yeasts were added, with various air flows and additives of different amounts of olive oil. Two methods were used to determine the fermentation efficiency: determination of the number of yeasts with the Neubauer’s method and determination of the glucose concentration with UV/VIS spectrophotometry. In order to determine the proportion of dead yeasts and the proportion of the increase in the total number of yeasts during fermentation, the number of yeasts was determined before and after fermentation. To monitor the metabolism, we simultaneously took samples during fermentation and determined concentration of glucose. We tried to find a link between the amount of added oil, the fermentation efficiency and the proportion of dead yeast cells. The results show that our assumption was correct. The oxygen can be replaced by the addition of olive oil. In the case of olive oil supplements, the metabolism was high and the proportion of dead yeasts was similar to fermentation with oxygen supply. However, we did not manage to find a link between the amount of added oil and the fermentation efficiency.
Keywords:fermentation, olive oil, yeasts, glucose, oxygen


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