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Title:Raba jezikovnih priročnikov pri pouku slovenščine v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole
Authors:ID Hameršak, Lucija (Author)
ID Ulčnik, Natalija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hamersak_Lucija_2017.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: 3AC9598625C94683D8E466CE3D15D8EF
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/93999f42-4b78-4fdc-bd3f-2b543c4b5ac7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu na podlagi izbranega učbeniškega gradiva preverjam rabo jezikovnih priročnikov pri pouku slovenščine v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole in se pri tem osredotočam na zastopanost nalog v gradivu za jezikovni in književni pouk. V teoretičnem delu se sprva ukvarjam z opredelitvijo jezikovne norme in normativistike ter predstavitvijo temeljnih normativnih jezikovnih priročnikov. Sledi pregled ciljev v učnem načrtu za slovenščino, ki so vezani na rabo jezikovnih priročnikov. Podani so tudi izsledki raziskav, ki so bile opravljene na področju rabe slovarskih normativnih priročnikov v šolah, in možnosti rabe jezikovnih priročnikov Razvezani jezik ter Kratkoslovnica, ki sta namenjena osnovnošolcem in osnovnošolkam, ter portala Fran. V empiričnem delu so iz izbranega učbeniškega gradiva izpisane in analizirane naloge, ki se (ne)posredno navezujejo na rabo jezikovnih priročnikov. Ugotovljeno je, da se tovrstne naloge pojavljajo tako v učbeniškem gradivu za jezikovni kot tudi književni pouk. Več nalog, ki se na rabo jezikovnih priročnikov navezujejo neposredno, je pri jezikovnem pouku, pri književnem pouku pa je več nalog takih, ki se na rabo priročnikov navezujejo posredno. Največ nalog je vezanih na rabo Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika, drugi priročniki pa so zastopani v manjši meri. Na podlagi ugotovljenega izpostavljam, da bi bilo treba v učbeniškem gradivu v večji meri spodbujati tudi rabo portala Fran in posameznih jezikovnih priročnikov, na primer Slovenskega pravopisa, Slovarja slovenskih frazemov, Velikega slovarja tujk in terminoloških slovarjev.
Keywords:jezikovni priročniki, norma, normativistika, portal Fran, učni načrt, učbeniško gradivo, slovenščina
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Hameršak]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67524 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23345416 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The use of language manuals for teaching slovene in the third triennium
Abstract:In the master's thesis, based on the selected textbooks, I check the use of linguistic manuals in Slovenian language classes in the last trillenium of elementary school and specifically focus on the representation of textbook tasks for language and literary classes. In the theoretical part, I firstly research the definition of the linguistic norm and normativism and also mention the basic normative linguistic manuals. Following is the overview of Slovenian language curriculum teaching objectives, which are related to the use of linguistic manuals. Moreover, I mention researches and their results, which have been conducted on the topic of the use of dictionary normative manuals in schools. Lastly, I present options of ways of using two language manuals, Razvezani jezik and Kratkoslovnica, which are intended for elementary pupils as well as for the Fran portal in elementary school. The empirical part consists of gathered and analyzed tasks, which are directly or indirectly related to the use of linguistic manuals. It has been found that such tasks appear in textbooks for language classes and also for literary lessons. Language classes contain more tasks, which are directly related to the use of linguistic manuals than literary classes, where the number of indirectly related tasks is higher. Most of the tasks are related to the use of Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, whereas other manuals are presented in a lesser extent. Based on the aforementioned results I conclude that also the use of the portal Fran and individual language manuals, such as Slovenski pravopis, Slovar slovenskih frazemov, Velik slovar tujk and other terminological dictionaries, should be promoted in a larger manner in the textbook material.
Keywords:language manuals, norm, normativism, Fran portal, curriculum, textbook material, Slovenian class


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